Ruins of the past

Chapter 805: Tongsheng

The dragon-shaped giant tree is rooted in the mountains, trembling gently as if it is alive, and every move seems to contain earth-shattering power.

Chu Qiguang broke through the atmosphere all the way and rushed towards the giant tree like a black lightning.

The closer he got, the more he could feel the hugeness of the giant tree stretching from sky to earth.

Looking up, I saw that the entire sky was obscured by rock-like branches.

Looking down, the tree trunk seems to have become part of the mountain, making it difficult to see where it ends.

What only Chu Qiguang could see was that the 17 haloes that appeared in the seeker's eyes broke through the barriers of branches, sea of ​​clouds, and sky, connecting the earth and the sky like sky bridges.

"17 rings...the pressure is really strong..."

"Is this the thing that caused the earthquake?"

Even with the strength that Chu Qiguang possessed at this moment, he felt a heavy sense of oppression when facing the behemoth in front of him.

On the one hand, it is naturally due to the absolute difference in size. After all, the size of the spiritual dragon in front of him has become a terrifying strength, enough to bring instinctive fear to any living being.

On the other hand, it is naturally because of the 17 vast halos behind the other party. According to Chu Qiguang's estimation... the other party has probably reached the realm of sainthood.

Ever since Chu Qiguang practiced martial arts and Taoism under the guidance of Qiao Zhi, he had a deep understanding of a truth.

That is, in a head-on battle, the gap in realm is almost irreparable.

The difference between one realm and another is often as great as a chasm.

‘Even with my amazing talent and accumulation, in countless battles in the past, it was difficult for me to cross the realm and defeat my opponents. ’

‘If this spiritual dragon is really in the Saint realm, then I can’t defeat him in a head-on battle. ’

'The most effective method... I'm afraid is to find an opportunity to use the World Pass, Time and Space Freeze and the Demon Emperor Sword...'

However, the Demon Emperor Sword has not yet been completely repaired, and the amount of void sword energy that can be cut out every day is limited.

Tian Xia Tong Xing was urgently transferred from various places by Chu Qiguang, who spent time and effort. The energy and blood power in it was of great importance, and it must be used on the edge of the blade.

In fact, if he hadn't mobilized enough energy and blood, he could have led the team here faster, but Chu Qiguang knew that if he didn't mobilize enough energy and blood, he would never be able to defeat his opponent.

The super-sensory ability of freezing time and space can only be used once a day.

‘There is probably only one chance, and we must find out the situation of the Chu Spiritual Vein Dragon. ’

'During this period, Ji Haoran and the others should be able to help me block other dragons...'

Chu Qiguang's seeker eyes had seen those dragons and knew that the strength of the other party should not be underestimated, as well as the various advantages of the dragon clan, so he brought helpers.

At the same time, King Yinglong glanced at Chu Qiguang, who was rushing towards Longshu, and there was no sign of eager pursuit on his face.

Instead, he looked calmly at Ji Haoran, who was wielding the six-port Daxia Divine Sword in front of him.

He slowly said: "A descendant of Daxia? You can actually control the six-mouthed divine sword. You are already the best descendant of Daxia in the past two hundred years."

"It's a pity...I have to die here today."

Ji Haoran controlled the six divine swords and activated the power within them. For a moment, the wind roared and thunder flashed.

At the same time, the information given by Chu Qiguang flashed in his mind.

The giant dragon with colorful wings in front of him should be the strongest of the three dragons, so leave it to him.

The one that was shot away by Chu Qiguang ranked second in strength.

The remaining one, covered in clouds and mist, was the weakest among the three dragons, and was left to the two Martial Gods to deal with.

Ji Haoran said while continuing to use his strength: "Oh? As far as I know, Huang Tiandao's "Earth Explanation" is not primarily about combat, not to mention that under the coverage of the Gang Qi layer, the power is continuously reduced."

"Under such circumstances, do you think you can beat me who wields the six-mouthed divine sword?"

The colorful wings on King Yinglong's back trembled slightly, and he chuckled: "You don't understand."

"Or maybe you don't know anything at all."

"I don't even know what kind of battlefield I'm fighting on..."

