Ruins of the past

Chapter 676 Dangerous neighborhood of alien gods and monsters

Feeling the vibration coming from the God's Hair, Chu Qiguang's heart moved, and the Great Freedom was activated instantly, releasing the God's Hair.

I saw God's hair turning into a black cloud-like state, constantly deforming and surging in the air.

Then Zhou Bai's voice came out: "How did you build the temple of Yuanshi Tianzun?"

Chu Qiguang's heart moved and he asked, "Why can't it be made?"

The other party sighed: "Outer gods are very dangerous."

"Their power can easily destroy a civilization."

"Their minds can distort life at will."

"Every move they make will change the history of the entire starry sky."

"In the vast universe, countless races have fallen at the feet of the outer gods, willingly becoming their captive livestock, and launching wars again and again in order to please the outer gods."

"And among all the outer gods, Yuanshi Tianzun is especially dangerous."

"It no longer has thinking in the ordinary biological sense. For him, the entire universe may be just a dream, an echo of thinking, a bubble that is about to burst..."

"And any contact with Yuanshi Tianzun may cause you to lose your mind."

"His appearance, his murmur, even his real name...are irredeemably poisonous to all life."

"If Huangtian only regards each race and civilization as his food and plaything, then the result of encountering Yuanshi Tianzun is only chaos and destruction... without exception."

Speaking of this, the other party said in a complicated tone: "In short, after you build the temple, you must not hold any rituals of Yuanshi Tianzun here."

"Once Yuanshi Tianzun is really attracted, the consequences will be disastrous."

Even if Zhou Bai didn't say anything, Chu Qiguang also understood the danger of Yuanshi Tianzun, and he would not easily try the other party's rituals without sufficient confidence.

However, what the other party said still aroused some of his curiosity.

So Chu Qiguang asked: "Does Yuanshi Tianzun... have anything to do with the earth? After all, this name is not uncommon on the earth."

The name Yuanshi Tianzun has appeared in many myths and legends on the earth. Chu Qiguang had long suspected this, and now he finally asked.

Zhou Bai fell silent after hearing this, and sighed after a long time: "It is indeed related to the earth, because Yuanshi Tianzun... once lived on the earth."

Chu Qiguang was slightly startled and asked: "When? Who specifically?"

Zhou Bai said: "I can't say."

"If you know his name and identity, once you say it... or even think about it, it may cause the planet to be completely corrupted and distorted. Before you have enough strength, try not to explore his secrets."

Just then, waves of strange noises came, and Zhou Bai's voice became urgent.

"My side is about to be disconnected, you have to be careful...those messengers of the outer gods..."

"They are... inciting rebellion... to unite... the people on this planet..."

"But the most important thing is not to repeat the same mistakes... remember the choice in your heart, your true heart..."

"You remember, right?"

"Of course." Chu Qiguang smiled slightly and said slowly: "I have said it countless times."

“Getting rich first drives wealth later.”

I don’t know if the other party heard what Zhou Bai said, but the hair of God that was constantly surging has returned to calmness, and no sound comes out anymore.

Chu Qiguang withdrew his divine hair, glanced at the temple in front of him, then turned and left.

Dalinlan asked: "What were you talking to the Outer God just now?"

Chu Qiguang said: "Some information about Yuanshi Tianzun..."

After telling Dalin Lan about the danger of Yuanshi Tianzun, after Chu Qiguang left the temple, he could see a large number of living corpse guards outside the temple to prevent outsiders from entering.

Obviously, Qiao Zhi and Jiaojiao were also very wary of Yuanshi Tianzun, a mysterious foreign god.

If not necessary... they did not intend to let ordinary people come into contact with this god, so they sealed off the entire temple.

Next, passing by a monster neighborhood, Chu Qiguang could see that there were monsters living in groups everywhere, with all kinds of green-faced and fanged heads, looking like a zoo.

In Chu Qiguang's plan, the present world of Shuzhou was originally the home field of mankind.

In today's era of fierce conflicts between humans and monsters, he certainly has no intention of letting monsters live in human settlements.

The Buddhist world of the future, especially the City of Night, will be a gathering place for all kinds of monsters and monsters.

Monsters gathered in Night City from all corners of Shuzhou. Among them were monster refugees from the Snowy Mountains, as well as local monsters who originally lived in Shuzhou.

In Night City, they don't have to hide from XZ like in the past, or compete with humans for survival supplies.

As long as they work hard inside and outside the city, they can get enough food to feed themselves.

But these monsters from the mountains and forests are not easy to control.

Chu Qiguang glanced at the various messy garbage and random excrement of feces on the monster street. He could still smell the strong smell of urine in his nose.

The roar of a wild beast came from the alley not far away.

The sound of mating animals can be heard from time to time in the wooden houses next to the street.

There were also some monsters lying in groups on both sides of the road, basking in the Buddha's light. A few cat monsters were still sucking something that looked like cat grass, with no intention of working.

Most of the monsters here come from the snowy mountains and have been strongly hostile to humans since birth.

In addition, their cultural level is lower than the average level of humans. They are used to eating hair, drinking blood, and shitting everywhere. They are more like animals than humans.

After arriving in Night City, they can fill their stomachs with a little work, and spend most of their time playing, fighting, sleeping, and mating. Some of them have become unstable factors in Night City.

At this moment, some monsters on the street looked at the human-looking Chu Qiguang with evil intentions, and from time to time they rubbed the walls beside them with their sharp claws.

‘It seems that the education of these monsters is not going well. ’

'After all, there are too many monsters running down from the snow-capped mountains. They have carried with them many bad habits passed down from generation to generation. They have become accustomed to the jungle and the life in the mountains. ’

“The lack of education and knowledge also makes it difficult for most of them to have higher pursuits. They only think about eating and having fun every day. ’

‘Even if we arrange for them to go to school, it will not be possible to teach them all in just one or two years. ’

‘A conservative estimate would suggest that it might take ten to twenty years and one or two generations to correct most of this. ’

Just when Chu Qiguang was assessing the situation in the monster neighborhood, a bear monster came up with evil intentions and stopped in front of Chu Qiguang: "Boy, you..."


A moment later, as Chu Qiguang left the monster neighborhood, the whole street was filled with grinning monsters.

Chu Qiguang thought to himself: 'It's wild and untamable, it seems like the school's curriculum needs to be revised. ’

After leaving the monster neighborhood, crossing an indigenous neighborhood, and several checkpoints guarded by living corpses, Chu Qiguang finally arrived at Jin Nu's underground workshop.

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