Ruins of the past

Chapter 658 Taoist Xuanyuan

"Li Shen Tong?"

Chu Qiguang looked at the demon-suppressing envoy from the Demon-Suppressing Division in front of him, and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Although Li Shentong still looked the same as he had seen him two years ago, for some reason, it always gave Chu Qiguang a strange feeling.

Even vaguely, there was a sense of disharmony between the other party and the surrounding hall scene.

Qiao Zhi also said at this moment: "Something is wrong. Look at those murals and statues... they all seem to be looking at Li Shentong."

The main hall on Dragon Snake Mountain is called Zixiao Palace. It is backed by the main peak of Long Snake Mountain and occupies a very large area.

Rumor has it that it was first established in the Pre-Han Dynasty and was once the alchemy place of Taoist Xuanyuan.

Today, the main hall of Zixiao Temple houses nine shrines and hundreds of various statues, murals, and sacred objects.

In addition to the various images of Taoist Xuanyuan, there are also statues, scrolls, paintings, etc. that symbolize the ancestors of the Tianshi Sect.

But at this moment, Chu Qiguang looked at the portraits and statues of Taoist Xuanyuan and the ancestors of the past generations, and found that they were all looking at Li Shentong in the center of the hall, and even had a vague look of fear on their faces.

"A coincidence? Or is it my imagination?"

Chu Qiguang couldn't think of any Taoist techniques in the world that could be used to change things like murals and statues.

He asked tentatively: "Li Zhenshi? Are you okay?"

But Li Shentong in front of him didn't answer. He just sat like this, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

Chu Qiguang frowned, looked at the elders lying on the ground and asked, "What happened to him?"

The elders of Tianshi Sect looked at each other, and they all seemed hesitant to speak.

Their behavior made Chu Qiguang even more suspicious.

"If you don't say anything, then for the sake of safety, I will have to demolish the Zixiao Palace first."

Several elders were furious when they heard this, and wanted to get up and fight Chu Qiguang to the death.

At this moment, the Taoist boy next to Wuchenzi said, "Chu Qiguang, if you don't want to die, you can give it a try."

Wuchenzi's fingers slowly wrote on Tao Tong's back, and Tao Tong said word by word: "Li Shen Tong him..."

The elder on the side hurriedly stopped: "Senior brother! You can't tell this kid..."

Wuchenzi waved his other hand, and the Taoist boy continued: "Now that things have happened, there is nothing that can't be said. Otherwise, if we see Chu Qiguang messing around, you and I will be sinners forever."

"Chu Qiguang and Li Shentong performed the deity ritual with us."

"The so-called trance is to pray for the gods to descend."

“Originally, the chance of success of this kind of ritual was slim, and it would even attract evil spirits and ghosts to possess it, so it was a taboo everywhere in the world.

"Even after success, you can often only get some divine enlightenment, and it is even difficult to interpret or understand its meaning."

"But Li Shentong is a Taoist soldier trained by the Demon-Suppressing Division at the cost of countless resources, and he has mastered the Taoist righteous method of "Tai Ying Xi Zou"."

"If he had come to perform a trance ritual and the place was still on Dragon Snake Mountain, the result would have been completely different."

Chu Qiguang was stunned for a moment, then looked at Li Shentong, the alertness in his eyes suddenly increased to the extreme.

He said slowly: "Hey... you mean the current Li Shentong... is possessed by Taoist Xuanyuan?"

Master Qiao was shocked when he heard what the other party said, and said quickly: " away..."

"Chu Qiguang! If this guy is really possessed by Taoist Xuanyuan, we have to escape quickly!"

"Dao Zun Xuanyuan is crazy! He is also a lunatic who can shake things up! He can't be offended... he can't be offended!"

"Huh, earthshaking, I can do it too." Although Chu Qiguang said this, he was also a little worried in his heart.

After all, according to myths and legends, Dao Zun Xuanyuan was a terrifying figure who was born before the human race first ruled the Central Plains.

The other party passed down a total of three dharma paths: "Zhengyi Dharma Ribbon", "Zhengyi Sword Sutra" and "Zhengyi Dan Sutra", and it is said that he has completed the follow-up dharma in each of them and reached the highest state.

In history from ancient times to the present, every generation has the shadow of Tianshi Sect and Xuanyuan Dao Zun. The other party can be said to be an old monster that has influenced the history of the human race for thousands of years.

According to Chu Qiguang's own estimation, the opponent should still be a little more powerful than him now.

At this moment, after hearing Chu Qiguang's speech, Huang Tianzhi, who had returned to his waist, couldn't help but persuade: "How about forget it, Dragon Snake Mountain has been flattened, and these elders have also surrendered. I think. They already know they were wrong.”

"And I heard that Dao Zun Xuanyuan seems to have been able to repel Huang Tian's power."

"Belonging to the strongest group of creatures in the long history of this planet."

Chu Qiguang frowned secretly after hearing this. Many thoughts came to his mind, and he kept calculating the gains and losses.

Although he suppressed Huang Daoxu, leveled Dragon Snake Mountain, and beat up these elders, he still respected Taoist Xuanyuan very much and did not want to have a fight with him to hurt the harmony, at least not now.

At this moment, a soft snapping sound suddenly came from the hall.

Chu Qiguang turned around and saw a book falling from the altar table to the ground. The two big characters on it were "Book from the Ground".

‘Isn’t this... too deliberate? ’

Although he knew that the scene in front of him was strange, Chu Qiguang was determined to win "Book of the Earth".

So he pulled out the Emperor's Sword with a flick of his hand: "Go in and help me take out the Book of the Earth."

Son of Emperor Tian: "Ah?!"

But before he could react, Chu Qiguang threw him into the hall and landed next to the "Book of the Earth".

Chu Qiguang looked at the silent and motionless Son of Emperor Tian and urged: "What are you doing standing there in a daze? Why don't you quickly bring me the book?"

But seeing Huang Tian's son still motionless, Chu Qiguang frowned and said, "Has he been subdued?"

The son of Emperor Tian snorted coldly in his heart: 'You want to use me as cannon fodder to deal with Taoist Xuanyuan? Even if you kill me, I won’t pick it up. ’

The son of Emperor Tian pretended to be dead, and Chu Qiguang glanced at several elders again, planning to throw a few more old guys in.

At this moment, Li Shentong in the hall suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes were blurred, exuding an ominous aura like two black holes.

He spoke with difficulty: " away..."

But speaking these two words was his limit, and the next moment his face was occupied by extreme madness and ferocity.

It was a terrifying expression that no one present had ever seen before, as if it condensed all the most evil thoughts in human beings.

Then Li Shentong looked at the son of Huangtian lying in the hall, and burst out with frightening hostility.

Bang... With a soft sound, the Son of Emperor Tian let out a scream and then dissipated in the air.

The next moment, Li Shentong's abyss-like eyes looked at Chu Qiguang outside the hall.

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