Ruins of the past

Chapter 657 The location of the book from the ground

In a forest a few miles away from Dragon Snake Mountain.

An eyeball slowly closed on the dry tree trunk, and then let out a long sigh.

'Chu Qiguang...Chu Qiguang...'

‘It has reached such a state. ’

‘I can’t deal with him this time. I didn’t expect that such a person would appear among my descendants. ’

'I have to snatch the Buddha's fire as soon as possible to restore my skills...'

In the shadow of the woods, a group of tentacles slowly penetrated into the ground and disappeared without a trace. It was the Indestructible Buddha who once had a battle with Chu Qiguang in the Buddhist world.

Originally knowing the news that Chu Qiguang was going to fight with the Tianshi Sect, the Immortal Buddha planned to come to Dragon Snake Mountain to sneak attack on Chu Qiguang and kill his competitor for the Buddha's fire.

But now that he had witnessed Chu Qiguang's victory over Huang Daoxu and overwhelming Long Snake Mountain, he had no plans to take action again in the short term.

Recalling his previous action against Chu Qiguang in the Buddhist world, a hint of regret arose in Bubad Buddha's heart.

'If I could have subdued this person or cooperated with Chu Qiguang, then I'm afraid...'

The Buddha of Incorruptibility suppressed the trace of regret in his heart: "We have made a formidable enemy. The most urgent task is to recover our skills quickly and eradicate this person." ’

And not long after the Indestructible Buddha left, Juno's spirit swept over this place and sighed in his heart: "The Indestructible Buddha... seems to have left."

During this battle, Chu Qiguang expected that the Buddha of Incorruptibility might secretly take action, so he not only set up a dragnet in the Buddhist world, but also arranged for Juno to use the extraordinary perception of "Thirty-Six Meditations" to search for the Indestructible Buddha in this world. Buddha.

Juno sensed the direction of Dragon Snake Mountain, and images from Chu Qiguang's battle flashed through his mind from time to time.

‘My original premonition was indeed correct, but I never expected that in just a few years, Chu Qiguang would surpass Huang Daoxu and become the new number one in the world. ’

A moment later, Juno sent a message to An Yiyun with his soul, and the leader of the Tianjian Sect also learned about the departure of the Indestructible Buddha.

Originally, when she came to Dragon Snake Mountain this time, she wanted to use the assassination of the Immortal Buddha to improve the Taoism of her lineage of Tianjian Sect after listening to the information given by Chu Qiguang.

At this moment, An Yiyun looked steadily at Longshe Mountain, and his heart was filled with turmoil: 'Will the next era belong to Chu Qiguang? But what kind of connection does he have with the outer gods? ’

Thinking of this, An Yiyun always felt a little uneasy. This situation was completely beyond her control, making her feel very uncomfortable.

Not far away, Fei Yi looked steadily in the direction of Long Snake Mountain and murmured: "Invincible in the world... Invincible in the world..."

As the former chief minister of the imperial court, he deeply understood the uproar that today's battle between Chu Qiguang and the Tianshi Cult would cause in the world.

The Han Dynasty, which was already in a state of turmoil, didn't know which step it would take.

‘And stocks...will they go up or down? ’

Although Chu Qiguang burst out with tremendous ferocious power in this battle, he also forged a huge feud with the Tianshi Sect and would probably be regarded as an evil demon by countless people in the world.

Emperor Yong'an's thoughts on this battle are also very difficult to say.

The impacts are intertwined and difficult to measure.

Feiyi thought about it for a long time, but in the end he still couldn't figure out the trend of the stock.

Zhong Shan'e on the side had a bitter look on his face and didn't know what to do.

Li Yaofeng on the other side also had extremely complicated emotions: "Moving mountains and seas, turning clouds and rain, Chu Qiguang now can be said to have great supernatural powers." ’

‘His speed of cultivation is simply rare in the world... Is it really related to the external gods? ’

Beside Li Yaofeng, Lei Yushu said excitedly: "Master has won! This pressure has made everyone on the Dragon Snake Mountain bow their heads. No one in the world can stop us!"

Lei Yushu shouted excitedly: "Sweep the world! Change the world! Today is the day!"

