Ruins of the past

Chapter 677 Problems and Actions

In the underground workshop.

After seeing Chu Qiguang, Yuanchu Jinnu said, "Welcome back, Master. Do you need my help with anything? Please feel free to tell me."

Following Chu Qiguang's order, pieces of flesh grew in front of him, and blood flowed on them... and finally turned into a huge map, the map of Night City.

With the City of Night as the center, roads lead to all directions of the Buddhist world.

The original plan led by Chu Qiguang was to build strongholds in various locations in the Shuzhou Buddhist world.

Then roads were built in the Buddhist world to connect each stronghold, thus creating a transportation network in the Buddhist world.

Now it seems that during his absence, Jiaojiao and Qiao Zhi also implemented his plan very well.

In addition to the map, another piece of skin on the side recorded what happened during Chu Qiguang's absence, as well as a large amount of data.

Chu Qiguang frowned slightly as he read: 'Did Jiaojiao and the others write the fourth quarter development plan? ’

'Massive layoffs...lowering salaries...cutting costs...'

'Increase loan interest...increase medical expenses...cut school costs...'

‘Suppress the snow mountain monsters and capture them all for mining? Farming? Harvesting cotton? Is this...Chu Qiguang's suggestion? ’

'Enable free body transformation benefits...'

'The complete the transformation of the entire population within the next year and control all humans and monsters with blood pool technology. Not only can we stop paying wages, but we can also increase work efficiency and working hours...'

Just when Chu Qiguang was looking at the plan, the son of Emperor Tian was also looking at it. As he looked at it, he was amazed in his heart: 'Is this going to treat all monsters as slaves? Chu Qiguang's sister may be very suitable to serve Huangtian. ’

Xiaolan shuddered when she saw this plan. If this plan really came true, then all people and monsters in Shuzhou would become Chu Qiguang's slaves.

But in her heart, Jiaojiao is just a cute little girl. How could she make such a plan to enslave all humans and monsters?

Chu Qiguang looked at the various evaluations and data in the report and thought to himself: 'Sure enough, something went wrong. ’

At the same time, in a monster neighborhood in Night City.

The environment here is much better than the neighborhood Chu Qiguang passed by before.

Not only was the road clean and tidy, the monsters walking around were also polite and their eyes were high-spirited, filled with a kind of energy that snow mountain monsters did not have.

Because most of these monsters are core monsters that Chu Qiguang has trained since Yaoyin Village, they not only agree more with Chu Qiguang's various ideas, but also learn more knowledge and become more self-disciplined and diligent.

At this moment, a young man with a big yellow dog's head was walking on the street.

His name was Chu Kunwei, and he was originally just an ordinary yellow dog demon from Qingyang County. He worked hard to get some leftovers all day long.

It wasn't until he met Chu Qiguang with his father that he gradually gained knowledge that he had never had before.

Later, he followed Chu Qiguang's forces and completed the study of writing, mathematics and ideological education in Yaoyin Village. The whole dog changed completely.

Unlike his father, Chu Kunwei was unwilling to continue farming in the village after studying hard.

Then he mastered more knowledge of mathematics and blacksmithing in the workshop, worked as an accountant in the Chamber of Commerce in Lingzhou, and learned a lot of financial-related skills.

He stood out from many of his kind and gradually became a valuable dog monster, a very profitable dog monster.

During this period, he gave himself a new name, and deliberately chose Chu as his surname, changing his original name from Xiaotu to Chu Kunwei.

‘I want to be a dog like Teacher Chu. ’

Chu Kunwei said to himself.

Later, he followed the large army to Shuzhou, and was among the first to participate in the construction of Night City, specifically responsible for contacting and trading with humans.

Six years of struggle... Until now, he is one of the managers of the Bashu stock trading hall, handling thousands of stock transactions every day.

As long as he uses some tricks, he can obtain wealth that is unimaginable to ordinary people.

Then it will be easy to make money from money, or to buy Buddhist fire in the black market in exchange for knowledge and power. As for the enjoyment of various foods and bitches, you can change the tricks every day.

‘Night City is the fairest place in the world. As long as you have money, no matter you are a human or a demon, a royal family or a commoner, you can buy what you want. ’

Chu Kunwei smiled secretly: 'It's just more fair for rich people. ’

Just as he walked confidently to the stock trading building, intending to start a new day's work.

A black shadow slammed into him, knocking him into the alley and pressing him against the wall.

Chu Kunwei looked at his attacker and saw that it was a ragged bear demon.

The bear demon stared at him with his red eyes and growled: "Do you remember? The stocks of the Bashu Chamber of Commerce that you recommended to me a year ago!"

"After the Long Snake Mountain battle, the stock price fell like a waterfall. Do you know how I got here this year?"

This was not the first time Chu Kunwei encountered such a monster.

'With strong limbs and a simple mind, he still plays the same tricks as the brave and fierce people in the mountains all day long. He can't even recognize the characters on the stocks, but he dreams of getting rich overnight and winning money from experts like us. ’

Chu Kunwei shrugged and said, "Don't be nervous. Have you forgotten what I told you? The biggest advantage of stocks is that you won't lose money if you don't sell them."

"As long as you hold on to it, if you can't do it in the short-term, then switch to the mid-term. If the mid-term still suffers, then make long-term investment. If it doesn't work, you can still pass it on to your sons and grandsons."

"As long as we don't sell, there is always a chance to turn around. Won't the stock price slowly rise back now?"

The bear demon suddenly pinched his neck, and violent murderous intent poured out: "I sold it before it went up."

Chu Kunwei frowned, a hint of impatience flashed in his eyes: "Hey, let me teach you one thing, in Night City... don't use violence against people who are richer than you, because he is most likely to be stronger than you. "

Just when Chu Kunwei wanted to burst out his energy and blood and break away from the bear demon in front of him.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain coming from the position where the opponent's palm was pressing him, as if some insect had got in.

Then he found that his body was gradually losing control.

"You...what did you do?"

The bear demon snorted coldly and said, "Take me to the stock trading building."

At the same time, at a restaurant a few streets away from Xiong Yao and Chu Kunwei.

A young man with the look of a wolf and a wolf tail stood on the fifth floor of the restaurant.

He looked down at the lively scenery of Night City, but sighed slightly: "Everything is based on money... All actions are based on interests, lacking ideas, lack of etiquette, and no loyalty."

He said with a look of disgust: "This whole city exudes the stench of depravity."

A boy ran up and said, "Your Highness, they have gone to the trading building."

The young man nodded: "Chu Qiguang came up with a series of ways to divide the various races, brainwash the people, and trick the demon and human races into collecting training materials for him."

"But the things he created are full of lies and loopholes. He drives the people with pure profit and deception. It is only a matter of time before it collapses."

As he said that, he looked at the table beside him, and saw several figures with extremely deep auras, as if even the light around them was being squeezed and absorbed.

One of them was the big demon who broke out of the Dragon Snake Mountain, Jiang Hongyun, the founder of Wuxiangjie. He said coldly: "Prince of the Wolf Clan, are you sure your arrangement is okay?"

The young man said confidently: "I have been observing this place for the past few months. And today, I will completely destroy this corrupt city built by Chu Qiguang."

"Then with your help... completely defeat him mentally and physically."

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