Ruins of the past

Chapter 806 War and Death

The Yunlong King's body was filled with lightning, and while he was puffing out clouds and mist, his huge dragon body shuttled through the thunderclouds.

The original spreaders of Huangtian Dao were the Dragon Clan, and the two have been inseparable since ancient times.

The dharma inheritance mastered by Huangtian Dao, the "Book of Humans" and the "Five Thunder Zhengfa" lines have naturally been spread among the Dragon Clan.

King Yinglong, as a priest of the dragon clan, completed the Book of Man and the Interpretation of the Earth.

King Yunlong entered Taoism with the "Five Thunders Zhengfa" and entered the realm of manifesting the spirit with "Taofa Huiyuan".

When the two human martial gods, Guo Muqing and Jiang Chenru, besieged him, Yunlong King wrapped his whole body with thunder, causing every attack of the two martial gods to withstand the heat and lightning.

And just when Taiyuan Dragon Emperor's formation covered the entire Dragon Snake Mountain, Yunlong King knew that the opportunity had come.

Guo Muqing and Jiang Chenru's strength retreated, and their offensive slowed down. Both their bodies and their energy and blood had lost part of their spiritual transformation, making them extremely uncoordinated at this moment.

Especially Guo Muqing, he seemed to have aged ten years all of a sudden, his muscles, energy and blood all over his body were severely exhausted.

On the other hand, the internal organs of King Yunlong on the other side suddenly lit up.

In the past, the power gained from breathing thunder and accumulating lightning while practicing "Tao Fa Hui Yuan" turned into Tao thunderbolts and shot out at this moment.

The hundred-year-old Guo Muqing stepped back suddenly, his whole body still slightly stiffened by the electric light.

In normal conditions, under the blessing of the "Six Innate Laws", Guo Muqing's physical body is always in a peak state. Although the electric light can temporarily paralyze his physical body, it is still far from killing him.

But at this moment, Guo Muqing was cut off by Taiyuan Dragon Emperor's three divine transformations. What was even worse was the failure of one of his divine transformations, causing him to lose the ability to lock in his energy and blood and maintain his physical body at its peak. .

At the same time, a huge dragon shadow emerged behind him.

The Mirage Dragon King appeared like a phantom, and immediately swallowed Guo Muqing's upper body with one mouthful.

Guo Muqing burst into a roar, and his head of white hair rose into the sky under the influence of Qi and blood.

But just when Guo Muqing wanted to use the "Six Innate Laws" to stimulate his potential and mobilize his flesh and blood to get rid of his disadvantages.

Another figure with layers of mirage appeared in front of the old man.

The electric light on Huang Huangpeng's body flashed, and under the reflection of the electric light, the sword finger passed over the sixteen vital points of Guo Muqing's body with a speed.

But even so, it only dispersed the energy and blood that had just condensed in Guo Muqing's body.

It only takes a moment for him to regroup and explode again.

But at this moment, the Mirage Dragon King's mouth suddenly closed, and the sharp teeth smashed into Guo Muqing's body until the flesh and blood were bloody.

The Cang Dragon King bit Guo Muqing's lower body, and wisps of lightning pierced his legs like countless knives.

The lightning flashed on Huang Huangpeng's fingertips, and the strong lightning penetrated the heart of the centenarian, once again interrupting the condensation of Qi and blood.

First, the three manifestations of transformation were wiped away, and his strength was greatly reduced.

Then they were repeatedly surrounded and attacked by Erlong and others.

At this moment, Guo Muqing's aging body finally gave out and could no longer hold on.

I saw two giant dragons roaring, accompanied by crackling sounds of bones and flesh.

Amid a burst of screams, Guo Muqing's body was torn into two halves, and then turned into fuzzy flesh and blood and was thrown to the ground.

The Taishan Beidou of the southeastern martial arts world, the master of the Guishan School, became the first victim of this war.

On the other side, Chu Qiguang also felt something was wrong when the formation covered up and down Dragon Snake Mountain.

His divine transformation was directly and temporarily erased in two ways.

‘Dragon Elephant Sky Fire, Ghost Eyes…these two transformations are temporarily ineffective. ’

‘Fortunately, my manifestation has changed a lot, and the impact of these two items is acceptable. ’


Chu Qiguang suddenly turned his head and looked towards the battlefield on the other side: 'It should have a great impact on other powerful people who show their strength. ’

'Fortunately, they have made preparations in advance, so they should be able to survive. ’

The next moment, he felt violent fluctuations in the energy and blood power in the world, and knew that someone was borrowing the power from it.

In Chu Qiguang's view, the most powerful thing about the "Great Freedom to Save People" he created is not how powerful Chu Qiguang himself is, but how many people can become powerful.

The reason why Chu Qiguang was able to easily defeat the two Xianshen Martial Gods at the Qianhusuo conference that day was, on the one hand, because of his high strength and talent.

On the other hand, it is because he can summon the power of Qi and blood that is common in the world, which is enough to crush any manifest martial god.

