Ruins of the past

Chapter 808 Join forces

In the Zixiao Palace on the other side.

Hao Xiangtong blinked happily when she saw Chu Qiguang, but she knew that time was running out now and it was not a time to reminisce about old times, so she didn't speak.

When Fu Nanzi heard what Huang Daoxu said, he was shocked and said hesitantly: "Brother, Da Luo Immortal Medicine is an elixir that can only be used by the leaders of the past generations. What's more, it requires extremely devout faith to guide the medicine. Chu Qi Just him..."

Fu Nanzi thought about the last time Chu Qiguang made a big fuss in Dragon Snake Mountain. He didn't know how many statues and temples he destroyed, and he couldn't help but look pious.

But at this moment, the enhancement of the formation swept across everyone present, and every strong human being was weakened again.

Chu Qiguang also lost another magical transformation.

He thought to himself: 'It is the body of a god that enhances endurance, physical strength and self-healing's okay. ’

Feeling this, a trace of anxiety flashed in Huang Daoxu's eyes. He gritted his teeth slightly and said, "This is the order of the Taoist Master. You don't understand..."

"Chu Qiguang is very pious. I will join forces with him to fight against the enemy soon."

"You have to trust Taoist Master and give Chu Qiguang the Daluo Immortal Medicine."

"I'll come and bless him personally."

After saying that, Huang Daoxu's right fingertips passed through the air, and he saw invisible talismans forming in the air, and then suddenly fell on Chu Qiguang's body.

The golden armor talisman, the divine descending talisman, the Tiangang talisman... each talisman flashed over Chu Qiguang's body, protecting his body and strengthening his muscles, bones, and internal organs.

Among them are Taoist-level talisman papers, and even divine-level talisman papers that only Huang Daoxu can cast. He is the only one in the world who has the Celestial Master's Seal, who can draw talismans in the air to give blessings so easily without preparing materials. .

In addition, there were also magic vessels that showed the divine realm pouring out of Huang Daoxu's body and blessing Chu Qiguang's body.

The indestructible talisman once again enhanced his physique and defense.

The two talismans of moving mountains and overturning seas worked at the same time, which greatly increased his muscle strength.

The Danxia magic pottery penetrates all the blood vessels in the body and will enhance the effect of the elixir taught by the Heavenly Master on him.

The Guang Tian Magic Rui flashed in his eyes, causing his vision to increase rapidly, and he could even clearly see scenes thousands of meters away.

The heavenly talismans flashed across his chest, turning into warm currents that blessed all the talismans, enhancing the effects of all the talismans...

As each talisman came into effect, Chu Qiguang felt his combat power increase rapidly, and the surging power continued to surge in his body, like a volcano about to erupt.

During this increase in combat power, something unexpected happened to Chu Qiguang.

Under the influence of the dragon's eye power, he can see the time it takes for him to practice various martial arts and Taoist techniques.

But at this moment, he could see that the practice of the Holy Dharma "Vajra Phases" that he had been practicing so hard was reducing his training time.

1021 days, 13 hours, 22 minutes and 45 seconds...

1019 days, 6 hours, 55 minutes and 32 seconds...

It didn't stop until 782 days, 18 hours, 33 minutes and 38 seconds.

At the same time, Fu Nanzi took out a jade box with some struggle. After opening the box, he could see something crystal clear like a gem, emitting colorful light.

Chu Qiguang had just listened to Fu Nanzi's introduction and thought that he had no faith and that taking this so-called Daluo elixir was indeed a waste.

Just when he wanted to shirk it, the seeker's eyes had already glanced at the elixir.

"Daluo elixir."

"The unique elixir taught by the Heavenly Master."

"After taking it, you can communicate with the power of Taoist Xuanyuan."

"It was originally the highest masterpiece used by the Celestial Master Sect to influence non-believers."

"But I don't know when it started, and it became the special elixir of the past sect leaders."

"Since then, Daluo Immortal Medicine has no longer flowed out of the Tianshi Sect."

