Ruins of the past

Chapter 810 Turn over

As Ji Haoran slashed out with his sword, the Gang Qi surged and changed, and the temperature dropped for miles around, bringing with it bursts of frost.

Six swords of light converged into one, soared into the sky, tearing the sky apart, like a sword of light that was about to cut off the heaven and earth, and fell directly towards King Yinglong.

There was darkness between heaven and earth, and all the light seemed to be concentrated on Ji Haoran and King Yinglong in front of him.

Although Ji Haoran could not fully understand the Heavenly Emperor's Sword of All Beings wielded by the Heavenly Saint Emperor, he was able to imitate some of the essence with the help of the power of the six divine swords.

At this moment, the six-fold sword light fell with his sword finger, and the atmosphere roared and boiled.

The power that could destroy the heaven and earth has been slashed all the way to King Yinglong with the light of the sword.

Before the light of the sword arrived, the ground beneath Ying Long King suddenly shattered and turned into a large crater after several consecutive explosions.

When Ying Longwang saw this scene, his eyes became solemn. He opened his mouth and spat out, and black and yellow air currents rose into the sky, turning into an overwhelming cyclone and blocking his face.

Among the yellow cyclones, a huge shadow emerged.

The cultivation method of Huangtian Dao's "Human Book" line has always been pursuing communication, help, and praying for the power of Huangtian God.

After completing the "Earth Explanation" and entering the realm of manifesting the gods, King Yinglong could arrange rituals every day and perform a prayer and summons to the world of Emperor Heaven, in order to obtain the mantras given by Emperor Heaven.

This kind of mantra cannot be spread by any intelligent life. Only those given by Emperor Heaven can use the mantra to exert the power of Emperor Heaven.

As for what kind of mantra he can get in response, it depends on his piety, the state of the Gang Qi layer, the position of the stars and other factors.

But this kind of thing that originally depended on luck no longer depends on luck after 'Shi' communicated with the Dragon Clan, found a lot of Taoist materials for him, and imparted a lot of knowledge to him, and King Yinglong understood some rules.

Under the guidance of Taiyuan Dragon Emperor, he was able to understand some changes in luck and find opportunities for the Gang Qi layer to become weaker.

At this moment, following his call, a dragon scale emerged from the void in the yellow cyclone.

Although there was only one, it was so huge that it blocked King Yinglong like a city wall. It was hard to imagine how huge the dragon that this dragon scale originally belonged to would be.

Immediately afterwards, countless dense dragon scale patterns emerged in the air, completely surrounding Ying Long King.

Then came the second, third... a total of twelve dragon scales turned into twelve city walls, completely protecting King Ying Long.

At the same time, the sword light slashed down like destroying the heaven and earth.

The ground was instantly torn open with deep sword marks.

The entire Dragon Snake Mountain seemed to be shaking violently.

The destructive sword light tore the first layer of dragon scales, then the second layer, the third layer... The twelve layers of dragon scales were instantly shattered, and King Yinglong also screamed in agony, and was killed in the sword light. Torn scales, flesh, and bones.

At the same time, various natural disasters of fire, storm, and ice exploded violently within a hundred meters, turning all matter into dust.

"it's over……"

Ji Haoran breathed out slightly when he saw this scene, but he always felt that it was all too easy.

At this moment, there was a roar and a loud roar in the atmosphere.

Big black and yellow hands suddenly erupted a few meters around him, hitting his body from all directions.

At the same time, thunder fell from the sky and penetrated his body at this moment.

But just after Xuanhuang's big hand was torn apart, the Xuanhuang airflow that spread everywhere suddenly started to churn.

Two giant dragons suddenly emerged from it, standing on either side of Ji Haoran, one on the left and one on the right. They were the Mirage Dragon King and Yinglong King.

In fact, the Mirage Dragon King used the cover of the black and yellow airflow that had just burst to directly fill the scene with his own mirage, thus creating the illusion that Yinglong King was beheaded.

And under the cover of the illusion, he and King Yinglong surrounded and killed Ji Haoran.

Obviously, King Ying Long just now spent some time talking to Ji Haoran in order to cooperate with the Mirage Dragon King in deploying the mirage.

The Mirage Dragon King sneered: "Haha, your two fellow Martial Gods have been killed."

"It's your turn next."

Suddenly, the two dragon kings accompanied by numerous phantoms attacked the injured Ji Haoran. In an instant, they completely suppressed the descendant of Daxia and beat him to a dangerous situation.

But at this moment, Long Snake Mountain was seen shaking violently again, and a large number of mountain walls began to collapse and crack.

The dragon tree rising into the sky actually started to move slowly.

Seeing this scene, the Mirage Dragon King sighed: "The Dragon Emperor is about to take action, and everything is over."

As Nagarjuna flipped his body, surging power burst out from the mountain.

Earthquakes and landslides swept across the area, affecting a radius of hundreds of miles. Even the terrain of the entire Dragon Snake Mountain Range would undergo astonishing changes.

Seeing this scene that was truly like a disaster to heaven and earth, Ji Haoran couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In the face of this earth-shattering change, his Heavenly Emperor Sword just now seemed so worthless.

Of course, this is not because the Heavenly Emperor's Sword of All Beings is not as good as the opponent, but because the strength gap between the two sides is too great.

Ji Haoran suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart: 'To reach the realm of sage... the demon race has finally taken this step before the human race. Is it because the demon race beats the human race? ’

At the same time, Huang Huangpeng's laughter suddenly came from the Mirage Dragon King.

Ji Haoran turned around and saw the faces of the Golden Peng and the Cloud Dragon King emerging from the Mirage Dragon King's chest.

It was under the influence of 'Dragon Food Ensheng' that part of the human and dragon's consciousness and power were retained in the Mirage Dragon King's body to help him fight.

The thunder that just struck Ji Haoran was caused by this person and one dragon.

Under Ji Haoran's gaze, Huang Huangpeng murmured: "The Thousands of Years of Celestial Master Sect has been destroyed today."

"But for the safety of everyone, the Tianshi Sect is indispensable."

He seemed to recall the scene a few months ago... when he tried to persuade Huang Daoxu to join the Dragon Clan and use the power of the God of Heaven to protect the human race. However, he was severely refuted by the other party and imprisoned again.

Ji Haoran followed the other person's gaze and saw the mountain suddenly torn apart and turning into a huge ravine at the bottom of the Tianshi Sect's general altar in the distance.

At the same time, the rock walls on the top of the mountain collapsed, and large tracts of the mountain were like tsunamis, blasting towards the direction of Zixiao Palace with the force of landslides and ground cracks.

In a matter of moments, the Tianshijiao General Altar will be completely destroyed by this landslide.

But at this moment, something flashing with intense light suddenly rushed out from the Tianshi Sect's main altar, and then stopped in mid-air.

It seemed to be a person, and the other person suddenly grabbed him downwards.

Then Ji Haoran, King Yinglong, King Mirage, Huang Huangpeng, and King Yunlong looked at him in slight astonishment.

The entire Tianshijiao General Forum made a loud roar.

Amidst the loud noise like the sky collapsing and the earth shattering, the large mountainous area occupied by the Tianshi Sect General Altar was suddenly captured and lifted up in mid-air by the figure.

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