Ruins of the past

Chapter 626 The gathering of heroes

Si Xingchun looked at the living corpses and nodded: "You are the Immortal Sanren who attacked the Demon-Suppressing Division Chaoyao Mountain before? I wonder where the Heavenly Immortal Taoist Master is?"

In the past few years, Changsheng Sanren had been looking for the living corpse that he had carefully refined in the past, but he had never been able to find it. This made him brood and became a regret in his heart.

Fortunately, he followed the Taoist Master Tianxian to trade stocks, allowing him to make a lot of money in the Lingzhou stock market.

Even during the previous stock market crash in Lingzhou, he and the other Dharma Kings of the Immortal Dao received in advance... the news that the Master of the Immortal Dao received from Shi, and escaped.

In the past few years, he relied on the money he earned to gather enough materials to refine a new living corpse, which was even many times more powerful than the previous one.

Hearing what Si Xingchun said at this moment, the living corpse nodded, and said in a stiff, hoarse voice: "The Taoist master has already arrived, but he and Huang Daoxu are too entangled, and they are easily susceptible to each other, which is inconvenient Even if we show up, it’s up to us to come forward and talk today.”

As he spoke, more than a dozen living corpses appeared and disappeared in the sea of ​​clouds. Apparently, there were other guardian Dharma kings from the Immortal Way who were manipulating the living corpses to come.

A moment later, four giant eagles pierced the sky and descended from the sky.

Four tall men with different appearances, holding different weapons, and their blood exuding a cold aura fell to the ground.

Ji Haoran looked at the clothes on the other person's body and thought to himself: 'The Daqian Imperial Court...the Martial God of the Yongri Tribe? "

'I heard that the Martial Gods of the Yongri Tribe practice the "Blood Arrow Sutra" adapted from the "Blood Nerve", and they inherit the bloodline from the ancient wolf era. Once their original form is revealed... they can temporarily break the boundaries of the Martial Gods. I don’t know if there is such a person among the four Martial Gods. ’

As a genius among the Daxia royal family, Ji Haoran is also knowledgeable and understands many secrets in history.

He knew that before the Holy Emperor Ji founded the Han Dynasty, this world belonged to the world of demons and was ruled by different demon clans.

Among the generations ruled by the demon clan, one is the age of wolves.

According to the research of Daqian Yongri tribe’s senior officials, the bloodline inheritance among them is likely to come from there.

After the four martial gods from Daqian arrived in front of them, they didn't say a word, but their cold eyes swept over everyone present from time to time, as if they were looking at prey.

After a while, the sound of splashing water filled the air.

Immediately after the rock formation burst, under the gaze of everyone, a surging wave carried three people out of the ground. It was Prince Daxia, Zen Master Tianwu, and Duan Xuyan, the light protector of the Holy Fire Sect.

The Crown Prince of Daxia was carrying a black-sheathed sword behind him at the moment, and he looked very high-spirited looking at the many powerful practitioners present.

Seeing his appearance, Si Xingchun immediately asked: "Prince, where is your Majesty?"

The Prince of Daxia said: "My father has important matters to discuss with Master Tianxian in detail, so I will host the meeting here."

"This time Chu Qiguang's appointment with Huang Daoxu has become a battle that attracts the world's attention, but it is also a good opportunity for us."

"Huang Daoxu has dominated the world for decades. It is because of his existence that the entire Han court is as stable as Mount Tai."

"But this battle is a God-given opportunity. As long as we seize the opportunity, we may be able to severely damage Huang Daoxu and severely attack the Tianshi Sect."

"Even if you can't be seriously injured, you can still get a glimpse of Huang Daoxu's cultivation, which is also great information..."

Hearing the inflammatory speech of the Daxia Prince, Ji Haoran frowned and said: "Prince, Huang Daoxu is the current leader of the Tianshi Sect in any case, and he is protected by Taoist Master Xuanyuan behind him."

"I think we just have to watch the battle. If we take action... I'm afraid we will suffer heavy losses."

