Ruins of the past

Chapter 640 Hatred and Saving People

At the foot of Dragon Snake Mountain, surging waves fell from the sky, submerging large tracts of mountains and woods.

Daxiazi stood above the vast ocean, looking at the Dragon Snake Mountain that was being swallowed up, with a stern look on his face.

‘Two hundred years ago, the Great Ancestor of the Han Dynasty and the Tianshi Sect betrayed their faith and expelled our Daxia royal family from the Central Plains. ’

‘At that time, did you ever imagine such a day? ’

More than two hundred years ago, the Central Plains was in the midst of war. Dragon tribes and human rebels fought everywhere, leaving the mountains and rivers of the Central Plains shattered and shaken by wind and rain.

In the end, the human rebels expelled the Dragon Clan and drove them back to the East China Sea, and then they were able to rule the Central Plains again.

Among the human rebels, in addition to the great Han Taizu who rose up in Qianmo at that time, the human race also had several other rebel leaders.

Among them, the most powerful and prestigious one is the Daxia royal family.

At this time, Da Xiazi still remembered what his father once said to him.

"After repelling the Dragon Clan, the rebel armies all over the world originally wanted to push me, Daxia, back to the Central Plains to recreate a prosperous age."

"But the treacherous villain Taizu of the Han Dynasty...he took advantage of the great demon to kill many top masters and steal the victory."

"He secretly colluded with the Tianshi Sect and assassinated the leader of Great Xia at the time, as well as many senior officials of the Baiyang Sect."

"Later, they framed the crime and hunted down my Daxia royal family all the way. They killed all my Daxia Wuzong lineage, and the remaining members of the clan fled everywhere."

"After the death of the old thief Taizu of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Gaozong of the Han Dynasty regarded us as a serious threat. He formed the Demon Suppression Division to search for our traces everywhere, and even pursued us all the way to the Western Regions, grasslands, and Southeast Asia."

"In the end, we had no choice but to escape to the East China Sea and come to the territory of the Dragon Clan... struggling here to survive..."

"Prince, you have to remember."

"We have a deep feud with the Han thieves and the Heavenly Masters, and we are irreconcilable!!"

At this moment, the hatred of the Daxia royal family for generations seemed to be lingering in the ears of Daxia Zi. Looking at the Dragon Snake Mountain at his feet, he said slowly: "The Heavenly Master's teaching energy has been exhausted..."

‘When the Gang Qi layer continues to weaken, if the Han Dynasty wants to remain immortal, it will have to rely on Daxia’s secret method of the Gang Qi layer. ’

I saw him holding the sword in his hand, and the sea water under his feet became more and more turbulent.

You can vaguely see many sword shadows crisscrossing back and forth in the sea water. They are the Longxu Tianhai Sword among the nine divine swords of Daxia.

Legend has it that this sword was forged by the original Heavenly Saint Emperor from the spine of an ancient dragon, and was supplemented by secret rituals. It can communicate with the Gang Qi layer, accommodate endless oceans, and can even summon tides to overturn the sea.

After Daxiazi was recognized by the Longxu Tianhai Sword, he practiced hard in the depths of the East China Sea for ten years, using this sword to absorb sea water day and night.

The amount of sea water contained in the Dragon Ruins Tianhai Sword today is difficult for even Da Xia Zi to estimate.

At this moment, the Longxu Tianhai Sword continued to release seawater, and the amount of seawater even gradually exceeded the controllable range of Da Xiazi. It fell from the sky and hit the area of ​​Dragon Snake Mountain.

Although the vast ocean looked scary before, most of it was under the control of Da Xia Zi and did not harm the people watching the battle.

But at this moment, the entire area of ​​Dragon Snake seemed like a heavy rainstorm, with sea water pouring down one after another.

The tide forms a flash flood on the mountain and flows along the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, everyone who had been watching the battle noticed the overwhelming flash flood. They all screamed and wanted to escape, and the entire scene became chaotic.

In the ghost realm, Chu Qiguang was increasing his combat power while also watching the situation outside.

