Ruins of the past

Chapter 675 Temple

After Chu Qiguang left the fire transmission hall, he came to a shop.

This place is called a butcher shop by many residents of Night City. The butcher shop is connected to a blood pool and can be physically transformed.

As soon as he entered it, Chu Qiguang discovered that there had also been huge changes here.

The thick blood vessels that were originally exposed to the air have disappeared without a trace, and are all hidden under layers of bone armor.

The blood cocoons with the transformation function turned into separate rooms. The white bones were spread on the ground and walls like a layer of jade, exuding a crystal luster.

The air and blood vessels connecting the human body have also been modified, and bone needles are used to directly penetrate the human body, which seems much simpler and more efficient.

Under the bright firelight, the whole room lost its original evil and gloominess and looked very clean and tidy.

Chu Qiguang looked at it and thought to himself: "Compared with the original appearance of the Devil's Cave, it now looks like a club... But this is better than the original."

He walked to the front desk and found that the signs above were filled with various projects.

In addition to the enhancement in combat, he also saw nasal bone correction, nose repair, canthus opening, double eyelids, lip deformation...

"Plastic surgery project?"

Chu Qiguang was slightly stunned. He had never thought that the butcher shop could develop in this direction.

At this moment, a voice came from behind Chu Qiguang.

"Compared with other modifications and treatments, face-changing techniques are not only much easier, the fees are not low, and they are also very popular."

Chu Qiguang turned around and saw that Li Yaofeng was behind him.

At the moment when she saw Chu Qiguang, Li Yaofeng also breathed a sigh of relief.

After returning from Dragon Snake Mountain, Li Yaofeng always felt that something was not right with Chu Qiguang.

Especially when Chu Qiguang, disguised as Qiao Zhi, performed Taoist skills, he was keenly aware of the power of the "Shadowless Tribulation" in it.

This made him realize that Chu Qiguang from Shuzhou might be a fake.

At first... this made Li Yaofeng feel a little excited, and all kinds of conspiracies and conspiracies kept spinning in his mind.

But he soon became comfortable with it, partly because the counterfeit was not weak, and also because Jiaojiao had the assistance of controlling Hercules.

On the other hand, there are changes in some of his ideas.

If the strong want to become stronger, they must harvest more resources in this world.

Back when Li Yaofeng was teaching with the Heavenly Master, he understood the importance of resources when he saw a disciple who was less talented and hardworking than him surpass him by taking elixirs.

The way for most powerful people to harvest resources is to either join a sect or join the court. This seems to have been the case since ancient times.

Today, the leaders in these two areas are naturally Huang Daoxu and Yong'an Emperor.

In Li Yaofeng's view, apart from their own talent and hard work, the most important thing that allowed these two people to reach where they are today is their ability to control a large amount of resources in the world.

Originally, Li Yaofeng thought that the Emperor of the Han Dynasty and the leader of the Tianshi Sect were the ones who could obtain the most resources in the world.

But Chu Qiguang showed him another way.

‘Similarly, it is to obtain cultivation qualifications and promote one’s own cultivation through an entire force. Chu Qiguang’s method... is more advanced than the imperial court and Tianshi Sect. ’

'Those who can use more advanced methods to collect cultivation materials...may be the ones who can lead the world in the future. It is important to learn this model. ’

At this moment, Li Yaofeng realized that some huge changes were brewing in Shuzhou.

At this moment, Chu Qiguang looked at Li Yaofeng and said, "I didn't expect you to be the first to discover me.'

Li Yaofeng did not answer this question. Of course he would not say that there were monitoring orders placed throughout the Qi and Blood Network in Night City.

Chu Qiguang said again: 'By the way, this plastic surgery idea is indeed a good one, was it you who came up with it? "

"Plastic surgery? This statement is quite vivid, but it's not what I thought."

Li Yaofeng shook his head, as if he had thought of something, and sighed slightly: 'In the beginning... it was Zhou Yujiao who wanted to have double eyelids. ’

Chu Qiguang was slightly startled: ‘Ah? ’

A strange look appeared on Li Yaofeng's face, and she continued: "Later, she asked me to find a way to make her face whiter."

"Then after playing around with it, she asked me if I could provide large-scale services to make more people beautiful."

Li Yaofeng sighed and said, "Who knew that as soon as this kind of plastic surgery project was launched, it would become so popular immediately."

Chu Qiguang thought to himself that this is natural.

"Beauty is important everywhere. People who are too ugly can't even pass the imperial examination."

"Becoming beautiful... many times can even change a person's destiny, allowing people to receive more goodwill and lead to a different future."

Li Yaofeng nodded, agreeing with this statement.

After all, he has benefited from his appearance since he was a child.

Especially when he was weak... he often got help from some people.

Li Yaofeng glanced at Chu Qiguang and reminded: "Your substitute also has a sister, you'd better take care of it."

"There is also some unrest in Shuzhou recently. It will be good if you come back."

When Chu Qiguang left the butcher shop, he was still recalling what Li Yaofeng said in his mind.

‘What did Jiaojiao do? Can’t you even stand Sister Feng? ’

Chu Qiguang curiously walked towards Jinnv's workshop, intending to take a look at the report of the intelligence network there for himself.

Halfway there, he suddenly saw a huge temple.

There are countless black lines on the door of the temple, which are also mixed with mysterious and unknown runes.

Entering the main hall behind the door, you are greeted by a dark and deep atmosphere.

The huge stone pillars are engraved with the shadows of various strange creatures, exuding a depressing and profound atmosphere.

"This seems to be..."

This is obviously very different from the style of the Buddhist world, and it is definitely a temple that did not exist in the Buddhist world in the past.

Some memories immediately came to Chu Qiguang's mind: "Is it the temple of Yuanshi Tianzun?"

He still remembered the last time he exchanged the cursed gift. He got the blueprint of the temple design of Yuanshi Tianzun, as well as several supporting rituals, all of which talked about how to worship Yuanshi Tianzun.

Because he felt that the cursed gift exchanged from Yuanshi Tianzun was good, he handed over the construction of the temple to Qiao Zhi.

‘It looks like it’s been built? ’

Chu Qiguang walked through the Hall of Ten Thousand Demons and the Hall of Immortals in the temple and finally came to the Tianzun Hall in the middle.

Then I saw a statue of Yuanshi Tianzun standing in the center of the main hall.

It was a huge statue of a god wearing Taoist robes, with a throne on his feet and a cross on his back.

There is also a cat and a dog lying under the statue, which seem to be the legendary beasts under the seat of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Chu Qiguang looked at the face of the statue and found that it was chaotic, with no appearance at all.

This is because according to legend... mortals will completely lose their minds and go crazy if they see the true appearance of Yuanshi Tianzun, even if it is the true appearance of a god statue.

"It is indeed the temple of Yuanshi Tianzun. It seems that Qiao Zhi has already completed it."

“I don’t know what the effect will be of worshiping Yuanshi Tianzun here in the future?”

At this moment, Chu Qiguang felt the divine hair he was carrying trembling.

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