Ruins of the past

Chapter 599 Blessing

Dochiwen left the increasingly lively Fire Hall, and her interest in the Night City became more and more intense.

‘The person behind the scenes here is very ambitious and has mastered extremely powerful Tao techniques. I am afraid he is also a Taoist immortal. ’

'But the other party is hiding in the dark, establishing a cult, and colluding with demons. It seems that they can't deal with the Han thieves. Maybe we can find an opportunity to join forces with them. ’

‘I just don’t know if the disappearance of King Ning Hai has anything to do with this sudden rise of power. ’

While Duo Chiwen was thinking, his figure flashed, like a ghost, directly into the darkness outside the City of Night.

He had just been very curious about the world outside Night City and wanted to see what it was like.

With Duo Chiwen's cultivation as a Taoist Martial God, it was completely easy to hide from some guards or living corpses.

But when he came to an alley, he saw a figure standing there, as if waiting for him.

But Duo Chiwen is also a long-famous warrior god on the grassland.

He was confident that he could survive any dangerous environment with his martial arts skills, and he was not panicking at the moment.

Duo Chiwen asked: "Who is your Excellency? Do you have anything to do with me?"

Chu Qiguang still turned his back to Duo Chiwen and sighed softly: "Have you ever thought about changing your job?"

Duo Chiwen frowned and suddenly smiled. The other party probably didn't expect that he had inadvertently threatened a Taoist Martial God.

He sighed, "Do you know who you're talking to?"

After saying that, Duo Chiwen's body flashed, and a series of afterimages flashed in front of Chu Qiguang.

As he flicked out his palm, streaks of blood flashed out, and the billowing energy and blood burst out of his body, turning into four streaks of red light, stabbing the limbs of the man in front of him.

‘The Blood Arrow Sutra’? Sure enough, he is the God of War in the grassland. ’ Chu Qiguang’s eyes moved slightly, and the next moment he activated his ghost power.

The whole world suddenly turned upside down.

When Dochiwen came back to her senses, she saw that the original Night City had disappeared.

What appeared in front of him were the skeleton buildings rising from the ground. Countless resentments seemed to be suppressed in these buildings, and there were waves of cold air.

Duo Chiwen's expression changed drastically as he watched this scene: "Where is this?"

Chu Qiguang didn't say anything, he just slapped his palm, and his great freedom exploded, intending to defeat the martial god in front of him first.

The mighty power of the Pentium was transmitted step by step in the atmosphere, and waves of air burst out in the midst of thunderous whistling sounds.

Duo Chiwen could only feel that the air became as thick as water in an instant, and then earth-shattering explosions occurred around him.

Amidst the loud rumbling sound, the buildings all around that were turned into white bones collapsed.

At this moment, Duo Chiwen felt like he was experiencing a natural disaster, a major earthquake, which was no longer a force that human beings could contend with...

Chu Qiguang frowned and slapped several palms in succession.

It was as if a pair of invisible big hands kept falling from the sky, hitting Duo Chiwen's position hard. The bombardment made the earth tremble, and the bones of the buildings turned into dust all over the sky.

After a long time, the shaking sound stopped.

As Chu Qiguang blew a gentle breath, the great force of freedom whipped up a gust of wind, blowing away the smoke and dust in front of his eyes, revealing Duo Chiwen, who was unscathed.

Chu Qiguang's brows furrowed even more tightly now, and he thought to himself: 'Can't even hit this? ! ’

'This is such bad luck...'

'Fortunately, I dragged this guy into the ghost realm to fight. If the fight started in Night City, I'm afraid he wouldn't be hurt... Night City would be destroyed by me. ’

On the other side, although Duo Chiwen was unharmed, he was already lying on the ground.

He felt like he was just like a small boat on the sea, being directly involved in a terrifying storm.

Under the opponent's earth-shattering power that day, Dochiwen could no longer generate any will to fight.

‘Such great power…is this person already on the path to enlightenment? ’

‘With such a state and cultivation level...but I was unscathed, the other party must have deliberately withheld his hand. ’

'Under such a large-scale attack, he was able to avoid hurting me at all. This person's control of power is already at its peak, and it is so clear...'

A series of analyzes flashed through Duo Chiwen's brain like lightning. After noticing that the other party had stopped, he immediately shouted: "Thank you, senior, for showing mercy!"

Chu Qiguang was slightly stunned when he heard this, then nodded and said, "Do you know why I want to spare your life?"

Duo Chiwen said quickly: "Senior, just tell me what you have to say. I am willing to do my best."

At this moment, in Duo Chiwen's eyes, the man in front of him was already an old monster in the game world. It was even possible that the so-called Night City was created by him.

Chu Qiguang asked casually: "What is your name? Who sent you here."

Duo Chiwen quickly introduced himself and his family name.

In his opinion, if this old monster is willing to collude with demons and develop a cult, he must not be a kind person, and he must have a hostile relationship with the Han court.

It would be a good thing if Da Gan could join forces with the other party to deal with the big man.

"Duo Chiwen?" Chu Qiguang's heart moved slightly when he heard the other party's name.

He had heard Qiao Zhi mention some powerful Taoists on the grassland before.

After all, according to the original history, it was Daqian who went south to slaughter the Central Plains and besieged and killed Emperor Yong'an.

Chu Qiguang has always been vigilant about this country on the grassland.

He remembered that this Duo Chiwen was described by Qiao Zhi as a standard racist.

This monster regards humans as food and slaves. After going south, it launched more than ten massacres and has a terrible reputation.

Chu Qiguang thought in his mind: 'If this monster is to be used, it must be supervised carefully. ’

The ghost realm disappeared, and the two of them had returned to the Buddhist realm again. Chu Qiguang turned around and left.

"Come with me."

Li Yaofeng glanced at Chu Qiguang and Duo Chiwen in front of him and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Chu Qiguang said: "Have you finished what I asked you to make last time? Try it on him."

An evil smile appeared on Li Yaofeng's lips: "Is this guy a Taoist martial god? He is indeed a good material for experiments."

Duo Chiwen felt the gazes of the two people, and for some reason she felt increasingly cold in her heart.

Soon Li Yaofeng injected a tube of blood into Duo Chiwen's body.

Once blood enters the body, it continues to decompose and change.

After a few days of warming up, it had turned into countless small insects and scattered throughout Duo Chiwen's body, burrowing into his internal organs and even his brain.

That day, after Li Yaofeng inspected the other party's body, he nodded and said, "Okay, the blood worms have already penetrated his brain. As long as you give the order, you can immediately turn him into a fool."

Chu Qiguang looked at Duo Chiwen with a smile and said, "Blessing."

Following the other party's command, Dochiwen immediately felt a sharp pain in his brain.

He screamed and held his head, feeling as if something greasy was biting his brain, making a ticking sound.

Chu Qiguang continued: "Get off work."

The next moment, Duo Chiwen felt the pain in his brain stop, and his eyes looking at Chu Qiguang and Li Yaofeng were filled with fear.

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