Monk Faxiang nodded slightly at the side. After so many years, he saw Buddhism's unique knowledge sweeping the world again. He was filled with emotions and even a little proud.

'Emperor of the Han Dynasty, could you have imagined that the extremely powerful man who is now sweeping the world and making all heroes restrain their hands would be a descendant of Buddhism? ’

‘Why haven’t you come down for so long? ’ Lin Lan moved, and with a wave of space ripples, he set foot on Dragon Snake Mountain to find Chu Qiguang.

In the distance, Jiang Longyu was writing and drawing on the ground. All of them were the scenes and words Chu Qiguang said during the battle.

He stopped from time to time and looked at the words and images he had drawn, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Some warriors saw this and sighed: "He is indeed a genius among the eight generals of the Xinghan Dynasty. This battle seems to have inspired Jiang Longyu a lot." ’

Hao Xiangtong stared blankly in the direction of the mountain. During the two years at Longshe Mountain, she had clearly felt the Tianshi Sect and the power of Huang Daoxu.

But she didn't expect that the master who was already invincible in the world in her heart... actually lost to Chu Qiguang in the end.

‘Even Master and the elders in the sect are no match. I’m afraid no one in this world can stop Brother Chu. ’

‘What on earth will he do next? But no matter what you do, I'm afraid it will determine the direction of the entire world. ’

Hao Xiangtong could already imagine that the news of the next battle would sweep through the entire world like a strong wind, causing all kinds of turmoil.

Among the crowd, the eunuchs responsible for recording the battle trembled and wrote down today's battle situation on paper, with incredible emotions still in their minds.

The eunuch in charge sighed: "Today's battle will be spread throughout the world, become a legend, and become a myth. I just don't know whether this battle will be a blessing or a curse for the world..."

On the other side of the battlefield, Huang Huangpeng was still kneeling on the ground, with a look of despair on his face: 'I lost, I lost completely, after all, the foreign gods are better...'

The Immortal Way and the Celestial Master Sect failed one after another today. In Huang Huangpeng's view, the two banners that could resist the outer gods in this world have fallen backwards. In the end, it was even easier to collude with the outer gods... maybe even Chu Qi from outside the world. Light.

But at this moment, the voice of 'release' sounded in his ears: "Don't worry...I told you."

"Master Tianxian's calculation was correct, the fun has just begun."

At the same time, the entire Dragon Snake Mountain was already in a gloomy state, and the faces of the believers were filled with panic.

They looked in the direction of Dragon Snake Mountain with anger and fear, many of them guessing in their hearts what blasphemous things Chu Qiguang would do.

At this moment, in the main hall on Longshe Mountain, all the Supreme Elders glared angrily upon hearing Chu Qiguang's suggestion.

"Chu Qiguang! Even if you kill everyone on Dragon Snake Mountain, no one here will surrender to you."

"A scholar cannot be killed but cannot be humiliated. Chu Qiguang, if you want to take action, just do it. If you want to surrender, don't even think about it."

Seeing that each of them looked like fanatical believers, Chu Qiguang curled his lips and didn't bother to pay attention.

Jiaojiao shouted in her heart: "These old guys look very tough, let's just capture them and build roads."

Chu Qiguang said: "We are here to borrow books and read, not to be human traffickers."

"Jiaojiao, you need to change this habit. You can't just try to catch a talented person when you see him. This is called kidnapping."

Jiaojiao asked: "What should we do?"

Chu Qiguang said: "Giving money every month does not count as kidnapping."

"..." Qiao Zhi shook his head and sighed as he listened.

While Chu Qiguang was talking to Jiaojiao, he glanced at the main hall of the Tianshi Sect.

Although Dragon Snake Mountain is very large, Chu Qiguang did not know where the Tianshi Church stored the "Book of the Earth".

But since he climbed the mountain, Chu Qiguang felt that something on the mountain seemed to be calling him.

Thinking of his mysterious connection with the "Secret of the Purple Mansion", he wondered if the "Book of the Earth" was calling him.

‘It seems to be in this hall. ’

At the same time, Chu Qiguang could see Li Shentong sitting cross-legged in the center of the hall, his eyes closed, looking peaceful.

That’s it for these two chapters tonight, and the next one is another key node. Although the general direction has been set long ago, I still have to think about many details.

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