The Prince of Daxia glanced at Ji Haoran and said coldly: "Now that all the heroes in the world have come to Dragon Snake Mountain, the Tianshi Sect has too many things to take care of, and their masters have long been overwhelmed. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"As for Huang Daoxu, he has indeed dominated the world for decades, but after so many years... he also has many enemies who have entered the Taoist realm."

"Besides, no matter how powerful he is, he is still a human being."

"Just because we have so many Taoist masters here now, we may not be able to defeat him."

Just as everyone at the scene gradually became filled with an atmosphere of eagerness to try following the words of Prince Daxia.

"Oh, is it?"

A voice swept past their ears like the night wind.

The Prince of Daxia felt a palm pat on his shoulder at some point. He turned around and saw an old man with gray hair and a childlike face looking at him with a smile: "So many people... are you sure of me?"

Seeing this ordinary-looking old man appear, many experts present felt as if they were struck by lightning.

In the rumbling sound of Qi explosion, the four Martial Gods of Daqian and many living corpses of Shenxian Dao flew out like lightning.

"Your Highness, retreat quickly!"

Zen Master Tianwu and Duan Xuyan, who were beside the Prince of Daxia, roared in unison and each attacked Huang Daoxu.

When Zen Master Tianwu opened his mouth, he began to chant Buddhist music. The rolling thunder brought out ripples visible to the naked eye, pointing out that the earth was cracking and the mountain was collapsing, and it was directed towards Huang Daoxu.

The cultivation of the "Great Light Sutra" in Duan Xuyan's body suddenly exploded, and the streams of light slashed towards Huang Daoxu's position like sharp swords. Wherever the stream of light swept, even the clouds in the sky were split into two.

As for the Prince of Daxia, he was indeed stunned the first moment he saw Huang Daoxu, but the next moment he reached out and grabbed the long black sheath sword behind his back.

In an instant, dark clouds rolled in the sky, and there was lightning and thunder.

The long sword that the Prince of Daxia carried this time was one of the nine divine swords forged by the Heavenly Saint Emperor, called the Hao Zhen Tian Ming Sword.

As the long sword was unsheathed, the Gang Qi layer surged wildly, turning into rolling thunder, falling towards the Bright Summit like a tsunami, turning the entire mountain peak into a purgatory.

"go back."

As Huang Daoxu opened his mouth to speak, a shadow of a thunder talisman flashed behind him, and the thunder that fell from the sky rolled back into the clouds.

On the other side, as soon as the attacks of Zen Master Tianwu and Duan Xuyan approached Huang Daoxu, the golden armor flashed again, and the attacks collapsed and disappeared as if they had hit the hundred-refined steel.

Immediately afterwards, the Prince of Daxia felt a light touch in his hand, and the Hao Zhentian Mingjian was brought to Huang Daoxu by a Dharma Protector General at some unknown time.

The leader of the Tianshi Sect gently touched the divine sword and sighed: "The divine sword is covered in dust, and the glory of Daxia is no longer there. Why don't you lend it to me to sweep away the evil atmosphere in the world."

Hao Zhentian's Mingjian was seen trembling violently, turning into streaks of lightning that appeared all over Huang Daoxu's body.

"How could the Divine Sword recognize you as its master?!"

The Crown Prince of Daxia looked at this scene reluctantly, feeling that his luck had gotten worse and worse since he met Chu Qiguang.

Huang Daoxu smiled faintly: "The Heavenly Saint Emperor is indeed the emperor of the ages. When he transformed the Gang Qi layer and forged another nine-mouthed divine sword, he did not want to pass it down from generation to generation in his family. He wanted to be a virtuous person among the human race. Those who live there.

It's a pity that future generations are unworthy. Your Ji family is no longer virtuous enough to be able to hold this divine sword with confidence. "

"And my virtue is the best in the world, which is a perfect match for this divine sword."

After saying that, he looked at the Crown Prince of Daxia, whose eyes were splitting, and asked: "Where are the other eight divine swords? Hand them all over, I can spare your life, and you can repair them in Longshen Mountain from now on."

Sorry, I overslept last night, so the update is late... It's the end of the month, please give me a monthly pass

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