Ruins of the past

Chapter 809 The battle between humans and demons

Ji Haoran carried six sword rays of wind, cloud, sea, water, ice, and sun back and forth all over his body, causing the wind to roar and water vapor to billow for miles around, mixed with extreme changes in heat and cold, and turbulent winds.

Suddenly, various natural disasters such as hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, hail, and flames took turns taking place, turning the entire world into a doomsday scene.

In this doomsday scene, the colorful wings behind King Yinglong spread out high, and black-yellow vortexes emerged, sucking in all the natural disasters that came and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, huge palms emerged from the black and yellow vortex from time to time, rushing towards Ji Haoran like a mountain, and every blow carried huge power that was hard to stop.

Every time Ji Haoran used the sword light to tear the giant palm apart, even though it exploded into yellow mist that filled the sky and dispersed, he could still feel a strong backlash.

During each attack and defense, he felt that the operation of Taoism in his body was beginning to become slightly sluggish, and he seemed to vaguely hear someone reciting the scriptures of Huangtian Dao in his mind.

‘This dragon’s Emperor’s Taoist skills are unfathomable. Even under my successive attacks with the Great Xia Divine Sword, he was still able to defend without leakage. ’

‘The big black and yellow hand is also weird. It carries the weirdness of the Emperor Heavenly Evil God during the bombardment. I am afraid it has the ability to confuse people’s minds and spread faith. ’

'Look at him again...'

Ji Haoran's eyes swept across the pair of colorful wings behind the other party, and thought to himself:

‘This dragon is probably King Ying Long, who has actually been in charge of the East China Sea Dragon Clan these years. ’

Thinking of this, a burst of fire surged inside and outside Ji Haoran's body, and wisps of flames mixed with strong winds and torrents rose into the sky, turning into a tornado that connected the sky and the earth.

'I have tried all the common tricks... and the conclusion is that it is difficult to hurt him. ’

‘I have to use the Heavenly Emperor’s Sword of All Living Beings that I have learned...’

Ji Haoran understood very well that King Yinglong in front of him was the strongest person in the East China Sea Dragon Clan besides Taiyuan Dragon Emperor.

The other party has been in charge of the affairs of the dragon clan for many years, dominates the East China Sea, and is powerful in all directions. He is the top strongman of the demon clan.

It has always been King Yinglong who has been facing off against Huang Daoxu at sea. Although he is always at a slight disadvantage, it is enough to show how powerful the opponent is.

However, this was not his usual practice, or maybe Chu Qiguang was willing to let him use his skills freely.

It was impossible for Ji Haoran to stop his offensive and immediately start charging up powerful moves like the Heavenly Emperor Sword.

And his cultivation and state do not allow him to use that move at will.

So Ji Haoran began to slow down his offensive, secretly accumulating strength and preparing a unique move.

Just when he slowed down his offensive, King Yinglong seemed to notice this immediately and said calmly: "If you don't hurry up, your two companions may be sacrificed."

Ji Haoran said coldly: "If you don't hurry up, Chu Qiguang might have succeeded."

After saying that, he slashed out with his sword, and the fiery sword light swept towards King Yinglong.

King Yinglong smiled, and the black and yellow air currents absorbed the sword light, and he continued: "As the best descendant of Daxia in the past two hundred years, you should understand the power of the Emperor and God. Your resistance will eventually fail, why don't you try How about complying?"

Ji Haoran said: "Since you think you are sure of victory, why don't you lie down under the East Sea and wait for the Gang Qi layer to break open one day and let the outer gods come to rescue you?"

King Yinglong seemed to be really interested in communicating and replied seriously: "Of course it's because of Mo Ran."

"As one of the strongest humans, you should have felt it, right?"

"Ever since the great devil dye, the devil dye in this world has been growing continuously, and it has been growing faster and faster in recent years."

"Your human race's ability to resist demonic stains is weaker than ours. This is also a major reason why your strength has declined more seriously."

"Only God, the Emperor of Heaven, can save us from the evil stain."

"On the contrary, your desperate resistance is meaningless. It will only delay the arrival of the emperor, and ultimately cause more deaths to the human race, and even lead to the annihilation of the entire clan."

Ji Haoran snorted coldly and said: "Three hundred years ago, the dragon clan brought trouble to the Central Plains. How many people died?"

"Leave the fate of the ethnic group and the country to foreigners like you? Why?"

"If all human beings become your food and slaves, it would be worse than the destruction of the country and the extinction of the species."

King Ying Long sighed and said: "Oh, it's this kind of narrow racial sentiment again. Why is it that the dragon race and the human race are everywhere with thoughts like yours?"

Ji Haoran sneered: "Birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. It's difficult for people in the same group to trust each other, let alone beings of different races?"

King Yinglong said seriously: "You are wrong. The problem is with your human race."

"Have you ever wondered why so many races in the world are roughly divided into humans and demons by you humans? Even our dragon clan is simply classified as one of the demon clans by you."

Hearing these words, Ji Haoran was slightly startled. He did not answer, but just tried hard to accumulate sword power.

King Yinglong didn't seem to care whether he answered or not, but the black and yellow aura around him was surging, turning into countless scenes of human-monster fighting and killing.

"You humans are too arrogant."

"In the past, you were just one of the many ethnic groups in the world."

"But you arrogant people want to put the human race above all ethnic groups in the world, and expel, kill, and enslave all non-human races."

"The fight between humans and monsters was initiated by you."

The six-fold sword light behind Ji Haoran stared more and more, and the various storms, hail and other natural disasters in the world gradually subsided, just like the calm before the storm.

Just listen to his voice coming from the sky, like the whistling of cold wind: "The demon tribe feeds on the human race, so our ancestors will naturally resist."

"Why?" King Yinglong sighed: "Rates are eaten by cats, rabbits are eaten by wolves, antelopes and elk are destined to be hunted from birth..."

"All creatures in this world have different statuses and classes from the moment they are born."

"Some of them are born to be eaten, some are born to be hunters, some can live for hundreds or thousands of years, and some can't even live for a day...

"Injustice, difference, class, this is the way of heaven, and the whole world operates on this."

"Why do you humans... just want to be different?"

"Have you ever thought that the current so-called status and country of the human race, this kind of culture that puts racial thoughts above the laws of nature, is going against nature?"

Ji Haoran frowned and said coldly: "Then have you ever thought about it, since humans have been doing this for thousands of years?"

"Then Nitian itself is part of the movement of heaven."

"The movement of heaven and natural evolution are all reversible and changeable."

"The Tao of Immortality and the Tao of Humanity are one in appearance and inside."

"Otherwise, how can we practice Taoism and become immortals?"

After saying that, Ji Haoran slashed out with his sword, and the Heavenly Emperor's Sword of All Living Beings, which had been charged for a long time, exploded, turning into a dazzling sword light and slashing at King Yinglong.

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