Ruins of the past

Chapter 643 Sweeping the heroes

Da Xiazi looked in the direction of Zhong Shan'e and Chu Qiguang, and was slightly surprised: 'Chu Qiguang? ’

At this moment, Chu Qiguang's whole body was filled with black energy.

In the knowledge left by the seekers that Chu Qiguang read, the void is considered to be the projection of heaven, which also gathers the power of heaven and the universe.

At this moment, Yuanshi Heizhang was constantly leveraging the power in the void to pour into Chu Qiguang's body.

The pure black cracks behind him are constantly opening and closing, or extending and shrinking, like an endless abyss, exuding a frightening aura.

Even because the power of the void was too full, the whites of his eyes could no longer be seen at all, and he could only see bursts of faint light.

The son of Emperor Tian turned into a deformed sword and was held in Chu Qiguang's right hand.

The blade of the sword twisted and undulated, like the organ of some kind of creature. What looked like blood vessels sprouted from it and inserted directly into Chu Qiguang's arm.

The qi and blood in it are constantly clashing, maintaining the action of backlash and attacking Chu Qiguang to ensure the operation of the Yuanshi Black Chapter.

In Chu Qiguang's mind, relying on the power of Jiaojiao and Qiao Zhi, the entire battlefield scene was reflected in his eyes from different angles and different distances, and all his opponents and companions were as clear as the palm of his hand. so clear.

Seeing Chu Qiguang like this, Da Xiazi's face darkened: "Chu Qiguang, you were seriously injured by Huang Daoxu just now. Do you still want to take care of the affairs of the Tianshi Sect?"

At the same time, everyone on the platform also looked in the direction of Chu Qiguang.

"Is it Chu Qiguang? He's back?"

"Wasn't he seriously injured by Huang Daoxu?"

"Is it useful for him to come back now? Even Zhenren Huang has been defeated..."

Feeling the gathering gazes, Chu Qiguang took a deep breath with satisfaction: 'Sure enough, now is the best time to take action to get the highest value. ’

For Chu Qiguang now, all attention, attention, and reputation have become more valuable than before.

He looked at Da Xia Zi, and the dim light in his eyes surged again.

The next moment, his words echoed out like thunder. Winds and clouds surged wherever they passed, sand and rocks flew across the sky and earth, and waves of wind and waves were stirred up all over the sky and ocean.

"Too weak."

"I have no interest in you."

"Let Huang Daoxu go and get lost."

"He and I haven't decided the winner yet."

Da Xia Zi was angered by Chu Qiguang's arrogant attitude, and the waves across the sky surged violently, making waves of roars.

"Chu Qiguang, are you going to let us go with just one sentence? Do you really think you are invincible?"

Chu Qiguang looked at him and said calmly: "Since you don't want to leave... then don't leave."

After saying that, Chu Qiguang flicked his fingers with his left hand.

Lin Lan, Li Yaofeng, Lei Yushu, Jin Hailong, Fu Nanzi, who were still fighting fiercely just now... and even Fei Yi, who was trapped in the water prison.

Everyone felt a flash of light in front of their eyes, and then they all appeared behind Chu Qiguang.

A look of surprise appeared on Fu Nanzi's face: "What happened?"

Lin Lan secretly thought: 'Did Chu Qiguang instantly open the ghost realm, capture all the people in, and then release them instantly? "

In one move, the whole battle was forcibly stopped by Chu Qiguang. No matter whether it was Da Xia Zi, Huang Huang Peng or Tianxian Dao Master, no one knew how Chu Qiguang did it. Chu Qiguang's The means became more unfathomable in their hearts.

Chu Qiguang looked at the people behind him and said, "I am... too strong now."

"It would be too dangerous for you to stay on the battlefield for the rest of the battle."

After hearing these words, some people felt that Chu Qiguang was too arrogant, while others couldn't help but have new imaginations about Chu Qiguang's strength.

But Chu Qiguang knew very well that compared to a one-on-one battle, it would be more beneficial to him if the opponent surrounded him...

After saying that, Chu Qiguang no longer paid attention to the stunned people behind him, but looked in the direction of Huang Daoxu.

