Ruins of the past

Chapter 600 The first day of work

Looking at Chu Qiguang and Duo Chiwen's leaving figures, Li Yaofeng's eyes showed a trace of satisfaction.

‘The blood worms are filled with orders written by me personally. I usually obey Chu Qiguang’s words, but at critical moments, only I can control them. ’

'If Chu Qiguang is willing to use blood worms on a large scale, then all the subordinates he develops will be my subordinates. ’

Thinking of this, Li Yaofeng felt more and more that her decision to come to Chu Qiguang for research was right.

Not only did he come into contact with the Taoism of the Blood Pool series, he had huge funds and resources to conduct various researches, and he was also able to develop his own power through the power of Chu Qiguang.

He looked in the direction outside the workshop, his eyes seemed to be able to span time and space, looking at the entire Shuzhou and the Buddhist world.

Only by truly joining Chu Qiguang can he deeply feel the power of the other party... There are countless people working for Chu Qiguang every moment.

They earned resources for Chu Qiguang, collected Buddhist fire, searched for knowledge, contributed brainpower, and came up with various ways to enhance his combat power...

In Li Yaofeng's eyes, every increase in Chu Qiguang's strength drained the efforts of countless people and was the support of countless people or demons.

The more people work for Chu Qiguang, the faster Chu Qiguang's strength will grow.

The harder his subordinates work, the stronger Chu Qiguang can develop martial arts and Taoism.

‘Chu Qiguang truly mobilized hundreds of thousands or even millions of people to add to his strength. ’

'That's probably one of the reasons why he was able to reach the top in just a few years. ’

But after Li Yaofeng joined the other party, he has been secretly stealing the other party's power, just like the Bloodworm today.

‘One day I will surpass you and replace you. ’

Chu Qiguang on the other side used the art of blood communication to check the blood worms in Duo Chiwen's body.

He nodded secretly in his mind: 'The orders at the bottom level are all there. It seems that if Sister Feng doesn't master blood communication and magic, she really can't break through this level. ’

'oh? You even created a hidden account for yourself. Do you still have the highest authority? ’

‘But let’s keep it for him, people have to dream a little bit. ’

Recalling Li Yaofeng's devoted research during this period, Chu Qiguang thought to himself: 'After all, people only work hard if they have dreams. ’

‘Giving employees dreams is more important than increasing their salary. ’

Thinking of this, Chu Qiguang looked at the new employee aside and asked with a kind face: "What is your dream?"

Duo Chiwen was extremely distressed, thinking that he was a grassland warrior god with a respected status, countless wealth in his family, and many wives and concubines. Unexpectedly, he ended up in Shuzhou and became a prisoner unable to control his life or death.

When she thought of the bugs in her mind at the moment, Dochiwen felt that she seemed to hear the ticking sound again.

At this moment, when he suddenly heard Chu Qiguang's question, his heart tightened, he shook his head and said, ""

Chu Qiguang said: "Then you have to think about it carefully. Career planning is a very important thing."

"From now on, the entire Shuzhou will be the best platform for you to develop yourself."

"Don't always put making money first. When encountering problems, don't worry about temporary gains and losses. Think about what you can learn first."

"You have to learn to be grateful to those who hurt you, because they have sharpened your mind and made you a better self..."

Duo Chiwen listened to Chu Qiguang's sincere and kind words. Although he secretly hated the other party for infecting him with bloodworms, he felt that what the other party said seemed to make some sense.

Next, Chu Qiguang took Duo Chiwen back to Night City and came to a place called the 'butcher shop'.

Duo Chiwen raised his eyes and saw that the top of the shop was covered with thick blood vessels. With a splashing sound, he could hear blood flowing rapidly in them.

In the center of the store, huge blood cocoons grew out of the ground.

Duo Chiwen could see monsters or people getting into the blood cocoon from time to time with an expectant look on their faces, or running out with excitement on their faces.

The whole store gave off a very evil feeling to Dochiwen.

Next, he saw Chu Qiguang paying the store owner to get into the blood cocoon.

Although Duo Chiwen felt that the blood cocoon didn't look like a good thing, he still got into it with Chu Qiguang's encouragement.

As soon as he entered it, Duo Chiwen saw blood vessels spreading up like spiritual snakes and piercing directly into his skin.

Then lines of words appeared on the flesh of the bloody cocoon in front of him.

"Please choose a transformation direction."

The options below are Healing, Exorcism, Bone Armor, and Divine Spells.

Duo Chiwen followed Chu Qiguang's reminder and chose the magical technique, and then the bones of various parts of the body were displayed on the skin.