Seeing this introduction in the seeker's eyes, Chu Qiguang was slightly startled, but he didn't say anything, he just took the Daluo elixir and took it.


The next moment, Chu Qiguang's eyes bloomed with divine light.

Some kind of indescribable existence came into his body at this moment, and countless knowledge and power poured out of his body.

The Ring of Foolishness on his chest was intensely hot, like boiling water, emitting a strong desire for knowledge, constantly devouring this knowledge, turning it into gifts and pouring into the Ring of Foolishness.

And the power that was already surging like a volcano exploded like a tsunami at this moment.

His muscles trembled slightly, and the atmosphere around him was suddenly blown away, creating a hurricane.

But this was not the end yet. With Huang Daoxu's adaptation, Fu Nanzi took out the pills he had newly cultivated for the realm of manifesting the spirit.

He quickly introduced: "This is the Dragon Elephant Qi Strengthening Pill, which can repair and transform the blood vessels and heart of the Zhoutian, and permanently enhance the power of Qi and blood."

"This is the Tianlong Marrow Cleansing Pill, which can cleanse the flesh and blood particles all over the body and greatly increase the strength of the physical body..."

"There is also the Nine Transformation Ziyang Pill. After taking it, it can naturally draw out the power of spiritual veins for blessing, and enhance the power of Taoism..."

In addition to these permanent enhancement pills, there are also pills that temporarily enhance the physical body.

"Galaxy Blast Qi Pills can temporarily increase muscles, qi and blood, and gain overwhelming power..."

"Nine Heavens Thunder Pill, I temper it with the Nine Heavens Thunder under the Gangqi layer. After taking it, you can get the blessing of thunder, and your movements are all very fast..."

These were all refined by Fu Nanzi after he completed the "Dragon and Tiger Alchemy Sutra" and entered the realm of divine manifestation.

The original intention is for Huang Daoxu to take it one by one in the future to enhance the combat power of the Tianshi Sect.

He took it out with pain and wanted Chu Qiguang to choose one or two to eat.

Unexpectedly, Chu Qiguang's palm flashed with an afterimage, and he had already grabbed a large amount of pills and swallowed them in one breath.

Fu Nanzi screamed when he saw this scene: "Are you crazy? This is the elixir I made only when I was in the realm of manifesting the gods. The erysipelas in it is so strong... you will die if you eat so much."

Chu Qiguang waved his hand and said: "Since ancient times, no one has died, and his loyalty will be remembered by history."

After saying that, he took out another handful and had eaten up all the divine elixirs refined by Fu Nanzi.

"As long as I can resist the invasion of demons for the Han people and the human race, so what if it means sacrificing my life?"

"Are there any other pills?"

The people around him were all moved when they heard Chu Qiguang's words. They never expected that this important official of the imperial court would regard death as such.

Seeing him devouring the elixir, everyone seemed to have seen the result of the elixir entering his body, and a trace of sadness flashed across everyone's faces.

Fu Nanzi gritted his teeth and took all the remaining elixirs he had refined when he entered the Tao: "Since you are not afraid of death, what should I be afraid of? You can take as much as you can..."

Chu Qiguang opened his mouth and inhaled. Boxes of pills flew into his mouth under the strong wind.

Shiquan Qi Bu Qi Pill, Ten Thousand Beasts Shengshen Ointment, Purple Qi Bu Ling Pill, Longhu Baojin Pill, Tianlong Baoxue Pill, Tianting Pill, Tianxi Pill, Wufang Life-Sustaining Pill, Jinsu Huangya Pill...

He swallowed various pills that Chu Qiguang had either heard of or never heard of before.

As the power of the medicine continued to pour into his limbs and bones, his body temperature rose sharply, as if the entire Zixiao Palace had turned into a big furnace, forcing many believers to retreat again and again.

At the same time, his face was already red, and white high-temperature gas continued to gush out of his body, churning back and forth.

And the power that was already like a tsunami collapsed in the next moment... exploded.

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