Ruins of the past

Chapter 642 Chu Qiguang goes to battle (please vote for me)

On the platform of spectators, billowing black clouds rushed over and bursts of demonic dyes erupted.

Jiang Hongyun saw that so many people were still full of vitality and blood, and a smile immediately appeared on his face: "It just happened that after they were all demonized, they were used to restore my cultivation." ’

'That boy... dared to threaten me with an oath that when I recover my cultivation, I will definitely wash away Dragon Snake Mountain with blood. ’

Just when Jiang Hongyun was about to rush to the platform, a blood-red figure blocked his way.

Jiang Hongyun frowned and said, "Oh? Are you the successor of Jie Sect? Do you know who I am?"

"I heard someone say that your name is Jiang Hongyun, and you are the creator of "The Invisible Tribulation"."

An excited smile appeared on Li Yaofeng's face: "But it doesn't matter. When you go to my workshop, we can talk slowly."

Jiang Hongyun laughed: "Woman, you will regret it."

"I changed my mind." Li Yaofeng snorted coldly. As soon as he put his hands together, a gate to the Buddhist world opened up behind him, and rows of energy and blood networks shot out from it.

"I'm going to soak you in a pool of blood right here..."

Above the ritual track of the Immortal Dao, Da Xiazi looked at the entire battlefield and thought to himself: 'Sure enough, everything was as expected by the Immortal Dao Master. ’

‘No one can stop the ritual anymore. ’

‘It seems like I don’t need to take action anymore. ’

At this moment, a cold female voice sounded from behind him.

"Hey, are you the leader of these people?"

Da Xiazi was slightly startled, turned around and saw a woman in black, it was Lin Lan.

He asked curiously: "Are you..."

The next moment, Da Xiazi felt that the world in front of him had been shrouded in darkness, and the surrounding heaven, earth, clouds, sea water, and mountains seemed to be moving away from him.

Not long after Li Chixin and Huang Huangpeng came down from the mountain, they met Master Luo and Qingxia Yuanjun.

I saw the talisman in Huang Huangpeng's hand flashing continuously, just resisting the offensive of the two Taoist immortals. He looked lazy, but he had no intention of fighting back.

Li Chixin was knocked away by the soul power activated by Master Luo. Seeing Huang Huangpeng's lazy appearance, he couldn't help shouting: "Aren't you going to use your full strength?"

Huang Huangpeng smiled and said, "The overall situation has been decided, and our victory or defeat here no longer matters."

On the stand raised by Hercules, Si Xingchun and Ji Haoran have been observing the movements of the entire battlefield.

Lei Yushu and the others were blocked by a group of living corpses. Even if they only had one hand or one foot left, these living corpses were desperately trying to stop the three martial gods.

The three of Fu Nanzi were completely suppressed by the three of the Daxia Crown Prince, especially under the vast ocean, the Daxia Crown Prince's "Qingyang Water Tribulation" was greatly enhanced and became more powerful.

Finally, Wang Feipian was wounded by a water sword, and Fu Nanzi and the others gradually showed their defeat.

Ji Haoran, the four Taoist masters on Huang Huangpeng's side, are not familiar with each other, but judging from the hurricanes and brilliance that are constantly rising, the two sides may not be able to tell the winner in a short time.

Besides that, what surprised him the most was the fight between Li Yaofeng and Jiang Hongyun, and the showdown between Lin Lan and Da Xiazi.

"Both of these two people came from the direction of the Gate of Buddha Realm. I have met a woman before. She blocked Huang Daoxu's sword."

"Is the other woman also a friend of Chu Qiguang? How could she fight with His Majesty for so long?"

Thinking about An Yiyun next to him, Ji Haoran suddenly admired Chu Qiguang for being able to command so many powerful women.

But at this moment, the monsters in Li Yaofeng's body were being taken away by Jiang Hongyun one after another.

Lin Lan's space spiral is also being filled with more and more sea water, and the battle between the two seems to have gradually been at a disadvantage.

Ji Haoran shook his head: "Your Majesty has the Dragon Ruins Tianhai Sword in his possession, and supplemented by the Taoist method of "Qingyang Water Tribulation", he can turn the entire Dragon Snake Mountain into a vast ocean."

"Coupled with the transformation of entering the water and being able to change positions in the sea water at will, it is already invincible."

"I'm afraid that even if Huang Daoxu or Chu Qiguang want to defeat him, it will be difficult to hurt him. It is only a matter of time before this woman loses..."

