Ruins of the past

Chapter 625 Communication

I saw Chu Qiguang pointing his finger and directly breaking the soul power bombarded by Master Luo.

Chu Qiguang thought to himself: 'It is indeed the spiritual power cultivated in the "Xin Gong Enlightenment Scroll". ’

He looked at the haggard appearance of Master Luo and knew that this was the process of practicing the "Heart Skill Enlightenment Scroll", in which the strength of the physical body was reduced bit by bit, making the mind more sensitive, thus awakening the power of the soul.

He had also experienced similar spiritual power during his battle with the Great Zhu Eagle Demon before.

‘But could this leader Luo be the one secretly colluding with Da Gan? ’

Chu Qiguang remembered the other party in his mind, and after activating the other party's spiritual power again, he casually said: "Let's stop here."

Leader Luo immediately stopped, fearing that Chu Qiguang would attack him again.

Chu Qiguang looked at Xia Ling and Qingxia Yuanjun on the side.

Looking at Chu Qiguang's gaze, both Xia Ling and Qingxia Yuanjun felt an invisible pressure coming towards them.

Just listen to Chu Qiguang say: "Three of you, the Celestial Master's teachings are numerous and powerful, and they have been passed down for thousands of years. Dragon Snake Mountain is also their main altar that has been operated for many years."

"In this battle between me and Huang Daoxu, I will ask you to plunder the formation for me."

Leader Luo and Qingxia Yuanjun both nodded in agreement.

Qingxia Yuanjun: "It should be so."

Leader Luo: "The Tianshi Sect has dominated the world for a long time. If Brother Chu Xian can defeat Huang Daoxu, he will be able to move a big mountain away from the heads of all the sects in the world. We will naturally help him."

After bidding farewell to the three of them, watching them step out of the gate of the Buddhist world, Chu Qiguang heard a delicate voice in his ears: "Brother! Why did you talk me to death?"

Chu Qiguang explained: "Your brother and I will be a famous celebrity in the world in the future. As my sister, you will also be regarded as my weakness by many people. Why not fake your death and escape from this world? Then no one will trouble you."

"And I said that I killed you, so even if someone knows that you faked your death, they won't think they can use you to threaten me. How great would that be?"

"Oh." Jiaojiao nodded thoughtfully: "Then why don't you arrest them to build roads? Don't you dislike Dochiwen for working overtime every day and building roads too slowly?"

"I see that the two of them are quite strong. It would be great to capture them and work with Dochiwen."

Listening to Jiaojiao's remarks, Qiao Zhi felt a burst of sadness. He thought in his heart: 'Eight months... I have only been in seclusion for eight months. How did Zhou Yujiao become like this? He has mastered so many powerful can he teach this child next? ’

Chu Qiguang heard Jiaojiao's question and replied: "The battle is about to begin, so it's better not to cause any complications."

"Besides, they are no longer my opponents."

Chu Qiguang thought in his mind: 'The power of lies inspired by the Yuanshi Black Chapter in me is far more than just reflected in a battle. ’

'As long as I have a strong impression in their hearts, then whenever they face a battle with me in the future, it will only enhance my combat power. Even if they break through to the same realm as me in the future, they cannot be mine. opponent. ’

‘In addition, as they continue to reveal information about me, my strength will continue to be elevated in the hearts of more and more people. ’

'What I said this time is very effective. It seems that I can use it when I fight Huang Daoxu. ’

Thinking of this, Chu Qiguang suddenly sighed: 'It's a pity that there is no TV or Internet in this world, otherwise I would just keep throwing money...'

Chu Qiguang asked again: "By the way, are the Dharma ministers and the others ready?"

The 20th year of Yongan, January 12th.

There are still three days left before the duel between Chu Qiguang and Huang Daoxu.

More and more experts are gathering at the foot of Dragon Snake Mountain.

However, the masters are also divided into three, six or nine levels.

The masters of various sects who entered the Tao were mainly concentrated in the inns and inns at the foot of the mountain, and they all listened to the arrangements of the Tianshi Sect.

However, the masters who entered the Taoist realm were not so obedient. They gathered together in twos and threes, and some even got on the dragon and snake, trying to find a convenient location to watch the fight on the day of the fight.

At this moment, on the bright top of Dragon Snake Mountain, two figures stood together, watching the sea of ​​clouds rolling not far away.

One of them has a simple face, a goose crown and a loose belt, and one sleeve is empty, as if he has no arm.

He is the former leader of the Baiyang Sect, and he once assassinated Si Xingchun of Yong'an together with An Yiyun.

Next to Si Xingchun was Ji Haoran, who was wearing a suit of armor. This descendant of the Daxia royal family also participated in the assassination of Yong'an.

This time, the two of them came to Dragon Snake Mountain not only because they wanted to watch the battle between Huang Daoxu and Chu Qiguang, but also because they were summoned by the Prince of Daxia.

Si Xingchun looked at the waves of the sea of ​​clouds not far away and said, "Except for the battle when Master Tianxian broke into the mountain five years ago, the old thief Huang Daoxu has not made any serious move in nearly ten years."

"This has never been done publicly. It's really hard to say what kind of cultivation he is at now."

Ji Haoran on the side sighed: "But even so, he is still recognized as the number one in the world, and no one dares to personally take action to understand the weight of this number one in the world."

Si Xingchun smiled, his eyes also showing excitement: "Fortunately, I have a young man this time. I can finally test the extent of Huang Daoxu's strength for everyone."

Ji Haoran analyzed: "Chu Qiguang appeared when he assassinated Yong'an. I think this person's actions are very organized, and his martial arts cultivation also shows extraordinary talent. He doesn't look like a stupid young man."

"I don't think he wants to challenge Huang Daoxu."

"It is very possible that Yongan was instructed to test Huang Daoxu."

Si Xingchun nodded: "If this is the case, then the Emperor may have gained a lot in the past two years, but he can no longer hold back and wants to attack the Tianshi Sect?"

While the two were discussing, a breeze blew by.

Accompanied by the strong smell of corpses, twisted and deformed strange figures waved their stiff limbs, breaking through the sea of ​​clouds and coming to the two of them.

Si Xingchun glanced around and saw that those strange figures were living corpses with livid faces and rolled muscles.

"The Way of Immortals..."

One of the living corpses was more than three meters tall, with muscles all over its body undulating like mountains. The head on its neck looked like a tiger or a dragon, and its limbs were covered with thick hair.

The living corpse looked at Si Xingchun and Ji Haoran and said, "I have met these two Immortal Taoist Immortals."

Si Xingchun and Ji Haoran were not surprised when faced with the sudden appearance of the guardian Dharma King of the Immortal Way.

When they were summoned by the Daxia Prince, they knew that in addition to the Daxia royal family, Baiyang Sect and Shenghuo Sect, there were also people from Daqian and Shenxian Dao.

Ji Haoran looked at the living corpse with a trace of disgust in his eyes.

Although he is also a descendant of the Daxia royal family, he has participated in the martial arts competitions of the Han Dynasty, served as a court official, and managed local people. He does not regard himself as the Daxia royal family in his heart. Instead, he identifies more with the people of the Han Dynasty.

In Ji Haoran's view, the Great Xia was over, and the idea of ​​restoration was undoubtedly a foolish dream, and was far less effective than reforming the new dynasty.

It's just that the hierarchy within the Daxia royal family is very strict, so he had to come when the prince called him.

He thought in his mind: 'The prince and the others have been operating in the southeast. How did they contact those monsters in the north this time? ’

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