Ruins of the past

Chapter 673 Checking the Buddhist Realm

Chu Qiguang could understand the tall buildings in the distance.

After all, when he left, the Bashu Chamber of Commerce was flourishing in all aspects of technology under his promotion.

Not only has Xuechi's technology been advancing by leaps and bounds, but he is also learning some knowledge about cement and steelmaking that he passed on from the other side of the earth.

Nearly a year later, he was not surprised at all that these technologies, coupled with the power of Taoism and martial arts, had built a tall building with more than ten floors.

What surprised him was the banner hanging on the tall building.

"Someone would actually scold me?"

Hearing Chu Qiguang's question, Huangtian's son couldn't help but cursed in his heart: "What's so confusing about this!"

Xiaolan said: "Brother Chu, is someone making trouble? Shall I go get that banner?"

Chu Qiguang shook his head: "Don't worry, let's go and see what's going on first."

So he walked quickly along the bustling long street and came to the bottom of the building.

From a distance, you can see a long queue underneath the building, rolled together like noodles, lining up to enter the building one by one.

After Chu Qiguang asked, he found out that this newly built high-rise building was called the Star-Zhaing Building, and it had become a popular attraction in Jinrong Mansion since its completion.

Countless dignitaries, warriors and Taoist priests came here because of their admiration, wanting to climb the tower to have a panoramic view of the city.

However, you need to queue up to buy tickets to go up the stairs, and there are requirements for the number of people who can go up each time.

Later, Chu Qiguang asked about the banner on the roof, and an old man said: "Someone paid to hang it up."

After some inquiries, Chu Qiguang found out that this was a business of Zhaixing Tower.

As long as you are willing to pay and the content of the banner passes the review, you can hang it up.

After a little investigation, Chu Qiguang learned that behind the Star Reaching Tower was an organization called the Star Reaching Chamber of Commerce.

Behind the Star Reaching Chamber of Commerce is the Jinrong Construction Chamber of Commerce, behind the Jinrong Construction Chamber of Commerce is the Shuzhou Construction Chamber of Commerce, and behind the Shuzhou Construction Chamber of Commerce is the Bashu Chamber of Commerce.

Xiaolan said dissatisfied: "What's wrong with Jiaojiao? How can you say such things about Brother Chu? Isn't this affecting your reputation, Brother Chu?"

"It's indeed wrong." Chu Qiguang touched his chin and said, "This position should be auctioned, and the one thousand taels received is too little."

Xiaolan: "..."

"After all, I'm not a stingy person. As long as I'm willing to pay, I don't mind being scolded."

"But most of the enemies I've offended since I debuted have turned into friends. Who is willing to pay a thousand taels of silver to scold me?"

As Chu Qiguang said this, he had already sneaked into the warehouse of Zhaixing Building, trying to find the record of purchasing the banners to see who scolded him.

Unfortunately, the records are all anonymous, and the other party is obviously unwilling to reveal his or her identity.

Just when Chu Qiguang decided to give up, his ears suddenly moved: "What a coincidence?"

In an office on the third floor of Zhaixing Building.

A big man who was wrapped up tightly and didn't show his face said: "I didn't expect you guys to actually hang it up. I thought the thousand taels fell into the water."

As he said that, he took out another note: "As long as you are willing to hang this, I will pay you two thousand taels."

The clerk trembled in fright when he saw the words on the note, and the note fell to the ground: "This... this..."

Chu Qiguang hid in the darkness and glanced at the withered note, only to see it read: Chu Qiguang, I am your father.

After a while, the big man left the Star Reaching Tower.

He moved around all the way, sneaking into the alley like a ghost, and finally untied the clothes wrapped around his face.

This person is none other than Duo Chiwen, the demon warrior god who came to Shuzhou from the grassland to investigate.

After he was caught by Chu Qiguang, he sank into a pool of blood, and blood worms were stuffed into his brain.

Since then, he has been forced to dig mountains and gravel and build roads day and night.

He has now repaired at least half of the main roads between Shuzhou and the Buddhist world, but not only did Chu Qiguang not give him a penny, he even asked him to go to the bank to get money to buy food and drink.

