Ruins of the past

Chapter 674 Life extension

When Chu Qiguang came to the Buddhist world corresponding to Jinrong Mansion, the first thing that caught his attention was the Buddha fire hanging high in the air.

I don't know how much accumulated Buddhist fire was floating in the air, directly lighting up the entire ground within a hundred miles like daylight.

Originally, a major problem in the development of the Buddhist world was the light. Without the light of the Buddha, the Buddhist world became dark.

Whether it is humans or monsters, they all need light to move freely.

This leads to the need to consume a lot of resources in lighting during the development process of the Buddhist world.

Gathering Buddhist fire to light up a hundred miles radius like now can obviously greatly increase the development speed of the Buddhist world.

‘It seems that the collection of Buddha Fire was quite successful during my absence. ’

'If all this Buddha Fire can be refined... maybe it will be enough for me to complete the "Soul Refining Record". ’

‘Today’s Night City has probably undergone earth-shaking changes. ’

When Chu Qiguang came to Night City, he found that just as he expected, Night City had developed very rapidly in the past year.

Just looking down from the sky, you can see that the scale of Night City's operations has expanded more than ten times than before.

When he arrived at the Fire Hall, he could see that it was crowded with people before he entered. They were all humans or monsters queuing up to purify the Buddha's fire.

In addition to enhancing his strength through the purification of Jinnu's Buddhist fire, Chu Qiguang also saw services in which Buddhist fire can be exchanged for products such as silver, weapons, armor, living corpses, martial arts, Taoism, etc.

He even saw applications for enlightenment of the dharma of the Tao, requests for help from powerful Taoists, healing of demon stains, and other services. As long as the amount of Buddha's fire was enough... even the project asking Chu Qiguang to take action was written on it.

It seems that whether it is strength, weapons, skills, pills, masters, health... as long as you have enough Buddha Fire, you can buy everything in the Night City.

Chu Qiguang smiled slightly and thought to himself: 'Has the Fire Hall been reformed? Jiaojiao and Qiao Zhi did a good job. ’

Chu Qiguang was walking among the crowd, and from time to time he could hear the legend of a lucky boy who accidentally entered a cave, found a large ball of Buddha fire, and became a master.

Everything in the Hall of Transmission of Fire is obviously very tempting to cultivators in this world who are unwilling to settle for the ordinary.

Since there are so many Buddha fires in the Buddhist world, why can’t the person you find them be me?

Countless warriors came to the City of Night with such thoughts, hoping to find the Buddha's Fire and become rich overnight, soaring into the sky. They all joined the army looking for the Buddha's Fire.

Outside the door of the fire transmission hall, Chu Qiguang was stopped by someone. A young man with a professional fake smile said: "Is this brother here to dig up the Buddha's fire?"

"The Buddhist world is always dark, and there are countless monsters hiding in it. Looking for the Buddha's fire is extremely dangerous."

"Do you want to know about the Xunhuo Loan that the Night City Chamber of Commerce has recently withdrawn from here? As long as you apply, we can approve the loan in just one stick of incense. You can use the money to buy weapons, elixirs, and human armor. You can also go to the butcher shop for body modification..."

Chu Qiguang asked funnyly: "What if I can't afford it?"

The young man smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. If you can't afford it, you can join our Night City Chamber of Commerce and work slowly. As long as you work hard, you can pay it off in five or six years."

"I strongly recommend that you go to the butcher shop to buy a set of explorer modification services after you apply for a loan. We have an event with the butcher shop. After you apply for a loan, you can get a 20% discount on this set of services."

"Among them, the Faith Bone allows you to freely use the talisman water of Huangtian Dao to speed up work efficiency."

"The inner armor can create a layer of bone armor in your body to prevent various impacts and puncture injuries, and protect the vital parts of the body so that you will not be unable to work due to injury."

"There are also three bonus martial arts cycles. You can choose three from the twenty-one martial arts. After implanting the Qi and Blood Machine, you can use those three martial arts immediately, and you can master new work skills in an instant. …”

The son of Huang Tian listened with a chill in his heart: "After transforming the skeleton of faith, you need to buy talisman water and talisman. After creating the inner armor of the skeleton, you will naturally need to repair and maintain it in the future." ’

‘The martial arts cycle should be what Chu Qiguang asked Thirteen Niangs and others to study before. After being implanted into the human body, it can automatically run the qi and blood circulation of different martial arts. ’

'Of course this needs to be constantly updated in the future... And can people who are used to implanting "martial arts" in this way still calm down and practice on their own? I'm afraid they won't choose to implant martial arts in the future, right? ’

‘If more and more people choose this way, this may also become an arms race, and everyone will want to implant stronger martial arts than others. ’

Perhaps because he has been with Chu Qiguang for too long, Huangtian's son can notice the various charging items just by thinking about it, and then shudders: "With so many expenses, I'm afraid I will only make more and spend more in the end." We are increasingly inseparable from the convenience of the Chamber of Commerce...'

Chu Qiguang listened to the introduction of the salesman in front of him but nodded with satisfaction, and then asked: "If I want to buy a house in Night City, do you have the connections?"

After hearing this, the young salesman's eyes fluctuated slightly and he said, "All the houses in Night City are for rent only, not for sale."

Chu Qiguang said: "I am very optimistic about the future development of Night City. Money is not an issue. Can you think of a way?"

The salesman's eyes immediately lit up, and he felt that he had met a fat sheep, and he quickly said: "Although it is only for rent and not for sale, some houses are rented with long-term contracts of thirty, fifty or even one hundred years. "

"If you are really willing to pay, you can let these tenants sublet to you, which is not much different from buying."

Chu Qi nodded clearly and continued chatting with the salesman with a calm expression on his face.

At this moment, the sound of blasting air waves came from the distance. Chu Qiguang looked up and saw a huge black shadow rising into the sky and flying towards the distance.

When he focused his gaze slightly, he could see that it was a huge creature in the shape of a flying dragon.

And standing on Feilong's back were six people, big or small, tall or short, who looked similar to Li Yaofeng.

‘That’s... Li Yaofeng’s clone? ’

Chu Qiguang asked curiously: "What is that?"

The salesman on the side introduced: "That's the Yanming Camp. Everyone in the camp is a top-notch master and miraculous doctor in the world."

"As long as you can afford the money, you can get a special Buddha fire from the Yanming camp."

He promoted: "Once you activate the Taoist skills in the Buddha's fire, you can call the life-enhancing camp in the Buddhist world at any time."

"The Life Extension Camp will arrive immediately. As long as there is a breath, people can be rescued back to Night City, and they can even get rid of the pursuit of powerful people."

"Do you want to buy one? This is a life-saving talisman in the Buddhist world..."

Chu Qiguang touched his chin and thought to himself: 'Li Yaofeng's emergency service? ’

He asked curiously: "How much money will this rescue cost?"

The salesman said: "Eight hundred taels of silver will be charged regardless of whether it is successful or not. If it is successful, then there will be additional costs for labor, materials, elixirs, etc."

Chu Qiguang asked curiously: "What if many people call for help at the same time? Who should be saved first?"

"What you're asking...of course whoever pays more will save whom first."

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