I saw the energy and blood all over his body violently erupting, and the Dragon Elephant Heavenly Fire turned into blazing streams of flames and soared into the sky.

Chu Qiguang's voice sounded again: "I will rescue Huang Daoxu next. If you think you can stop it, then give it a try."

After saying that, Chu Qiguang flashed and walked towards the location of the ritual.

Da Xia Zi called back the Dragon Ruins Tianhai Sword, pointed the divine sword at Chu Qiguang, and shouted angrily: "Stop him!"

He made up his mind: 'The direction of the world situation and the future of my Daxia clan are all determined by this battle. No one can destroy it! ’

The vast ocean roared and slapped Chu Qiguang.

At the same time, thousands of living corpses from the Immortal Path rushed forward with roars: "We must not let him ruin the Tao Master's rituals!"

The Prince of Daxia, Zen Master Tianwu, and Duan Xuyan also flashed, each erupting with the power of flood, thunder, and flame to stop Chu Qiguang.

The eyes of the Daxia Crown Prince were filled with murderous intent: ‘Chu Qiguang! I will kill you today! ’

The demon Jiang Hongyun was also forced by Huang Huangpeng's oath, and turned into a burst of black mist and attacked Chu Qiguang's direction.

Jiang Hongyun sneered in his heart: 'Boy, you are in trouble. ’

After the black mist, Huang Huangpeng and Li Chixin followed closely, their eyes full of determination.

'The life and death of the whole world depends on whether this time is successful or not. We must not let Chu Qiguang ruin this important event. ’

At this moment, one of the top men in the world used all his strength to attack Chu Qiguang with the will to kill and the desire to win.

The overwhelming power of Taoism and martial arts filled every inch of space in front of Chu Qiguang.

Not far behind Chu Qiguang, Fu Nanzi and others felt frightened just by seeing the attack they were facing.

Lin Lan, Fun Nanzi, Zhong Shan'e and others immediately wanted to step forward to support.

But Chu Qiguang pressed down lightly with his palm: "Watch carefully and don't move."

Immediately afterwards, everyone present felt an invisible pressure descending from the sky, pressing down on their bodies like a mountain.

Fu Nanzi was shocked and said: 'He is still here to suppress us at this time? ! ’

Fei Yi was also confused in his heart: ‘What is Chu Qiguang doing? By doing this, wouldn't he suppress us and resist the opponent's offensive at the same time? ! Wouldn't this mean that he had to deal with all the masters present in one go? ’

At this moment, everyone present seemed to have become Chu Qiguang's opponents.

Yuanshi Heizhang was further stimulated by this, and the void crack behind him continued to expand, and an endless stream of void power poured into his body.

He looked at the enemy in front of him and sighed softly:


The living corpse rushing at the front was swept away by an invisible wave of sound, and its immortal body was instantly smashed into pieces and turned into a bloody mist that sprinkled on the ground.


A door to the Buddhist world suddenly opened behind Prince Daxia, Zen Master Tianwu, and Duan Xuyan.

Immediately afterwards, waves of air erupted from the three of them, and they were slapped into the Buddhist world with a palm, as if being swallowed by a dark Buddhist world.

Everyone could only hear loud noises and roars coming from the Buddhist gate, but as the Buddhist gate closed, everything was silent again.

Jiang Hongyun's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw this scene, and he turned into a black storm, with hundreds of monsters roaring and mourning in it.

I saw these monsters twisting and gathering, turning into black demon dye and attacking Chu Qiguang.

Jiang Hongyun laughed and said: "Boy, you are indeed very powerful. If you had been a few hundred years earlier, you would probably have been the same person. But if you want to blame me, it is your unlucky fate to meet me..."

But the next moment, he saw Chu Qiguang, whom Mo Ran had swept away, unscathed, and a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

"Old guy, you are outdated." Chu Qiguang sneered: "shutdown"


Before Jiang Hongyun could understand what the other party said, the next moment he felt as if his body had been hit hard. All the monsters he had just subdued from Li Yaofeng were out of his control.

I still have to go out to do errands in the afternoon, and I’ll be back around five or six. I can continue writing only after I get back, so I’d better try to do two updates.

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