Chu Qiguang couldn't sit still when he saw large areas of sea water beginning to fall from the sky, swallowing Long Snake Mountain, and even the spectators at the foot of the mountain would suffer.

'If all the audience dies, then after the fight...who will spread my powerful name? Let Yuanshi Black Chapter perform better? ’

Moreover, Chu Qiguang knew that most of the people who could watch the battle at Dragon Snake Mountain today were elites and talents from the human race. It would be a waste if they really died here.

Thinking of this, Chu Qiguang immediately said: "Let Hercules go out and save the audience."

Jiaojiao asked: "Save them all? Some of them are not good people."

Chu Qiguang said: "We'll save them all first."

"You remember Jiaojiao, you have to understand the importance of spectators."

"A battle is incomplete without spectators."

"We not only want to win, we also want to win beautifully, and we also want everyone in the world to know that we win beautifully."

Jiaojiao nodded seriously: "I understand, martial arts is all about sneak attacks and showing off! It's all about showing off here!"

Chu Qiguang nodded: "That's it. Not only those who watch the battle, this battlefield must also be preserved in the future."

"Dragon Snake Mountain doesn't charge entrance fees, right? How can this be done?"

"When the time comes, we will raise the entire Dragon Snake Mountain, and you can only come in and observe the battlefield if you have to pay a tael of silver. You can also sell paintings, flowers, and calligraphy... You can not only make money, but also spread my reputation."

Qiao Zhi rolled his eyes and thought to himself: 'I just want to show off and want people to see...but...'

He suddenly felt a little strange: 'Although Chu Qiguang has a problem with showing off, it didn't seem to be that serious before. Even the audience, the battlefield and so on have to be preserved. Could it be...'

‘Is the condition getting worse? ! ’

The son of Emperor Tian on the other side was glanced at by Chu Qiguang, and with the slight vibration of his eyes, the great freedom force bombarded out.

He felt himself being sent flying hundreds of meters away by Chu Qiguang with one look, smashing into a large bone building.

Looking at Chu Qiguang, who was surrounded by black energy at this moment, with cracks in the void opening from time to time behind him.

The son of Emperor Tian trembled in his heart: 'Monster... this is definitely not the Taoism of this planet. This technique seems... it seems...'

Thinking of that answer, Huangtian's son became more and more frightened: 'Wrong, wrong...'

'You shouldn't invade this planet...'

Along with the panic in his heart, he felt that Chu Qiguang in front of him seemed to be even more terrifying.

And Chu Qiguang felt the power rushing from the void, looked at the sons of Emperor Tian and thought: 'How strong does this guy think I am? ’

In the present world, looking at the rushing mountain torrent.

An Yiyun said: "You two..."

Si Xingchun and Ji Haoran nodded: "Understood, let's do it."

I saw these two Daoist Immortals erupting into water vapor that filled the sky. The next moment, they turned into two huge waves and rushed toward the mountain torrent.

Si Xingchun is the former leader of Baiyang Sect, and Ji Haoran is a descendant of Daxia. Both of them also entered Taoism through "Qingyang Water Tribulation".

At this moment, they turned into huge waves to block the flash flood, but soon they felt that the flash flood seemed to be endless, and even they could not hold on forever.

At this moment, the ground shook violently.

With a loud banging sound, large cracks appeared on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, there was an earth-shattering roar from the ground, and a large piece of earth rock was lifted directly up by some kind of force.

An Yiyun glanced at it and thought to himself: 'Is it Chu Qiguang's Hercules? ’

She immediately called Ji Haoran back and sent the spectators up to the rock formation.

So Si Xingchun resisted the flash flood, and Ji Haoran turned into a huge wave and carried the crowd to the rock formations.

In the blink of an eye, most of the spectators had been rescued by the huge waves and onto the rock formations.

And with a roar, Hercules lifted the entire ground dozens of meters into the air, standing like a building at the foot of Dragon Snake Mountain.

I’ll update one chapter first, there are still two more chapters to write.

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