Si Xingchun on the side nodded in agreement. He couldn't help but look at An Yiyun on the side and said, "Is it okay for you to just look at it like this? If you want to wait for us to take action, I'm afraid we will disappoint you. ”

"Although we are dissatisfied with His Majesty's choice, it is the limit not to help him. It is impossible to take action against His Majesty and the others."

An Yiyun also frowned and said nothing.

There were more than twenty Taoist masters taking action at the scene. The Immortal Taoist and Daxia side had the upper hand, not to mention that there was still a Heavenly Taoist master who had not taken action yet.

At this moment, it seems that no one can stop the situation from deteriorating.

The spectators in the stands gradually became aware of this, and a feeling of fear and uneasiness grew among them.

"If this continues, won't the Immortal Way really want to refine Huang Daoxu?"

"The best person in the world has been turned into a living corpse. I am afraid that the next step will be a bloodbath in Dragon Snake Mountain. By then, we may even die."

"Not only will we die, but if Dragon Snake Mountain is destroyed...all the elites of the Tianshi Sect will die here..."

At this point, the viewers no longer dared to think about it further, as they seemed to be able to see that a catastrophe was about to sweep through the Central Plains.

At this moment, waves of heat broke out from the crowd, and two figures rushed towards the battlefield one after another.

An Yiyun glanced at the two people and thought to himself: 'Fei Yi and Zhong Shan'e? But if the two of them go up to support, I'm afraid...'

brush! After a high-speed stream of water penetrated the clouds and mountains, it shot directly at Fei Yi. After being dodged by the opponent, more than a dozen water lines swept in, hitting him to the left and right, making it difficult for him to move forward.

Zhong Shan'e was like lightning, dodging the water line easily, but when he saw the ritual scene wrapped in layers of water curtains, he was at a loss. He tried to test the Gang Qi, but found that the water curtains suddenly expanded, and seemed to want to Swallow him in.

Lin Lan shouted angrily: "Your opponent is me!"

But Da Xiazi just sneered, and his figure turned into water vapor and disappeared.

The next moment, he appeared in the waves behind Fei Yi, put his hand on Fei Yi's body, and whirlpools directly locked Fei Yi's body.

Lin Lan snorted coldly and crossed the ripples of space, about to catch up.

But she heard the sound of surging waves ringing in her ears, and Da Xiazi had appeared beside her again.


"Female ghost, don't make any mistake, I'm just playing with you."

"I have almost seen through your Taoist skills..."

While speaking, the blood of the God of War drawn from Fei Yi had been carried by huge waves and swept directly towards Lin Lan, causing damage to the ghost body.

"Distorting space is indeed powerful."

"But the scope of your distortion is so insignificant compared to the sea."

As he spoke, streams of water appeared behind him, and hundreds of his figures appeared in the sky and ocean.

"It's time to clean up the trash fish at the cleanup site."

As he spoke, the Longxu Tianhai Sword shook violently in the sea water.

Then streams of high-speed water shot out and swept across the entire Dragon Snake Mountain from within the vast ocean.

Wherever the water flowed, the earth was torn apart, the mountains were cut, and the vegetation, trees, bamboos, and rocks were turned into pieces.

The Taoist warriors present tried their best to resist this overwhelming offensive, and almost all of them were shocked by Da Xia Zi's strength.

The hearts of the spectators were gradually sinking, and most of them had already begun to think of how to escape.

Jiang Longyu had just climbed out of the collapsed mountain when he saw this devastating scene.

He was shocked in his heart: 'Can't all of us at the scene break through the defense line of Shenxian Dao? Doesn't that mean... Huang Daoxu is really going to be turned into a living corpse... and the Tianshi Sect is really going to end? ’

At the same time, vast swaths of seawater have surrounded Zhong Shan'e from all directions and are constantly invading his activity space.

Looking at himself who was about to be swallowed by the sea, Zhong Shan'e's face showed a hint of despair: 'Is it really God who wants to kill me as a big man? ’

At this moment, a door to the Buddhist world opened in front of him, and a familiar voice appeared in his ear: "Teacher, are you okay?"

Zhong Shan'e was shocked: "Chu Qiguang?! You..."

Chu Qiguang's voice seemed to have a kind of stabilizing power. He said calmly: "No need to tell me, teacher, I know everything."

"Don't worry, just leave the rest to me."

"After all, this moment is the time when I make the most valuable move."

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