Ruins of the past

Chapter 660 Dismemberment

What appeared in front of Chu Qiguang was a bloody and grotesque scene.

In the huge square, priests ranging from several meters to tens of meters tall are sitting, lying, or quiet statues.

Groups of people surrounded the gods like ants, using various tools to continuously dismember the flesh and blood of the gods.

The flesh and blood of the priest looked pure and flawless, like white jade.

After being cut, golden juice flows out, exuding a strong fragrance.

The entire square was filled with this scent, making people feel even weirder.

After the crowd cut off the flesh and blood of these gods, they arranged them neatly into categories, and then put them on carts and transported them away.

The entire square is like a huge slaughterhouse, and the statue-like gods are the targets of slaughter by these people.

Chu Qiguang looked at this scene and said in surprise: "There are actually living people in this world?"

According to his original speculation, if this was the Xuanyuan God Realm, it must have been influenced by Xuanyuan Dao Zun.

And Taoist Xuanyuan has gone crazy, but people in this world can still survive the madness of Taoist Xuanyuan?

Lin Lan said in his mind: "Brother Chu, according to the myths and legends of the Tianshi Sect, Xuanyuan Divine Realm is the divine realm and heaven created by Taoist Xuanyuan. Only believers recognized by him can enter after death. world."

"The most devout believers among them became divine officials after being enlightened by the Taoist Master."

Chu Qiguang nodded: "It feels a bit like the Buddhist world, but it doesn't seem as big as the Buddhist world?"

Lin Lan said: "After all, the philosophy of Buddhism is to make everyone in the world become a Buddha, and the teachings of the Heavenly Master can enlighten those who are willing to believe in the Taoist Master."

"But in today's Xuanyuan God Realm, there are actually people who are destroying these gods? Are they not followers of Xuanyuan Dao Zun?"

As the librarian of Chaoyao Mountain, Lin Lan is not afraid of the madness and demonic contamination caused by knowledge after possessing the body of ghosts and gods. She has always read many classics and history books.

Although Chu Qiguang has also read many books, his reading is too utilitarian, and he usually only reads The Ring of Fools.

In comparison, Lin Lan has read more ancient books than him, especially after following Chu Qiguang, he read various ancient books collected by Chu Qiguang's famous men.

So Chu Qiguang knew very well that Lin Lan probably read the most among his men. When it comes to understanding the history of various factions, Lin Lan knows more than he does.

"Maybe they were caught too?"

"In short... Whether you want to leave the Xuanyuan world or find Dalan and Huangtian's son, you need to understand this world first."

Chu Qiguang thought for a while and decided to investigate what was going on.

He walked forward and saw a young man who was carrying pieces of meat. He was about to say hello and inquire about information.

But he found that the other party looked at him with a hostile face: "There is no heart sound... you are not from the Kingdom of God and Fire!"

The next moment, as if they heard what the young man said, the crowd around him all gathered around with weapons in hand.

Seeing them shouting and swarming forward without any intention of communicating first, Chu Qiguang sighed.

I saw him flicking with five fingers, and the crowd in front of him was immediately blown away by the force of freedom, causing waves of people.

But then there was a flash of golden light on these people, and golden haloes sprouted from their flesh and blood, which directly offset the power of Chu Qiguang's attack.

At the same time, almost all of these people's bodies swelled in size, and they rushed towards Chu Qiguang again without fear of death.

Chu Qiguang sensed something was wrong after knocking them away several times.

He found it difficult to damage them with ordinary blows.

On the contrary, after repeated attacks, pieces of golden armor gradually grew out of the flesh and blood of these people, and their heads were gradually covered by golden armor. Their bodies began to become huge, becoming more and more like those dead gods.

"Brother Chu, something is wrong." Lin Lan said: "They seem to have the divine power of Taoist Xuanyuan in their bodies."

"Yeah." Chu Qiguang was about to increase his efforts and try to kill the opponent in one go.

At this moment, the hair of God that he had captured suddenly vibrated, and a male voice came out: "Don't kill them."

Chu Qiguang asked unexpectedly: "Zhou Bai?"

Now it seems that the only person who can contact him through this god's hair is Zhou Bai, who is also from the earth like him.

The voice coming from God's Hair continued: "This is the Xuanyuan God Realm. If you, as an outsider, kill them, you will trigger an attack from Xuanyuan Taoist Master, even if he is already crazy."

Chu Qiguang frowned and activated his Great Freedom. He could only push all the people in front of him to the ground and temporarily subdue them.

The other party continued to explain: "After a cultivator reaches the profound realm among gods, he can create his own world. The Buddhist world you are familiar with and the Xuanyuan world in front of you are all created in this way."

"This kind of world is built on the realm of the cultivator. The appearance and rules of operation of the world are related to the cultivator's qualifications, personality, Taoism, experience, willingness and other factors."

"But Dao Zun Xuanyuan has gone crazy. Today's Xuanyuan world is completely built on madness."

"So you don't have to be surprised no matter what situation you encounter in this world..."

Seeing the god's hair that stopped speaking again, Chu Qiguang frowned and said, "Are you there?"

After a while, the other party's voice sounded intermittently: "You can try taught me...those..."

Chu Qiguang sighed and said, "Speaking of this, at that time you were deceived into selling fake shampoo. Is it the agency fee I paid for you?"

"If I hadn't rescued you later, you and your whole family would have been dragged into the water..."

The other party said: "You are so is obviously a fake skin care product."

"If you hadn't been so nosy at that time... I might have been able to make ends meet for a few days."

"And didn't you defraud the money yourself a long time ago...I'm asking for're asking for your life."

Chu Qiguang nodded secretly: 'Judging from the is indeed Zhou Bai. ’

He asked: "Then do you know how to get out of here?"

The other party's voice became intermittent again: "If you want to leave... you can only find... Dao Zun... for his help..."

Hearing that the other party's voice was completely interrupted, Chu Qiguang tilted his head: "Broken again?"

"This guy...why is he even more unreliable than when he was on earth?"

At this moment, Lin Lan's voice sounded: "Brother Chu, are you really communicating with people from outside the world?"

The whole communication between Chu Qiguang and God's Hair just now was in the earth language, and Lin Lan heard it all.

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