Ruins of the past

Chapter 641 The peerless devil

The mountain torrent roared and slapped on Hercules' legs, but as the qi and blood machines in Hercules' body started to operate one by one, the tyrannical power penetrated up and down, allowing him to still stand firm despite the mountain torrent.

On the huge platform raised by the demon Buddha Hercules, the spectators were rescued one by one and looked at the vast ocean below the platform in shock.

As Da Xia Zi's Longxu Tianhai Sword continued to spit out sea water, the entire foothills of Dragon Snake Mountain had turned into a swamp.

Everyone present looked at this scene in shock. They could only sigh once again at the power of the Taoist Immortal and feel worried about the upcoming battle.

Just when Hercules rescued the spectators, Chu Qiguang also contacted his own strong men through Jiaojiao.

I saw Jin girls walking out from behind the gate of the Buddhist world, and said to the powerful Taoists: "Master asked you to support the Tianshi Sect first, and be sure not to let the Immortal Tao succeed."

Lei Yushu always obeyed Chu Qiguang's advice, and Jin Hailong also had a background in the Han Dynasty. The two of them were the first to obey the order and rushed towards Longshen Mountain.

Monk Faxiang hesitated for a moment, but thinking of the evil practices of the Immortal Way, he finally rushed to the location of Dragon Snake Mountain.

Lin Lan relied on Chu Qiguang's transformation into the 'Spiral Crown of Black Fire' and directly contacted the other party: "You're not dead, are you?"

"Don't worry, I just had a sudden realization in my heart, and I need to make a breakthrough in my cultivation."

Lin Lan was surprised: "Another breakthrough?"

"It's just a little breakthrough." Chu Qiguang smiled and said with concern: "Be careful, safety first, and run away if anything happens."

Sensing the concern in Chu Qiguang's tone, Lin Lan smiled slightly and said coldly: "Well, I know."

She raised her head and looked in the direction of Dragon Snake Mountain, and in a flash she crossed the ripples in space and flew towards the fighting location.

However, Li Yaofeng did not act immediately, but began to think: 'Is Chu Qiguang really okay? ’

On the other side, after Fu Nanzi, Wang Zhishan, and Wang Feipian, three powerful Taoists from the Celestial Master Sect, gathered together, they wanted to break into the ritual scene that was shrouded in a curtain of water.

But soon the Crown Prince of Great Xia set off a wave of water in the sky and stopped in front of the two of them: "Teacher Tianshi owes me the blood debt of our Great Xia royal family. Today is the time to pay it back."

At the same time, Zen Master Tianwu called out the sound of thunder, and Duan Xuyan burst into bursts of brilliance and joined the battle.

Looking at the three powerful Taoists standing in front of him, Fu Nanzi's heart sank: 'Have the Immortal Tao, Daxia, Buddhism, and Baiyang Sect all joined forces? It seemed that they were really prepared this time. ’

‘What happened to senior brother? Why haven't you shown up yet? ’

When he thought of this, Fu Nanzi's face became more worried.

After Fa Xiang, Lei Yushu, and Jin Hailong on the other side met, they were intercepted by the Immortal Dao.

What appeared in front of them... were all martial arts masters collected by Shenxian Dao over the years. After taking the elixir, they all became living corpses that were not afraid of death, and were possessed and controlled by the guardian Dharma kings of Shenxian Dao.

Fa Xiang, Lei Yushu, and Jin Hailong shouted loudly, and their bodies burst out with strong blood and golden Buddha light. The three people's "Sumishan King Sutra" broke out together, burning the whole earth with white steam. Water vapor continues to evaporate all over the sky.

Looking at Lei Yushu and Jin Hailong who had also completed the "Sutra of King Sumeru", Faxiang showed a trace of emotion on his face.

The next moment, three Martial Gods entered the group of living corpses, instantly erupting into layers of air waves and heat currents.

On Dragon Snake Mountain, Li Chixin and Huang Huangpeng looked at the old man in black in front of them, with wary looks on their faces.

The old man looked up at the sky, with black tears in his eyes: "Two hundred years... The Heavenly Master has imprisoned me for more than two hundred years. Do you know how I survived these two hundred years?"

Huang Huangpeng said lazily: "Senior, according to the previous agreement, please go down the mountain to fulfill the agreement."

The old man turned his head to look at Huang Huangpeng and laughed loudly: "I am the devil."

Huang Huangpeng nodded: "Yes."

The old man smiled again and said, "Have you heard that the devil will fulfill his promise?"

Huang Huangpeng also grinned. He looked at the thunder surging in the sky and said slowly: "If you want to be struck by five thunders, then break your oath."

"Jiang Hongyun, if this is your heyday, I will run away immediately."

"But now you have been sealed for more than two hundred years, and your cultivation has been reduced to the bottom. Do you really dare to break your oath?"

"Hmph." The old man in front of him snorted coldly and looked down the mountain. The next moment, he turned into a black mist and flew away.

Seeing each other leave, Huang Huangpeng and Li Chixin also breathed a sigh of relief, feeling cold sweat flowing from their backs.

Even if the other party has been sealed for more than two hundred years, the two of them would not dare to fight this demon.

After all, Jiang Hongyun was a world-famous demon who had been famous during the Holy Emperor's reign in Great Xia.

The other party was not only the founder of "Wuxianjie", but he later ran away from Daxia, stole the Book of Heaven and the Book of Earth, went to the East China Sea alone, and joined the Dragon Clan.

As far as Huang Huangpeng knew, the other party later assisted the Dragon Clan in invading the Central Plains, and was truly a super devil.

Legend has it that when he invaded the Central Plains, he slaughtered cities and genocide at every turn, and captured thousands of humans to study Taoism. He was notorious at the time, but no one dared to mess with him because of his amazing cultivation.

Li Chi was frightened and said, "Is it really okay if such a dehumanizing demon is released?"

Huang Huangpeng shook his head: "You can use him to block foreign enemies and help complete the ritual."

"After the ritual is completed and the Heavenly Immortal Taoist master masters the power of the master, it will not be a problem to subdue the current Jiang Hongyun."

"Sooner or later, the tide of demon dyeing will come again. The power of "Shadowless Tribulation" is very useful, and we must master it."

Li Chixin looked complicated and said: "Is it really right for us to do this? What if we are wrong..."

Huang Huangpeng said flatly: "You don't understand that the power of the outer gods is beyond the limits of your imagination."

"The idea of ​​the Heavenly Immortal Taoist Master is correct. The outer gods are unstoppable. Even the Taoist Master has failed. How can we succeed?"

"The only way is to actively join them and become a part of the Outer Gods, stand in a high position among them, and then slowly change them... This is the only way."

"And once we all fail, the world will be completely hopeless."

After a moment, the two men flashed and were already rushing down the mountain.

Behind the two people, a sparrow stood on the branch, blinking its eyes, which seemed to reveal the brilliance of wisdom.

Beside Li Yaofeng, Jinnu said: "Jiang Hongyun, the founder of "Wuxianjie", was sealed on Dragon Snake Mountain, and now he has come down."

Li Yaofeng suddenly opened his eyes and said in shock: "What did you say?"

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