Ruins of the past

Chapter 670 The truth

"Is it all true?"

Hearing what Chu Qiguang said, Xiaolan first reacted: "If they are all true...could it be said that these are different memories of different people?"

Dalin Lan also reacted immediately: "Xuan Yuan Dao Zun is the collection of countless people's consciousness. If he has memory, it is naturally the memory of countless people."

"Everyone's memory of the same thing is different."

"Everyone has different perceptions and ideas about the Holy Emperor's Traces, Taoist Xuanyuan, and the various histories of the Pre-Han Dynasty, so there are two kinds of... or even more kinds of memories."

Having said this, Dalin Lan shook his head again: "Then this choice about memory... was it deliberately caused by Dao Zun's reason? Why did he do this?"

The son of Emperor Tian listened to their analysis and immediately figured out a lot of things.

Just listen to him say: "Chu Qiguang, you are right. Two hundred years of madness, coupled with the devouring of each other in the God Realm, those residents of the God Realm have already become part of Taoist Xuanyuan."

"This only intensified Tao Zun's division and madness."

"So Dao Master Xuanyuan's rationality is probably to take advantage of this opportunity to further integrate all consciousness."

"After all, different memories represent contradictions."

"For him, it doesn't matter which memory he believes in. What's important is that everyone believes in the same memory and completes the integration from memory to consciousness to power."

"This is a pursuit that most life forms with pan-consciousness integration will pursue."

"So he set up a trap and wanted to use outsiders like us to achieve this goal."

"After all, we are the only outsiders who will not be bound by Dao Zun's memory and can make choices calmly."

"Originally I just had to choose one..."

The son of Emperor Tian looked at Chu Qiguang and thought to himself: 'In the end, this guy just incited the split and crazy consciousness of Taoist Xuanyuan to go even crazier. ’

‘The only reason that Daoist Xuanyuan had left was to avoid the situation from getting worse, so he showed up in person to deal with Chu Qiguang. ’

‘As a result, due to insufficient strength and state recovery, I was unable to immediately kill Chu Qiguang who had escaped into the void. ’

Huangtian's son continued to speculate in his heart: 'For Taoist Xuanyuan, his own state is the most important, so it is acceptable to let Chu Qiguang go temporarily. ’

At this moment, Xiaolan looked at Chu Qiguang and asked: "Brother Chu, what do you think is the real relationship between the Holy Emperor's Monument and Xuanyuan Taoist in real history?"

Chu Qiguang said casually: "Who knows, maybe only Taoist Xuanyuan himself knows the real historical truth."

"But I can probably confirm one thing."

"The Holy Emperor's Traces indeed relied on the power of external gods."

He touched his chest and thought to himself: 'After all, there are messages and Taoist techniques from the ministers under Shenghuangji from the Pre-Han Dynasty left in the void. ’

‘At that time, there may have been more than one of the subordinates of Shenghuangji who had possessed the Ring of Foolishness. ’

Hearing Chu Qiguang's words, Xiaolan, Dalan and Huangtian's son who were present all felt confused and wanted to ask Chu Qiguang why he was so sure.

However, Chu Qiguang was noncommittal and did not give a definite answer.

Xiaolan asked from the side: "Brother Chu, what should we do next?"

Chu Qiguang used his great strength to hold the trophies brought out from the Xuanyuan God Realm, looked at the lake at his feet and said: "This is... the Zixiao Palace of Long Snake Mountain before? How did it become a lake?"

He frowned and looked in other directions of Long Snake Mountain, and found waves of shouts coming from the distance.

However, Chu Qiguang did not deal with the loot impatiently, but said: "The most urgent task is to find out how long we have been away and what happened."

Yongan 20 years, October.

At this moment, three figures stood proudly on the bright top of Dragon Snake Mountain.

They looked at the billowing and echoing sea of ​​clouds beneath their feet and let out a long sigh.

These three people are the three strongest men who defeated all the other heroes in the Zhoutian Grand Ceremony of Tianshi Sect and took the top three positions. They are considered by many to be the top masters of the new generation of the Han Dynasty and the myths and legends of the future.

One of them had a beard on his face and carried a huge sword behind his back. He was Zhuo Buqun, the sword god from the Donghai School in the south, who won third place in the Zhoutian Festival.

I heard Zhuo Buqun let out a long laugh and said, "Exchanging martial arts and Taoism with two people on Dragon Snake Mountain today is really a great pleasure for Zhuo."

Another young man with a short stature and a mature appearance said: "Brother Zhuo, your cultivation of the Phantom Divine Wind Sword has reached its peak and is superb. You are indeed worthy of your reputation as the number one sword in the East China Sea."

Zhuo Buqun had a look on his face after hearing this and responded: "Brother Song, you are a disciple of Master Baiyang. The "Qingyang Water Tribulation" you practiced so hard is famous all over the world. It really opened my eyes."

The short man laughed and said: "When it comes to Taoism, how can I compare to Brother Miao's Great Light Sutra? Brother Miao will probably have to teach the Vinaya Sutra when he returns to the Holy Fire Sect this time, right?" "

"He is the first among the new generation of masters."

As a professor of southern martial arts in the imperial court and a general of the East China Sea Navy, Zhuo Buqun showed no hostility towards the two Taoist immortals who belonged to the Holy Fire Sect and the Baiyang Sect respectively.

On the one hand, it is naturally because the local powerful people in the three southeastern states are inextricably related to these cults.

On the other hand, after the battle at Dragon Snake Mountain at the beginning of the year, the imperial court, the Holy Fire Sect, and the Baiyang Sect, under the series of operations of Huang Daoxu and Emperor Yong'an, and under the pressure of the outer gods... all temporarily reached a mutual agreement. Secret partnership.

Brother Miao, who was highly regarded by Zhuo Buqun and Brother Song, was a white-robed Taoist with a holy face, and there seemed to be divine light rippling between his eyes.

He is the eldest disciple of the leader of the Holy Fire Sect, and now the left guardian of the Holy Fire Sect is the number one person in this Zhoutian Festival.

The other two people looked at the Longxu Tianhai Sword that Brother Miao was carrying on his back, with envy in their eyes.

Because of the theft of the Earthly Book, the top prize in the Zhoutian Festival this time was the Great Xia Divine Sword.

And compared to the obscure Book of Earth, the three people present wanted this legendary artifact more.

Brother Miao said calmly: "Although the three of us are already the top masters in the world, we are still a little behind the real number one in the world."

Brother Song said: "Master Huang is indeed invincible in Taoism, but we may not be able to catch up with him in the future."

Zhuo Buqun suggested: "I think we should meet every year to exchange martial arts and Taoism."

"Both of them are the ultimate geniuses in this world. They will be the pillars of the human race in the future. They should work together."

The other two people nodded in agreement, but Brother Miao sighed again: "It's a pity that this Zhou Tian Festival, I couldn't compete with Chu Qiguang."

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