Ruins of the past

Chapter 624 Working hard

Chu Qiguang held the 'little sun' he made in the air with one hand and said slowly: "It's a small trick that makes seniors laugh."

Leader Luo looked at the sun rising into the sky and was slightly stunned, as if a huge wave was rising in his heart.

‘Where does the sun come from? ’

‘How did the earthquake occur? ’

‘How come the hillock just now is gone? ’

His body shook slightly, and his mind was filled with incredible emotions.

'No opponent...I am not his opponent at all...'

‘… think of a decent way to lose. ’

As a powerful man who has been in Taoism for many years, Master Luo knows very well the rules of communication between top powerhouses.

In this circle, strength represents the level of voice.

If you are not strong enough, you are often not qualified to speak.

The best way to determine the strength of one's strength is to fight.

But the same is true of losing, how you lose, whether you lose ugly or lose beautifully, these will also make a huge difference in people's feelings, and then affect their right to speak in the future.

Leader Luo has unique insights into this.

After all, thirty years ago, he relied on one hand to lose beautifully, and won a reputation as equal to Huang Daoxu. Later, in some secret circles... he gained many tangible and intangible benefits.

So with the tenacity of a Taoist immortal, he quickly suppressed the negative emotions in his heart.

Leader Luo snorted, looked at Chu Qiguang and asked calmly: "What kind of martial arts are you doing?"

Chu Qiguang looked at the other party's calm expression, and at first thought he had failed to calm him down.

‘Is this Leader Luo hiding any powerful tricks? ’

But the next moment, he could feel a trace of power coming from the void, directly supporting him to hold up the little sun in the sky.

Originally, even Chu Qiguang would not be able to lift such a large rock into the sky for a long time.

But at this moment, with the continuous influx of power in the void, he can continue to maintain this action.

‘This is the power of Yuanshi Black Chapter. ’

‘The more the opponent thinks I am powerful, the stronger my power will be and the more powerful my moves will be. ’

'Judging from the current level of strengthening...the old guy's heart is ups and downs...definitely not as calm as it looks on the outside. ’

Knowing this, Chu Qiguang had confidence in his heart. He looked at Master Luo and said, "This merit is called the Great Self-Free Power. It was obtained after I completed the "Dragon Elephant Great Self-Power" and entered the state of manifesting the spirit."

As he spoke, Chu Qiguang squeezed his right hand slightly.

The Great Freedom surged out, and the little sun in the sky made a crackling sound, sputtering out sparks all over the sky.

Leader Luo's eyes narrowed when he heard this. He suppressed the shock in his heart and said, "You...have entered the realm of manifesting the gods?"

Chu Qiguang smiled slightly, holding his right hand and slowly walking towards the direction of Leader Luo.

His figure disappears and appears, jumping in the void and reality with the help of the power of Wuxiang ghost body.

Leader Luo felt the pressure on the opponent getting stronger and stronger, as towering as a mountain and as unfathomable as the sea.

Chu Qiguang strolled up to him and said calmly: "Do you think it's impossible for me to step into the realm of manifesting the gods at such a young age?"

"But I started practicing martial arts when I was three years old, and I have been practicing hard day and night for seventeen years."

"For the past seventeen years, I have been walking on thin ice every day, not daring to slack off at all."

Leader Luo's heart became heavier and heavier as he listened to what Chu Qiguang said. In his eyes, Chu Qiguang was becoming stronger and more terrifying.

Immediately afterwards, he only felt a violent force wandering in the atmosphere, and Chu Qiguang's voice continued to echo between heaven and earth.

"In the past seventeen years, I have not had a day off, nor have I had a single friend. I have severed all family ties and even killed my sister with my own hands..."

"I broke up with love and gave up everything just to pursue this invincible martial arts."

The strong wind blew up with the other person's words, and the entire land seemed to shake violently with the other person's steps.

"In order to fight Huang Daoxu, I have worked hard over the past year. Even my black hair turned into white hair. I integrated what I have learned throughout my life and created a palm technique of my own."

"Just for this battle at Long Snake Mountain."

"Senior Luo, you and Huang Daoxu fought against each other thirty years ago and the outcome was still indistinguishable. In the past thirty years, you have made great progress and your cultivation is unfathomable."

"Before the battle with Huang Daoxu, I asked senior to taste it for me."

"This move is called..."

In an instant, the whole world was filled with flying sand and rocks.

Tornadoes and wind pillars rose into the sky, roaring like thousands of horses galloping, and the atmosphere and dust made a terrifying scream in the high-speed flow.

In the eyes of Master Luo, Chu Qiguang looked like a monster at this moment. The pressure coming from his body reached an incredible level. His figure seemed to be getting taller and taller, trying to completely burst the entire world. .

A rational judgment quickly flashed through his mind.

'If this move hits me, I will die...'

So Leader Luo suddenly raised his hand and shouted: "Wait a minute!"

"No more fighting!"

In an instant, the wind stopped and the clouds subsided.

As Chu Qiguang pressed down with his palm, the Great Freedom suppressed all directions.

The originally apocalyptic scene, with flying sand and rocks, dark sky and dark ground, was all calmed down by Chu Qiguang's press.

Seeing this scene, Master Luo swallowed hard, and was extremely shocked: 'He can freely control and control his skills at the age of twenty. Is this Chu Qiguang still a human being? ’

Chu Qiguang looked at Leader Luo and asked, "Senior, are you?"

Leader Luo's face still maintained a calm look, and he explained: "Young man, with your current cultivation level, you indeed have a great chance to defeat Huang Daoxu."

"But he is the leader of the Tianshi Sect after all. No one knows how many trump cards he has."

"Now that the decisive battle between you and Huang Daoxu is approaching, you should not spend any unnecessary money before the battle."

"Let's leave the discussion between you and me to another time."

Chu Qiguang watched Leader Luo being silent for a few breaths, and then smiled slightly: "That makes sense, let's play some random games?"

Leader Luo nodded: "Then I will accompany you."

He breathed a sigh of relief: 'I survived...'

As soon as Leader Luo thought, a strong wind swept out of him, blowing up layers of wind and sand, turning into hundreds of spears and stabbing Chu Qiguang.

But before he could get close to Chu Qiguang, he was blocked by an invisible force. As if he had hit a city wall, he dispersed into smoke and dust in the sky with a loud bang.

So Chu Qiguang and Master Luo both lowered their efforts and used their respective martial arts and Taoist techniques to communicate.

On the other side, at the gate of the Buddhist world, Xia Ling and Qingxia Yuanjun witnessed the scene from beginning to end when Chu Qiguang took action and Leader Luo shouted to stop.

Both of them were deeply shocked by the power shown by Chu Qiguang.

At this moment, Chu Qiguang has truly become a top expert in their eyes who can compete with Huang Daoxu, and may even win.

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