Ruins of the past

Chapter 639 Chu Qiguang’s Trinity (please vote for me)

In front of the Buddhist Realm Gate on the front of Long Snake Mountain.

Fu Nanzi was shocked when he heard Jiang Longyu's cry.

He was very familiar with this eight generals of the imperial court.

After all, he had been refining alchemy in Shenjing City all year round, and he had been exposed to this martial arts genius many times.

When he heard what he said just now, he knew that it was indeed Jiang Longyu who was shouting, and not someone else pretending to be.

I saw that the talisman in Fu Nanzi's hand ignited without fire, and he had already rushed away in the strong wind.

Li Yaofeng behind him saw this scene but did not stop him. He was also a little confused about the current situation.

Just as Fu Nanzi was about to approach the place where the ceremony was held, he saw a vast ocean falling down like covering the sky and the sun.

Da Xia Zi had already controlled the surging water flow to intercept it in front of him.

On the other side, Lin Lan listened to Jiang Longyu's shouts, recalled the scene she had just seen, and after thinking about it, she finally let go of Wang Feipian, who was trapped by her.

The Taoist Martial God taught by the Heavenly Master emerged from the ripples in space, took a deep look at Lin Lan and then rushed towards Dragon Snake Mountain, leaving only two faint words in the air: "Thank you."

Wang Zhishan on the other side also stopped fighting with Fa Xiang and rushed back as well.

Just when the three powerful Taoists from the Tianshi Sect began to return their aid.

The Prince of Daxia took Zen Master Tianwu and Duan Xuyan to find Si Xingchun and Ji Haoran who were watching the battle.

"You two, come with me immediately to support my father."

Although Si Xingchun and Ji Haoran were taught by Bai Yang and the other was a descendant of Daxia, they still hesitated when faced with the situation in front of them.

Seeing their appearance, Prince Daxia frowned and said, "Don't forget who gave you the opportunity to join the Tao, and who trained you since childhood. Are you going to be ungrateful and betray Daxia now?"

A trace of wavering flashed in the eyes of Si Xingchun and Ji Haoran, and at this moment a female voice sounded behind them.

"You two, please give me some respect and just watch the battle today and don't take action, okay?"

The two Taoist immortals turned their heads, and Si Xingchun said in surprise: "Sect Master An?"

Two years ago, it was An Yiyun, the leader of Tianjian Sect, who contacted Si Xingchun and Ji Haoran to go to Shenjing City to assassinate Emperor Yong'an.

Needless to say, the friendship between the three of them goes without saying.

The Crown Prince of Daxia looked at An Yiyun and said, "Who is this woman?"

"Do you want to listen to her or me?"

An Yiyun smiled at the Daxia Crown Prince, exuding a sharp aura.

The prince of Daxia only felt a pain in his eyes, as if he was stimulated by the light of a sword, and couldn't help turning his head away.

At the same time, there was a soft sound from his sleeve, and a cut was made.

An Yiyun said slowly: "Here, do you want to fight with me, or do you want to quickly support your father?"

There was anger in the eyes of the Crown Prince of Daxia. He glanced at Si Xingchun and Ji Haoran who were silent, nodded and said, "Okay, okay, I will remember what you did today."

Seeing the three princes of Daxia leaving, Ji Haoran sighed, and An Yiyun said, "I'm sorry for making things difficult for you."

Si Xingchun shook his head and said: "It's okay. Although we don't like the Tianshi Sect, the Immortal Way is not a good thing. Cooperating with this kind of evil cult..."

At this point, he sighed, seeming to be very disappointed with Da Xiazi's choice.

Ji Haoran looked at An Yiyun and said, "Sect Leader An, why are you here too?"

An Yiyun said: "I came to kill someone."

Ji Haoran asked curiously: "Who?"

An Yiyun's eyes seemed to be filled with sword light, and his whole person exuded a cold and lonely temperament, like the bright moon in the sky, which made people feel extremely beautiful, but inaccessible.

"That person hasn't shown up yet."

"But he probably won't be able to hold it in any longer soon."

And on Dragon Snake Mountain.

Huang Huangpeng and Li Chixin have arrived at the back mountain.

Looking at the empty mountain wall in front of him, Li Chixin said: "It still aroused their vigilance yesterday, and the seal has been strengthened."

Huang Huangpeng smiled and took out a talisman: "Master gave me this before he left."

"Said someone might want to release the devil so that I can keep him safe."

At the same time, in the ghost realm.

Chu Qiguang slowly opened his eyes, but at this moment, in his eyes, he could not only see the scene in front of him, but also see countless scenes in the Buddhist world and the real world at the same time.

‘Is this how Jiaojiao feels now? ’

'It's amazing. ’

Jiaojiao controlled Chu Qiguang's arm and waved it, and shouted: "Is this what brother feels like?"

"So cool!"

The next moment, Qiao Zhi's voice also sounded: "Hermaphrodite...human and strange."

At this moment, Chu Qiguang, Jiaojiao, and Qiao Zhi were in a somewhat complicated state.

But to put it simply, Chu Qiguang and Jiaojiao completed the art of complementing humans and cats, and Qiao Zhi and Hercules also completed the art of complementing humans and cats.

Then he relied on Zhou Yujiao's oath and the connection between Zhou Yujiao and Hercules.

This makes their minds connected, both in strength and consciousness.

The power of the three was integrated in the body, making Chu Qiguang feel that he was becoming stronger.

Through the surviving monsters on the battlefield, Chu Qiguang also saw the current situation: 'Is the Immortal Dao actually here too? ’

‘And God’s Hair, did Shi join forces with them? ’

His eyes swept over the undead man: 'Is that Sun Xian? ’

He still remembered that when he rented a house in Qingyang County, the landlords were Sun Xian and his grandma.

Later, the ground in the county changed, and Sun Xian was transformed into an immortal by the gods, and he never saw him again.

Qiao Zhi was also surprised: "Huang Daoxu lost control? it related to Taoist Xuanyuan?"

Then when he saw the rituals of the Immortal Way, he suddenly became anxious: "If Huang Daoxu is really turned into a living corpse by them, we will be in trouble! Let's stop them quickly!"

Jiaojiao also became excited: "Brother! There are so many living corpses! Look... there are so many living corpses! Let's catch them all!"

Chu Qiguang said calmly: "Don't be impatient. At times like this, you should not be impatient."

"The Immortal Dao is fully prepared, and the Master of the Immortal Dao is the second best in divination in the world."

"He must have guarded me too."

"You guys wait until I get stronger."

Chu Qiguang looked at the son of Huangtian who was swallowing demon blood and his figure continued to grow.

The son of Emperor Tian was taken aback by him and asked cautiously: "What do you want me to do?"

"Attack me."

"Attack me with all your strength, and then seriously feel how powerful I am."

The son of Emperor Tian was slightly stunned: "Huh?"

But under Chu Qiguang's repeated urging, Huangtian's son still mobilized all his strength and rushed towards Chu Qiguang with a roar.


Chu Qiguang knocked Huang Tian's son away with a flick of his finger.

"Come again."

During the repeated attacks by Huang Tian's son, Chu Qiguang felt that the power in the void was once again stirred by the Yuanshi Black Chapter, and continued to pour into his body, boosting his combat power.

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