Ruins of the past

Chapter 668 Obtaining

At this moment, all the people in the Shenhuo Palace, including Li Haochu, stood blankly on the spot, with waves of light flowing in their eyes, as if countless violent storms were making waves.

After seeing the two memories Li Haochu got.

Although they seemed motionless, their respective consciousnesses were already engaged in intense discussions and exchanges.

After seeing Chu Qiguang regaining consciousness, Xiaolan rushed up and said, "Brother Chu, you have been away for a long time this time!"

"I encountered other temples on the way, and they were all eaten..."

Chu Qiguang did not answer immediately, but first looked at the sky.

At this moment, the Divine Fire Palace was getting closer to the divine storm. The entire sky was filled with golden storm, as if it had been plunged into a world of violent winds.

When he looked down, he found that the entire Shenhuo Palace was floating on the sea of ​​clouds like a huge city, apparently swallowing up countless temples.

Chu Qiguang looked at the storm and thought to himself: 'It's getting closer. ’

Xiaolan asked: "Brother Chu, how are the memories you saw? What's going on with them now?"

Chu Qiguang looked at Xiaolan and briefly recounted the memory of what he saw.

Then he looked at the people who were still standing still and said, "I'm afraid they are having a very heated discussion now about which memory they should believe."

Lin Lan asked curiously: "Is this important?"

"Of course this is very important." Chu Qiguang said: "According to my speculation, Xuanyuan Dao Zun is indeed an artificial god created in the Pre-Han Dynasty."

"He does not have a single personality, but a god formed by a large number of human consciousnesses."

"Perhaps I did this in the hope that He could become the protector of mankind."

"But after experiencing the great demon dye, Taoist Master Xuanyuan fell into madness, and the order of the entire Xuanyuan God Realm collapsed."

"After these years of devouring gods, devouring each other and adapting, all the people in the God Realm have been infiltrated by the divine power of Xuanyuan Taoist. It can be said that they have become part of Xuanyuan Taoist."

"Which memory they believe will become Taoist Xuanyuan's memory."

"And memory is the basis for the existence of wisdom."

"For example, if you suddenly lose your memory and are injected with a memory that you are Master Qiao, will you be completely changed?"

"But for Taoist Xuanyuan, it's even more serious. If you believe in false memories, your own power will be seriously lost."

"It's like... I am clearly practicing the "Dragon Elephant Great Freedom Power", but in my memory I thought that if I had cultivated the "Shadowless Tribulation", the result... the power would be the least regressed..."

"Only by confirming the true memory can they become the real Taoist Xuanyuan."

Lin Lan nodded thoughtfully: "Is this memory confusion caused by the madness of Taoist Xuanyuan?"

"Then which memory is true? Do we have to help Dao Master Xuanyuan's sanity before we can leave here?"

Chu Qiguang shook his head and frowned: "I always feel... something is wrong."

He did not continue to speak, but touched his chin, recalling what Da Lan said in his mind: 'Crazy and reason are fighting each other... seizing the dominance of everything...'

'Memory will determine everything. ’

'Madness and sanity...have different interpretations of memory...'

'You have to figure out which side represents madness and which side represents sanity...'

Chu Qiguang remembered what Zhou Bai said again: 'Taoist Master Xuanyuan has gone crazy, and today's Xuanyuan world is completely built on madness. ’

'If you want to leave, you can only get help from Taoist Master. ’

'You can try taught me...those...'

As he thought about it, clues gradually emerged in his mind.

At the same time, Li Haochu and others gradually divided into two groups as they argued fiercely in their minds, each supporting different memories.

The two sides were unable to convince each other consciously, so they gathered together in reality, seemingly planning to devour each other directly.

Xuanyuan's divine power roared back and forth in the atmosphere, and a war seemed about to break out.

At this moment, Chu Qiguang looked at them and said, "I already know which memory is true."

In an instant, everyone present looked at Chu Qiguang, and those cold eyes came together, making Lin Lan and Huangtian's son tremble in their hearts.

Chu Qiguang faced these inhuman eyes, but smiled slightly and said: "Promise me something, and I will tell you the answer."

Li Haochu took one step forward and crossed time and space, arriving directly in front of Chu Qiguang.

He looked at Chu Qiguang condescendingly and said calmly: "You are not qualified to negotiate terms. Just tell us everything you know and we will spare your life."

Chu Qiguang grinned: "You have eaten many other temples along the way, right? Give me all the books you have collected, and I will tell you everything immediately."

"Otherwise let's have a fight."

As Chu Qiguang pointed out, a huge shock wave exploded in the storm.

The eyes of Li Haochu and others moved slightly. To them, the collected classics were meaningless and they were just thrown together casually.

If they had a battle with Chu Qiguang instead, although they were sure of defeating Chu Qiguang, it would be a waste of time when the divine storm was about to destroy the world.

Thinking of this, Li Haochu reached out and waved his hand, and the classics fell in front of Chu Qiguang.

Among them were not only the original canons and manuscripts that were swallowed up in the back hall of Zixiao Palace on Houlong Snake Mountain, but also many books that were originally preserved in the Xuanyuan God Realm. Chu Qiguang's chest felt hot.

Among them, the one that Chu Qiguang paid the most attention to was naturally the "Book from the Ground" that he had been searching for with so much painstaking efforts.

Chu Qiguang stretched out his hand and grabbed the "Book of the Earth" that kept calling him.

Lines of writing appeared in the seeker's eyes.

"A quarter of the Zi Mansion Secret."

"The Secret of the Purple Mansion is originally an ordinary Taoist technique created by the gods."

"But after being corrected by someone unspeakable."

"But it has become a hidden key to heaven."

"It is said that all the mysteries of the universe are recorded in it."

"After collecting four copies, there may be unexpected effects."

Chu Qiguang looked at the "Book from the Ground" in his hand and sighed in his heart: "Finally... I got it."

But before Chu Qiguang had time to look through it, Li Haochu and others in front of him urged: "Can you tell me?"

Chu Qiguang smiled, and once again asked Li Haochu to complete the art of complementing humans and cats, and then completed the final communication in the consciousness of both parties.

So the next moment, Chu Qiguang was not only connected to Li Haochu's consciousness, but also able to communicate with all the people in the Shenhuo Palace without any barriers.

Li Haochu asked: "What kind of memory is real?"

With everyone listening, Chu Qiguang said: "Have you ever thought... maybe both are fake?"

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