At this moment, a roaring sound came from the depths of the earth. King Yinglong looked in the direction of 'Dragon Tree' and said lightly: "It has begun."

Ji Haoran also felt something strange coming from the earth and mountains below, and looked in the direction of 'Dragon Tree' with some surprise.

I saw only the top part of the dragon tree, which originally looked like a mixture of rock and bark. The bark gradually deformed and wrinkled, revealing the blood-red lake after the bark was peeled off.

But the next moment he saw the long vertical lines in the center of the lake, Ji Haoran immediately realized that it seemed to be an eye.

The huge eyes were like a lake, but they looked extremely calm, without any fluctuations.

It seemed that neither the masters up and down Dragon Snake Mountain nor the battle going on at this moment could attract the attention of these eyes.

At the same time, the mountain not far away began to tear and collapse.

Amidst the tremors of the earth, a shape similar to a dragon's mouth was revealed, but it was dozens or hundreds of times larger than any giant dragon's mouth.

Ji Haoran looked at this scene with more and more shock, and the hairs all over his body stood up. It was because his body instinctively felt a strong threat.

The next moment, an invisible cyclone surged out from the dragon's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, densely packed runes and incantations spread out towards the entire mountain with Longmu as the center.

The Taiyuan Dragon Emperor consumed countless resources of the East China Sea Dragon Clan, sacrificed the lives of countless monsters in the sea, paid an extremely huge price, and faced the pressure of countless opposition and promoted it in accordance with national policies... before he placed a great Feng Shui formation on his body. .

And when he gradually merged with the spiritual veins of Dragon Snake Mountain, he was deeply rooted in this world-famous mountain.

The power of the formation quickly spread from his body... towards the entire mountain range.

When layers of black mantras covered Dragon Snake Mountain, a heavy pressure rose in Ji Haoran's heart.

The power of the formation swept through everyone present at this moment.

Then Ji Haoran was surprised to find that three of the five divine transformations he had cultivated began to fail.

This caused him to directly lose the ability to transform his body into flames, communicate with the Gang Qi layer, and use flames to heal injuries.

It wasn't just Ji Haoran who found that his Tao skills were declining.

At this moment, almost everyone's realm and Taoist skills on the Dragon Snake Mountain had suffered a serious setback.

The strong men in the realm of manifesting the gods have all had two or three kinds of manifested transformations wiped out.

The strong ones who entered the Dao realm directly retreated to the fifth realm.

As for the cultivators who have not yet entered the Tao, almost all of them have retreated two to three realms.

The fear of being deprived of one's own strength and realm was so frightening that it immediately caused a blockbuster panic.

At this moment, Ji Haoran finally understood what kind of opponent he had encountered.

He had seen similar things with his own eyes when he faced Emperor Yong'an in Shenjing City in the past, but this time it was obviously more serious.

"Like Emperor Yong'an, he is the only one who has practiced the Zhengfa of Feng Shui lineage...only Taiyuan Dragon Emperor!"

"He actually stepped into the realm of Tongsheng? And he also set up a big formation at Dragon Snake Mountain?"

"To restore the level of strength, we can only leave the main formation or defeat the main formation."

After guessing this, Ji Haoran couldn't help but curse: "These guys from the Tianshi Sect...are they all trash?"

But just when all the strong men on the human side were severely weakened, King Yinglong in front of him swelled slightly, and his aura surged violently.

Ji Haoran took a deep breath: "So, Taiyuan Dragon Emperor can use large formations to weaken his opponents and strengthen his subordinates. Is this the source of your confidence?"

King Yinglong laughed when he heard these words: "Human, you think too much."

"The Dragon Emperor just took a deep breath. He didn't take the initiative to attack you."

"As for the situation where the enemy is weakened and the allies are strengthened... it's just that one of his saint transformations has worked on its own."

"He...hasn't even started yet."

Ji Haoran smiled when he heard this. He seemed to still be full of fighting spirit, but there was a hint of helplessness in his heart.

The difference between one realm and another is the same as entering the Dao and the fifth realm... It is a strength gap that is enough to make anyone despair. Now that it is placed in front of him, his will to fight can't help but waver.

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