Ruins of the past

Chapter 807 The Demon Conquers the Man

"The Taiyuan Dragon Emperor cultivated the Holy Dharma "Tianlong Tripitaka", and also spent the entire family's resources to build a great Feng Shui formation on his dragon body."

"If you come into direct contact with his body, you are in a big formation and have no chance of winning."

"And if he can occupy the spiritual veins in any place, he can unfold the great formation on his body. Once the great formation is completely unfolded, the powerful saint will be trapped in it and cannot help himself."

"Under the Holy Spirit, one's realm will be cut off directly."

"Now he has taken up 90% of the spiritual veins of Dragon Snake Mountain, and part of the power of the formation has been released."

"If you continue to let him do what he does, the power of that formation will continue to increase, and the consequences will be disastrous."

Chu Qiguang listened to what Huang Daoxu said and quickly confirmed the information he knew in his mind. At the same time, he asked: "Isn't this what the formation looks like now?"

Seeing Huang Daoxu nodding, Chu Qiguang thought that this was not fully unfolded. After the formation was fully unfolded, there was indeed little chance. By then... maybe all his transformations would be cut off.

"The Taiyuan Dragon Emperor is so powerful, how did you compete with the dragon army in the past?"

Huang Daoxu sighed: "The Taiyuan Dragon Emperor has not appeared for thirty years. It is said that he spends most of his time in seclusion because of his deep relationship with the devil. On weekdays, the affairs of the East China Sea Dragon Clan are presided over by King Yinglong."

"Fortunately, the helpers you brought were able to hold back King Ying Long and his party, otherwise just having to deal with them under the influence of the Dragon King would have been enough to hold us back."

Chu Qiguang said: "Then how do you plan to join forces to deal with Taiyuan Dragon Emperor now?"

Huang Daoxu replied: "Gather the power of you and me to completely cut off the connection between Taiyuan Dragon Emperor and the spiritual veins..."

As they spoke, Huang Daoxu and Chu Qiguang moved in tandem, like two bolts of lightning piercing the sky, and almost in the blink of an eye, they had returned to the Zixiao Palace.

In the main hall, Wang Zhishan was seen sitting cross-legged on the ground, his body covered with dense talismans.

But there was still a black energy rushing left and right on his face, but it was hit back again and again by the talisman and golden divine light.

Fu Nanzi, Wang Feipian, Hao Xiangtong and others, along with a large number of disciples of the Tianshi Sect, were reciting scriptures and praying sincerely to suppress the black energy on the statue.

As soon as Huang Daoxu returned to the Zixiao Palace, he punched out the Tianshi Seal again, and immediately suppressed the black energy on Wang Zhishan's face completely.

However, he didn't explain too much to Chu Qiguang. Instead, he looked at Fu Nanzi and said, "Give Chu Qiguang the Daluo Immortal Medicine."

At this moment, the mountain was violently churning.

Huang Daoxu's expression changed: "The formation has been strengthened again."

"Quick, don't delay, just do as I say."

He raised his head and looked at the changes in the Gang Qi in the sky, his face becoming more and more serious.

Just listen to Huang Daoxu gritting his teeth and saying: "The demon conquers the human..."

On the other side of the battlefield.

Jiang Chen slashed at Huang Huangpeng with his sword.

He watched as Huang Huangpeng's hair was shattered by the sword's energy, his skin and flesh were cut open by the sword's edge, and his forehead bones were as weak as tofu under the speed of the sword...

Just when his sword cut through Huang Huangpeng's skull inch by inch, he was about to crush the opponent's brain.

The Gang Qi layer in the sky surged violently, and the invisible luck seemed to be stirring and changing again.

Suddenly there was another violent shock deep in the earth.

As the spiritual veins were further devoured, Taiyuan Dragon Emperor's body turned slightly, and the power of the formation became more solid.

As the formation changed, a strong feeling of weakness came from Jiang Chenru's body and also broke out in all the human beings.

At this moment, his divine transformation was deprived of him again.

The "Markless Sword Style" that Jiang Chenru cultivated gave him the ability to use the speed sword.

As the sword speed increases, his body must bear a strong load every moment.

Just like the injuries to his left and right hands just now, they were caused by the load brought by the extreme speed.

"Markless Sword Style" itself does not have a strong defensive power. Jiang Chen's high speed mainly relies on a skill called Jian Style Golden Body to reveal the transformation of the spirit.

This spiritual transformation can make his physical body have strong flexibility and coordination ability in normal times.

Once the physical body enters a high-speed state, it will become extremely strong. The higher the speed, the higher the strength.

At this moment, maybe it's luck, maybe it's probability, maybe it's some kind of hidden influence.

It was this transformation that made Jiang Chenru temporarily ineffective.

This was a terrifying blow to him at the high speed of the 20th Sword.

Then his left hand holding the sword disintegrated in an instant.

As the ground beneath his feet surged, the long sword, which had lost the support of his left hand, deflected at an angle, and under the action of inertia, it struck Huang Huangpeng's face.

The blazing sword energy instantly exploded one of his eyes, and the sword edge left long carvings on his cheek.

Huang Huangpeng screamed, covered his injured eyes, and roared like a wild beast.

But when he looked at Jiang Chenru who was lying on the ground, he let out a strange laugh.

Then he yelled, "See?"

"Don't you understand this?!"

"The demon conquers the human...this is destiny."

He shouted angrily: "Why are you resisting?! Why are you killing each other like this?!"

"Obviously the only way is to follow destiny..."

When he said this, his face was full of pain, and he didn't know whether it was because of the pain on his face or the situation of the human race.

Suddenly, a soft swishing sound came into Huang Huangpeng's ears.

Under his incredible gaze, Jiang Chenru stood beside him with a long sword in his mouth. The twenty-first sword had fallen before he noticed it.

As the twenty-first sword was slashed out, Jiang Chen said with difficulty: "I..."


The long sword shattered into pieces.

His head, body, and limbs exploded one after another, and he completely collapsed.

Huang Huangpeng's head soared into the sky, and he could see that his body was gradually shattering, and then disappeared bit by bit as the strong wind blew.

Mirage Dragon King caught Huang Huangpeng's head with one hand, looked at Jiang Chenru and said: "Human, you are amazing, much more powerful than that old thing just now."

Jiang Chenru looked at him coldly and said: "Senior Guo's martial arts is far superior to mine. If I hadn't been unaware of it for a while and been plotted by you..."

Halfway through his words, the flesh and blood on Jiang Chenru's body fell to the ground like pieces of melted candles.

"Maybe." Mirage Dragon King said calmly: "But this is war... No matter how powerful the existence is, it may die at any time."

"Just like my partner, if he exerts his full strength, he won't be much slower than you."


The next moment, Jiang Chenru's whole body was blown by a strong wind and turned into a blood mist and disappeared into the air.

On the other side, King Yunlong, who fell to the ground and was cut in half, struggled and roared: "I can't be saved."

"That guy exploded my dragon ball and cut off my dragon tendon."

"Eat me."

"With your Majesty's help, I can continue to fight with you."

"We must not allow Taoist Xuanyuan to revive, otherwise our clan will have no chance..."

The Mirage Dragon King nodded, but first looked at the frightened and desperate Huang Huangpeng, and then swallowed his head into his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the huge dragon body crawled to the side of Yunlong King, and a trace of determination flashed in the dragon's eyes.

After a while, various sounds of flesh, flesh and bones being torn apart were heard.

Taiyuan Dragon Emperor's influence in the formation naturally not only weakens the enemy, but also strengthens one's own side.

Among them is the transformation that gives the giant dragons a new realm, called Dragon Food Ensemble.

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