As Duo Chiwen chose the ribs, he immediately felt a stream of filthy blood pouring into his body from those blood vessels.

With the injection of demon blood, his ribs were gradually transformed into faithless bones, giving him the ability to pray to gods and store the power of faith.

After Chu Qiguang took him to the side hall to pray, Duo Chiwen clearly felt this.

He looked at the blood cocoon in the hall in surprise: "I clearly don't believe in Taoist Xuanyuan of Tianshi Cult, but now I can store my faith after praying. What on earth is this..."

At this moment, he became more and more curious about the other options in the blood cocoon.

However, when he and Chu Qiguang left the 'Butcher Shop', they saw several disguised Taoist priests from the Tianshi Sect making trouble here. Not only did they attack several customers, they also destroyed several blood cocoons, and were finally guarded. They were defeated and dragged away.

Obviously, the business of 'butcher shop' is not acceptable to everyone.

For many believers in particular, their presence here seriously tarnishes their faith.

Next, Duo Chiwen was taken to another shop by Chu Qiguang and bought him a bottle of talisman water.

"This is the finest Emperor Heaven Talisman Water, combined with the Faithless Bone in your body. From now on, as long as you pray to Emperor Heaven every day and then take the Talisman Water, you will be able to perform the Emperor Heaven Dao's magic."

"Today is your first day at work, so I will pay the money for you."

"You have to pay for it yourself from now on."

On the first day he worked under Chu Qiguang, he gained the ability to perform Taoist magic.

At this time, Duo Chiwen recalled what Chu Qiguang had said before, and suddenly felt that working under the other party might not be a bad thing at all. At least he could improve his combat effectiveness and master powers he had never had in the past.

Then Dochiwen was taken to his job, a construction site about ten miles away from Night City.

In the dark Buddhist world, a few firelights flashed from time to time in the distance.

Duo Chiwen thought to himself: 'What will you want me to do... kill someone? Guarding a place? Or teach martial arts? ’

Generally speaking, the most powerful thing about martial gods is their power and knowledge.

From Dochiwen's point of view, after the other party conquered him, this was all they asked him to do.

But after arriving at the construction site, Jin Hailong, wearing work clothes, came up to him excitedly.

He looked at Dochiwen and said, "You are the new one, right? Finally, someone will take my place."

Dochiwen wondered: "What should I do?"

Chu Qiguang said: "Build the road."

Duo Chiwen: "?"

Chu Qiguang added: "There are mountains to dig, rivers to build bridges, soil to be dug and filled, and monsters to be dealt with when encountered..."

The more Duo Chiwen listened, the angrier he became. He felt that he was being humiliated by letting a Taoist Martial God do such dirty and tiring work.

But when he thought of the bloodworms in his mind, he seemed to hear the strange ticking sound again.

Dochiwen could only warn herself in her heart: 'Don't care about temporary gains and losses when encountering problems, think about what you can learn first...'

As if he understood Duo Chiwen's thoughts, Jin Hailong patted him on the shoulder and said in a tone of experience: "Don't worry, you may not understand the importance of this job now, but after a few You can get used to it in a month.”

Duo Chiwen waved his hand and wanted to swat the other person's hand away, but took a step back due to the collision with the other person's palm.

He was surprised: 'Is this person a Taoist Martial God? ’

Jin Hailong smiled: "Next, I will teach you how to build roads. Don't worry, it will not be difficult to learn after you cooperate with Huangtian Taoism."

Under the guidance of Jin Hailong and the encouragement of Chu Qiguang, Duo Chiwen reluctantly began to build the road.

Chu Qiguang looked at his efficiency and nodded secretly in his heart: 'Further expansion can be accelerated again. ’

According to Chu Qiguang's plan, strongholds will be established in corresponding locations in the Buddhist world and major prefectures and counties in Shuzhou.

And build bridges and roads between these strongholds to open up these strongholds.

This forms an efficient transportation network and information network between Shuzhou and the Buddhist world.

By the way, it can also mobilize more people to purchase various services in Night City and join in the search for Buddha's fire.

Originally, building roads was not a simple matter. It would be time-consuming and labor-intensive anywhere in the world.

But Chu Qiguang now mobilized his army of living corpses, cement made by monsters, and Taoist martial gods to work together, and the efficiency of road construction suddenly became much higher.

As more and more strongholds light up the Buddhist world, there are more and more gates that can enter the Buddhist world in major prefectures and counties in Shuzhou.

There are also more and more people and demons buying Qi and blood machines, transforming Wuxin bones, buying talisman water, and looking for Buddha fire.

Driven by Chu Qiguang, the entire Shuzhou was moving at a high speed in a direction unprecedented in history, and getting faster and faster.

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