And with his cultivation at the realm of the Martial God, he has lost a lot of weight due to hard work in the past year, and the energy and blood power in his body has even weakened a bit. You can imagine how heavy the work he does is.

The hatred towards Chu Qiguang in Duo Chiwen's heart can be said to be getting deeper day by day.

But under Chu Qiguang's lustful power and the threat of bloodworms in his brain, he could only work silently, accumulating strong negative emotions.

However, although he did not dare to resist Chu Qiguang head-on, he still had the courage to scold Chu Qiguang secretly, and he was very brave.

Originally, Duo Chiwen tried it with a disgusting attitude towards Chu Qiguang, thinking that Zhaixing Tower would not dare to hang on to what he wrote, but he never expected that the other party would actually hang on to it.

When he got the news, he rushed over and added another one, thinking that if this one could be hung up and seen by everyone in the city, it would seem that he would feel a breath of evil in his heart.

Chu Qiguang looked at Duo Chiwen leaving and shook his head: "So it's Duo Chiwen?"

"It seems that the road construction team's work is still too leisurely, so he has time to come to the city to scold the boss."

After confirming who was scolding him, Chu Qiguang prepared to go to the Buddhist world.

According to his original plan, the current world was dominated by humans, while the Buddhist world was dominated by demons. He also vigorously promoted blood pool technology and encouraged the collection of Buddhist fires.

It is necessary to build a world with Night City as the center where monsters can work peacefully and even accept all kinds of monsters.

As soon as he entered the gate of the Buddhist world and saw the flames of the Shuzhou Buddhist world in front of him, Chu Qiguang was slightly surprised: "Oh?"

On the other side, Duo Chiwen left the Star Reaching Tower and returned to intense work again.

The construction site where he is currently located is in the barren mountains to the west of Jinrong Mansion, so he took the opportunity to visit the Star Reaching Tower.

Here, Jin Nu will check the progress of the project every day, and if she fails to meet the standards, she will be tortured by blood worms.

Amidst the loud rumbling sound, the earth and rocks in front of him continued to crack and shatter under the strong energy bombarded by Duo Chiwen, and gradually turned into a large flat ground.

Suddenly, a strong pressure disappeared in a flash. Duo Chiwen was slightly startled, looked at Jin Nu aside and said, "I have to go for a convenience."

A few flickers of body and mind hid in the woods, and Duo Chiwen asked tentatively: "Are you there?"

A familiar voice came over: "Duo Chiwen, I've suffered a lot from you this year."

Duo Chiwen trembled and said slightly excitedly: "You are finally here. Chu Qiguang planted something in my mind. You guys should think of a solution quickly..."

But the voice said: "It's not the right time yet, this time you have to help us deal with Chu Qiguang."

Duo Chiwen suddenly refused: "Are you crazy?"

The voice chuckled: "Don't be nervous. There are many people who have to deal with him this time. The power behind this is far beyond your imagination."

"And it is very possible that Chu Qiguang was seriously injured in Longshen Mountain and has not recovered yet."

Duo Chiwen frowned and said, "How do you know?"

The voice said faintly: "Shuzhou seems to be peaceful, but in fact there have always been some indigenous people and monsters from the Snow Mountain Demon Country. They are very dissatisfied with the current situation and Chu Qiguang."

"But they don't dare to fight Chu Qiguang head-on. They only dare to secretly recruit people based on their faith, and then attack civilians and people under Chu Qiguang everywhere."

"As long as you give them a little favor and instigate them, you can make them work hard."

"A few days ago, there was a powerful monster that wanted to be demonized in the City of Night. After turning into a monster, it spread the demonic stain."

"Chu Qiguang happened to be in Night City at that time, so he took action."

"He killed that monster...but he actually used two moves."

"Two moves?" Duo Chiwen's eyes moved, but after thinking about it, he still shook his head: "Not enough."

"Of course it's more than that." The voice chuckled and continued to say something. Duo Chiwen's pupils continued to dilate, and finally nodded and said: "I understand."

I have to go out again in the afternoon and will write again when I come back.

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