Ruins of the past

Chapter 623 Yuanshi Black Chapter

Chu Qiguang looked at the woman in front of him. She had a refined appearance but a graceful temperament. At first glance, she seemed to be someone who had been in a position of power for a long time.

However, judging from the condition of his skin and flesh, he is not young. He only relies on his martial arts and maintenance to maintain his appearance and figure.

The old man on the other side, who did not even raise his head, looked white-haired and haggard, like a mummy, and seemed likely to die suddenly anytime, anywhere.

Looking at these two masters with unique temperaments, Chu Qiguang said: "It's just me, I don't know who the two of them are..."

Xia Ling introduced from the side: "This is Qingxia Yuanjun. He was originally the guardian immortal of the Holy Fire Sect and the designated successor of the previous generation of the Holy Fire Sect. Later, he quit the Holy Fire Sect and lived in seclusion in the south for many years."

Although Qingxia Yuanjun was originally a descendant of the Holy Fire Sect, because he hated the factional fighting within the sect, he finally broke away and has been doing business in the southeast for many years.

The fact that she was able to break away from the sect on her own showed that she was very powerful.

Xia Ling looked at the old man again and said: "This is the leader of Wuwei Sect, Luo. He has been practicing Taoism for many years with the Supreme Dharma of the sect, "The Scroll of Mind Skill Enlightenment". Senior Luo fought against Huang Daoxu thirty years ago, and both sides were indistinguishable. burden."

The old man finally raised his head at this moment, revealing a face with sunken eyes and a yellow face. He curled his lips and said casually: "Little girl, you don't need to put gold on my face."

"The reason why the battle with Huang Daoxu seemed to be indecisive was because the man showed mercy."

When he said this, the old man's eyes were full of regret and unwillingness.

In fact, since his defeat to Huang Daoxu, Master Luo has stopped caring about worldly things and devoted himself to cultivating Taoism, just to one day avenge his past humiliation.

He has made rapid progress in the past thirty years. He has given up his teaching duties and his family for the sake of cultivation... He has not gotten married, he has not accepted disciples, and he has never slacked off for a day. He has nothing but Taoism.

But until this moment, he still didn't have the slightest confidence to defeat Huang Daoxu. Even listening to the opponent's performance from time to time, he could feel that the gap between the two sides was getting wider and wider.

Unknowingly, Huang Daoxu has become a nightmare in his heart, like a mountain that can never be crossed.

At this moment, looking at the young man in front of him who wanted to challenge Huang Daoxu, Master Luo kept sneering in his heart.

But when Chu Qiguang listened to Master Luo's introduction, his heart moved slightly.

‘According to the information I got from studying history and communicating with Qiao Zhi, the inheritance of Wuwei Sect should have been divided into two branches after Xuan Xuzi ascended. ’

‘One is far away in Dazhu and was passed down by the monsters there. ’

‘The whereabouts of the other branch are unknown, but according to what Qiao Zhi said, the future Emperor Daqian entered Taoism through the "Xin Gong Enlightenment Scroll". ’

‘Could this leader Luo in front of me...have secretly colluded with the demon clan in the northern grassland? ’

It's not that Chu Qiguang is too wary, but judging from the current situation he has and the future history told by Qiao Zhi, there are many young people in the world.

Various people believe that the victory of demons over humans is a foregone conclusion, so they seek refuge with the demon clan.

There are also various types of people who worship and collude with foreign gods.

At this moment, Leader Luo glanced at Chu Qiguang and snorted: "I fought Huang Daoxu when I was about your age."

"I can't believe that thirty years later, there are still young people who dare to challenge him."

"I'm going to say something ugly first. I promised Sect Master An to come over, but it was just for the sake of Tianjian Sect."

"As for you...even if you are beaten to death on the spot by Huang Daoxu six days later, I will not save you. You are asking for your own death. You can't blame others."

