Ruins of the past

Chapter 659 God Realm

Just when Li Shentong's eyes were looking at Chu Qiguang, a cold breath rushed towards his face, causing ripples in space to block Chu Qiguang's face.

'Lin Lan...'

Just as this thought came to Chu Qiguang's mind, he saw Lin Lan disappear in front of him in an instant.

Chu Qiguang reacted immediately. When he stepped back, the gate to the Buddhist world had opened behind him.

'What kind of Taoism is this...'

‘Are Lin Lan and Huang Tian’s son dead? ’

'First distance yourself and figure out this Taoist technique...'

When Chu Qiguang crossed the gate of the Buddhist Realm, he found that the gate of the Buddhist Realm had disappeared, and he was still standing outside the Zixiao Hall of the Tianshi Sect.

‘Can you even close the door to the Buddhist world? ’

When this thought came to Chu Qiguang's mind, Li Shentong's pair of extremely deep eyes had already looked at him.


There was an explosion in the air, and under everyone's gaze, Chu Qiguang disappeared without a trace.

Immediately afterwards, under the horrified gazes of everyone, Li Shentong gradually transformed into a beast and tore his body crazily, leaving behind traces of blood.

A series of piercing screams erupted from his mouth, and the sharp sound was like a heavy hammer, exploding directly in everyone's minds.

Blood flowed out of Wuchenzi's seven orifices, and there were waves of dizziness in his head, as if there was an iron rod violently stirring inside.

At the same time, a crisp sound came.

The upper body of a statue disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if it had been swallowed by some invisible beast. The remaining lower body had uneven traces of fractures.

Next, with Li Shentong's body as the center, the surrounding statues, walls, bricks, desks... disappeared one after another.

"Quickly retreat!"

The elders endured the pain in their brains and screamed back, watching everything within a hundred meters around Li Shentong being swallowed up.

Even the ground beneath his feet disappeared without a trace, leaving a huge crater dozens of meters deep.

Looking at Li Shentong floating in mid-air, the elders felt a sense of fear in their hearts.

But at this moment, a figure drove the wind and thunder and rushed here.

It was Huang Daoxu who got rid of the suppression of the Great Freedom after Chu Qiguang disappeared.

As soon as he opened his mouth and vomited, the Seal of the Chief Photographer of Hunyuan rose into the sky and landed on Li Shentong's forehead instantly.

The originally ferocious face of Li Shentong gradually calmed down, and the Heavenly Master Seal seemed to melt into his forehead bit by bit, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Li Shentong also returned to his expressionless appearance, lying on the ground with his eyes closed, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep again.

Huang Daoxu looked at the fallen Li Shentong, the expression on his face became deeper and deeper.

An elder walked aside and asked cautiously: "Leader, you..."

Huang Daoxu sighed: "I didn't do it, and I still haven't been able to exert the true power of the Tianshi Seal."

"It was Dao Zun who exerted supreme Taoism on himself long before he completely lost control and closed the door to the Xuanyuan Divine Realm."

"Just because I am afraid that no one in the entire world can stop him except Dao Zun himself."

"And the only key is the Hunyuan Chief Photographer's Seal passed down from generation to generation."

"That's why in the past two hundred years, my sect has enshrined the Heavenly Master Seal on Dragon Snake Mountain and sealed it. It should not be used lightly except in situations of life and death."

"I just activated the Heavenly Master's Seal to cut off the connection between the Xuanyuan God Realm and the present world."

"But this is only a temporary expedient. If no attention is paid, He will regain control of the Celestial Master's Seal and once again open the connection between the divine world and the real world."

"Immediately send a message to all the disciples in the mountain to come here. I will start the ritual and suppress the Tianshi Seal again."

In the blink of an eye, the disciples of the Tianshi Sect in Dragon Snake Mountain started to move one by one and gathered towards the original position in the main hall.

Huang Daoxu looked at the disappeared Zixiao Palace and sighed: "Tao Zun, please protect us."

Fu Nanzi walked to Huang Daoxu and asked curiously: "Where did Chu Qiguang go?"

Huang Daoxu shook his head: "A place where he can never come out. This person is no different from death."

Fu Nanzi frowned and said, "What about the Book from the Ground?"

Huang Daoxu looked at the empty pit in front of him and said with a wry smile: "Not only is the "Book from the Ground" gone, but also the portraits of the ancestors of the past generations, the enshrined talismans, as well as the original classics, manuscripts, translations, etc. of all generations collected in the apse. The alchemy books...are all gone this time."

Chu Qiguang slowly opened his eyes and found that he was on a sea of ​​clouds.

He looked at his feet and found that it was a cloud that was gathering and dispersing uncertainly, but when he stepped on it, it felt like solid earth.

Chu Qiguang raised his head again and looked into the distance.

Then he saw that among the waves of the sea of ​​clouds, there were golden bridges connecting each other.

On the bridge, there are thousands of golden lights and thousands of auspicious auras, and there are rows of golden-armored gods.

And further away, colorful clouds illuminate the sky, and palaces stand in the clouds with various colors and splendor, surrounded by stars, and the stars are brilliant.

'here it is……'

Chu Qiguang felt that the scene in front of him seemed similar to the scene behind Huang Daoxu before.

‘Did Master Xuanyuan catch me here? ’

'Now that I think about it, the dropping of "Book of the Earth" was probably not caused by Tao Zun. ’

Recalling Li Shentong's appearance, Chu Qiguang murmured: "Just like Master Qiao said, Taoist Master seems to be crazy and will not do such a thing."

‘I’m afraid it wasn’t deliberately trying to lure me into the game at that time. Instead, it was the Book from the Ground itself that attracted me. ’

At this moment, a cold voice rang out from his mind: "I'm afraid this place is the legendary Xuanyuan God Realm."

Chu Qiguang said: "Xiaolan? Are you here too?"

"Well, it should be that we are of the same mind."

Xiaolan paused and then said: "Brother Chu, I'm afraid it was Taoist Xuanyuan who absorbed us into his Xuanyuan God Realm. Since we can come in, we should also be able to find a way to get out."

Chu Qiguang nodded, touched his chin and said, "Since we have come in, I'm afraid Huangtian's son, Dalan, has also been sucked into this place."

He glanced at the sea of ​​clouds around him: "But they don't seem to be here. Were they sent to other places?"

Chu Qiguang tried to open the door to the Buddhist world or communicate with Dalin Lan through the transformation of "Ten Thousand Ghosts", but found that he failed.

‘There’s something weird about this place. ’

He thought for a while and walked forward along the sea of ​​clouds at his feet. After a while, he saw a huge tower appearing in front of him, with the three characters Shenhuo Palace written on the arched doorway.

If you look closely at this moment, you can see that the entire city tower is extremely dilapidated, and half of the doorway below has even collapsed.

A golden-armored god general who was tens of meters tall was half-kneeling in front of the door, motionless as if he were dead.

After Chu Qiguang passed the golden armored general and came to the city tower, he found that what appeared in front of him was a sea of ​​people. Many people were walking back and forth, as if they were busy with something.

Kevin, I guess that’s all these two chapters are for today.

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