And when other Martial Gods can borrow Qi and blood, and can also use massive amounts of Qi and blood, their combat power and destructive power will inevitably make a qualitative leap, and they will become a powerful combat power that even he cannot underestimate.

‘Although those dragons have a lot of halo, they should be able to hold on. ’

Chu Qiguang no longer looked in the direction of Ji Haoran and the others. He believed that they could stop the dragon for him, and he also had more important things to do.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of him.

Huang Daoxu, who was wearing the robe of the Celestial Master, holding the Hao Zhen Tian Ming Sword in one hand, and the Celestial Master Seal of the Chief Photographer of Hunyuan in the other, looked at Chu Qiguang and said, "Let's join forces."

"Behind these dragons are the outer gods. They have mastered the skills passed down by Emperor Tian."

"But the spiritual veins are not extinguished, and the formation is still not completely completed."

"If we join forces, there is still a chance."

Blood and flesh spilled all over the sky.

Following a burst of bites from the Mirage Dragon King and the Cloud Dragon King, Guo Muqing's corpse fell everywhere.

A trace of sadness flashed in Huang Huangpeng's eyes, and he looked at Jiang Chenru, the other remaining martial god of the East China Sea School, with compassion.

"Jiang Wushen, just go ahead and capture him."

"Senior Guo is already dead. I don't want to kill any more human masters today."

Jiang Chenru did not answer, just looked at Guo Muqing's body, and slowly said: "I heard that two hundred years ago, or even three hundred years ago, just before the great evil happened, there was such cruelty everywhere in the Central Plains. battle."

"The strong ones who have entered the Dao die in battles like ordinary soldiers."

"A powerful person is a powerful general."

"No matter how powerful a master is, he may die the next day."

"This is war."

"The war between humans and monsters is a battle of life and death. It's ridiculous that Mr. Guo and I wanted to have some spare strength at the beginning to deal with it completely..."

Huang Huangpeng sighed: "Senior Jiang, there is absolutely no need to fight to the death between humans and monsters. There can be better ways to negotiate."

But what answered Huang Huangpeng was the surging heat and the fierce power of qi and blood emanating from Jiang Chenru's body.

At this moment, Jiang Chenru borrowed a large amount of energy and blood power, and he was able to control the energy and blood power to the limit.

Jiang Chenru continued: "Actually, what I should do is to use the most extreme strength, the fastest speed, the most ferocious sword moves as soon as I come up, and kill you all at any cost."


"court death."

The lightning on King Yunlong's body flashed wildly and was already heading towards Jiang Chenru.

The figure of the Mirage Dragon King on the other side flashed and disappeared without a trace. In fact, he followed the Yun Dragon King and cooperated with him to surround and kill Jiang Chenru.

Bang bang bang bang... a series of explosions.

The pungent smell of blood gushed out from Jiang Chenru's body. The large pieces of flesh on his body had been broken open by the violent energy and blood force, spurting out streams of blood.

But when he slashed out with his sword, his figure suddenly retreated.

Then came the second and third swords. The sword speed increased sharply, causing the sword energy to overflow and the ground to be covered with sword marks.

Huang Huangpeng frowned slightly when he saw this scene and shouted: "Be careful with his "Markless Sword Style", don't let him use swords continuously."

After saying that, lightning flashed on his body, and he chased after him.

King Yunlong sneered: "Boy, your martial arts skills are probably not as good as that old man just now, right? He's already dead, so why do you fight with us?"

In an instant, the storm roared, lightning flashed and thunder roared, and the sword energy was everywhere.

Jiang Chenru relied on his amazing energy and blood power to promote the "Markless Sword Style". After suffering multiple serious injuries such as ruptured internal organs, broken tendons and fractures, he managed to cut out seventeen swords under the siege of two dragons and one man.

The sword lights and sword shadows were getting faster and faster, and Huang Huangpeng, Mirage Dragon King, and Yun Dragon King were getting more and more frightened.

When Jiang Chenru slashed out his eighteenth sword, Huang Huangpeng could no longer see the existence of the sword body.

He could only see huge blood marks appearing crazily on King Yunlong's body, and large swaths of energy and blood shot out like a fountain.

When he realized this, Jiang Chenru had already executed his nineteenth sword.

Normally, the eighteenth sword was already his limit, but at this moment, with the help of massive energy and blood, and the explosion of the will to die in his heart, he finally displayed the nineteenth sword that exceeded the limit.

Almost as soon as the sword edge fell, Jiang Chen's right hand holding the sword collapsed, his bones were shattered and his flesh and blood were blurred.

But the sword light driven by the power of Qi and blood still penetrated the dragon body of Yunlong King instantly, splitting the dragon body in two like cutting fish flesh.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chenru stretched out his other arm to hold the long sword, and he had already struck out the twentieth sword.

His entire left arm exploded into a piece of rotten flesh in an instant, dozens of blood vessels in his body shattered, and his energy and blood completely lost control and went wild.

The sword light has already bloomed between Huang Huangpeng's eyebrows, seeming to reflect his desperate face.

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