"Oh?" Chu Qiguang looked at Master Luo, and the atmosphere between the two suddenly seemed to become subtle.

Xia Ling, who was watching this scene, was extremely nervous: 'Master Luo speaks too frankly... What if the two of them fight now? ’

However, almost all the powerful people who entered the Tao were people who had their own way of doing things, and Xia Ling could not think of a way to change their minds.

Just when she felt that the atmosphere was getting stiffer and stiffer, and the energy and blood in her body gradually became stagnant under the pressure.

Suddenly a Buddhist door opened behind Chu Qiguang.

"Master Luo, we are all masters, why don't we compete?"

On the one hand, Chu Qiguang wanted to find out the background of Leader Luo, and on the other hand, he also wanted to make some preparations for the battle six days later.

Hearing Chu Qiguang's request, Master Luo laughed: "It seems that you are not convinced yet, that's fine."

"When we're at this point, a thousand words and ten thousand words are not as good as a fight."

"Boy, you are more comfortable than other officials. I like your temper. It is very similar to mine when I was young."

So Chu Qiguang and Master Luo stepped into the gate of the Buddhist world one after another.

As soon as Chu Qiguang stepped into the Buddhist world, a delicate voice sounded in his ears.

"Brother! Have you arrived at Hongxing Mansion?"

Then came Qiao Zhi's voice: "Who is that old man? Why did you follow him?"

At this moment, Qiao Zhi and Jiaojiao, one person and one cat, maintain the skill of human and cat complementation, which means that they can now perform "Shadowless Tribulation", communicate with Hercules and monitor the entire Buddhist world at the same time.

The combination of these abilities produced changes like chemical reactions, allowing Qiao Zhi and Jiaojiao to master terrifying powers.

Chu Qiguang said casually: "A new good brother, I will discuss with him next, don't interrupt casually."

Leader Luo frowned and said, "Who are you talking to?"

Chu Qiguang twisted his neck, and bursts of fire appeared on his body, dispelling the darkness nearby: "Oh... I was talking to my sister just now."

Leader Luo looked at Chu Qiguang's empty side and asked doubtfully, "Your sister? Where is she?"

Chu Qiguang smiled slightly: "Everywhere."

Leader Luo felt a chill in his heart after hearing this: 'No wonder he challenged Huang Daoxu... This man has gone crazy. ’

Chu Qiguang recalled the several transformative powers he had inspired in the past few days.

Wuxiang Ghost Body improves the protective ability of the ghost body.

The ghost eyes of Yin Shen can transform qi, blood and ghost power into each other, greatly enhancing recovery power.

The frantic mountain spirit can transfer damage to the earth and mountains.

Dragon Elephant Sky Fire has a stronger Buddha form.

But Chu Qiguang valued the Yuanshi Black Seal the most. After his hard work these days, he already understood its role.

‘The Black Chapter of the Origin inspires everyone’s power of lies. ’

‘And the power of my lies is...the more my opponent thinks I am stronger, the stronger my moves will be. ’

‘That’s when I started to understand that for me, the key to fighting is to show off. ’

Chu Qiguang looked at Master Luo and said calmly: "Since the Buddha's fire got out of control, the Buddhist world has been shrouded in darkness all year round, making it very inconvenient to move. I will create a big sun first to facilitate our discussion."

Leader Luo sighed and thought: 'Sure enough, he is crazy...'

But the next moment, Chu Qiguang stretched out his hand to grab it.

Amidst the loud rumbling sound, large rocks, mountains, and slopes hundreds of meters in radius all cracked and collapsed, as if being pinched and squeezed by an invisible big hand.

Then with Chu Qiguang's strong pull, the soil and rocks turned into huge balls, rising violently towards the sky.

Then Chu Qiguang pointed out from the air with his finger, and the dragon-elephant sky fire instantly ignited the entire boulder, burning like the sun, illuminating the Buddhist world for dozens of miles in radius.

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