Ruins of the past

Chapter 669 Return to Dragon Snake Mountain

Hearing what Chu Qiguang said, everyone present was shocked, and then frowned and looked at Chu Qiguang, their eyes full of disbelief.

Obviously they all felt that what Chu Qiguang said was too ridiculous and beyond belief.

Li Haochu looked at Chu Qiguang coldly and said in his mind: "If both memories are false, then doesn't Taoist Xuanyuan have no real memory?"

Chu Qiguang shook his head: "These memories are seen from your Xuanyuan divine power, but maybe the real memories are not with you."

"Dao Zun Xuanyuan has gone crazy, but there is still some sense left."

"I thought you were the rational part at first, but when I thought about it carefully I realized I was wrong."

"I think Xuanyuan's divine power is protecting you and that you represent the rational side. This is completely wishful thinking from a human perspective."

"Does God have to love the world? Does he have to protect his believers?"

"Will the boss risk his life to protect his employees? Will he sacrifice his own interests to protect the interests of his subordinates? Will he support himself with himself?"

"From a god's perspective, sacrificing one's power for believers, and even being willing to be devoured by believers, is crazy."

"Most of this is the fantasies of the believers themselves. They imagine an extremely powerful, aloof, and omnipotent god, but they also think that such a god would be willing to sacrifice himself to save human beings who are as humble as ants."

After hearing Chu Qiguang's words, the consciousness of everyone present was slightly churning.

Li Haochu's body's divine power surged, and when he opened his mouth, it turned into a violent wind and shouted: "Nonsense..."

Sound waves exploded above everyone's heads, but Chu Qiguang interrupted him, and then said in his mind: "Since the Great Demon Ran, the entire Xuanyuan world has collapsed due to the madness of Taoist Master."

"During the two hundred years of collapse, you ate the original gods, and then continued the cycle of turning into gods and devouring each other."

"You were born together with Dao Zun's madness and have existed together to this day."

"And Dao Zun's sanity has only recovered a little bit recently, and the biggest change in the Xuanyuan world recently is..."

Chu Qiguang looked up at the storm of divine power that covered the sky and the sun, and sighed: "He is the reason of Taoist Master, you are just madmen."

"The entire world is built on madness, so reason must destroy this world and reconstruct a new Xuanyuan world."

Li Haochu stroked his face and said in unison with everyone present: "Are we the madmen? Impossible, this kind of thing is impossible..."

Chu Qiguang then added: "Why are there two memories? This is the memory found from the divine power in your body."

"It's because your memories are contradictory and confusing."

"Because you are already crazy. You are the madness of Taoist Xuanyuan. Your memory is the memory of a madman. Of course it is a mess..."

Following Chu Qiguang's bewitchment, a hint of madness appeared on the faces of everyone present.

Xuanyuan's divine power surged back and forth in their bodies, and contradictory and chaotic memories were constantly pouring out.

Li Haochu held his head and murmured in pain: "...We are not crazy...We are not crazy..."

Chu Qiguang snorted coldly: "Think about it carefully, it is the rational part of Dao Zun that is playing tricks on you."

"He made you think that you are normal, and asked me, an outsider, to take you to see those contradictory and confused memories, just to let you choose a false one from two false memories, in order to weaken you... "

Li Haochu said angrily: "Shut up!"

I saw the roar of divine power, turning into violent winds, thunder, flames, and hail and blasting towards Chu Qiguang.

At the same time, the clouds under his feet turned into giant dragons and bounded towards Chu Qiguang, and the altar opened a big mouth and bit Chu Qiguang.

At this moment, everything in the world seemed to be changing with Li Haochu's thoughts.

But Chu Qiguang made a bang, and his indestructible body resisted all the attacks without leaving any injuries.

This is when he activates the Wuxiang Ghost Body, allowing his physical body to temporarily escape into the void to resist damage from all directions.

"Both memories are false. If you accept either one, you are finished."

“Either you believe both, or you don’t believe both.”

"Recall carefully, recall the real memory in your body, the real madness."

In the Shenhuo Palace, the faces of the people gradually turned crazy.

The face of Li Haochu in front of him is constantly changing. His face is changing into the faces of various people, as if he is constantly changing his head.

But the next moment, this change suddenly stopped.

Li Haochu's face was already filled with cold darkness, and no emotional changes could be seen at all. It was as if his body was controlled by some invisible existence.

He reached out and grabbed Chu Qiguang from the air, as if he wanted to do something.

But Chu Qiguang, who had escaped into the void at this moment, showed no reaction.

Chu Qiguang said slowly: "The storm of divine power is about to come. If you continue like this, you will be dead."

Li Haochu paused for a moment, then said coldly: "Get out."

As his words fell, a door opened in front of Chu Qiguang.

Chu Qiguang said: "Do I have another companion?"

Dalan appeared in front of Chu Qiguang instantly, with a look of confusion on his face.

"Get lost." Li Haochu said for the second time.

Chu Qiguang glanced at the people whose faces were gradually filled with madness, and said casually: "God will indeed enslave his own believers."

"Willingness is not slavery."

Chu Qiguang was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "It makes sense."

Li Haochu said for the third time: "Get out, now."

Chu Qiguang smiled, then walked through the door with Lin Lan, Huang Tian's son and the packed classics, and disappeared without a trace.

When Lin Lan came to his senses again, he found that he and Chu Qiguang had appeared on a small lake.

Chu Qiguang used his great freedom to support the classics and "Book of the Earth" obtained from the God Realm, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

Xiaolan asked doubtfully: "Brother Chu? What happened in the end? Did Taoist Xuanyuan let us go?"

Chu Qiguang said: "Taoist Xuanyuan has been crazy and hasn't come out to wreak havoc for so many years, which means that the Tianshi Sect can seal him. The key to the seal... The eighth achievement is the Tianshi Seal that suddenly appeared during the war. The appearance of the Tianshi Seal caused It prevented Dao Zun from losing control during that battle."

"And today, the only one who can seal Taoist Xuanyuan is probably him."

"But Dao Zun Xuanyuan can seal his crazy self, but he can't seal himself who has regained his sanity. In other words... he should leave some room in the seal and not think of sealing himself who has regained his sanity."

"So the only one who can release us from the Xuanyuan God Realm should be the sensible Daoist Xuanyuan."

The son of Emperor Tian thought thoughtfully: "So the one who finally let us out was the wise Taoist? Then what you said before..."

Dalan asked: "You said that both memories are false. The residents of the God Realm represent the madness of Taoist Master. In this case, how can they let us go?"

Chu Qiguang shrugged and said casually: "Maybe both are true. They believe either one."

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