Ruins of the past

Chapter 598 Zhoutian Grand Sacrifice and Buddha’s Birthday

"Sunday Festival?"

Chu Qiguang frowned slightly when he saw the handwriting on the invitation, but before he could think more about it, the invitation suddenly flew into the air.

There was no fire in the air and there was spontaneous combustion. Golden firelight gathered above the invitation, forming lines of writing.

Simple flames and writing, that is a sight that ordinary people can see.

In Chu Qiguang's eyes, there were tentacles in the air extending from the invitation, wandering around as if searching for something.

"Is this the power of Taoist Xuanyuan?"

"I actually sent the invitation here directly. Did the teacher know about my relationship with Night City that day?"

Chu Qiguang looked carefully at the text composed of flames and found that it actually invited him to participate in an event called the Zhoutian Festival.

This so-called Zhoutian Festival is held on the birthday of Taoist Xuanyuan to pray for peace and prosperity for the country and the people.

At the same time, talents from all over the world will be invited to select Holy Son Xuanyuan, who will be blessed by the Taoist Master and receive generous rewards.

Among them are many of the top elixirs, talismans, and weapons taught by the Heavenly Master, each of which is enough to cause a bloody storm.

But what caught Chu Qiguang's mind the most at this moment was the "Book of the Earth" that was awarded to the top performer in the Zhoutian Festival.

"It turned out to be the Book of the Earth? Is this book in the hands of the Heavenly Master?"

"Based on the clues I had, I originally thought that the "Book of the Earth" might be in the hands of the Dragon Clan or the Tianjian Sect, but it turned out to be in the hands of the Tianshi Sect? Or are they bluffing?"

Chu Qiguang has been pursuing the "Secret of the Purple Mansion" and the four great sutra kings it transformed into for several years.

Now that I suddenly heard the true location of "Book of the Earth", my heart was inevitably agitated.

"The Zhoutian Festival will be held in a year's time? It's too long, and I don't have that much time to fight with people to death. Which Holy Son should I choose?"

"Just go directly to Dragon Snake Mountain to grab it."

Thinking of his current level of cultivation, Chu Qiguang no longer planned to participate in any Zhoutian Festival peacefully.

"If I still have to obey the rules despite being so strong, wouldn't it mean that I have been practicing for so long in vain?"

However, he is now unlucky enough to go directly to Dragon Snake Mountain to grab the sutra. It is estimated that the success rate is very low, and it will also cause a lot of trouble.

"When Jiaojiao can bear my bad luck, she will go explore the Dragon Snake Mountain."

At this moment, the flame text above the invitation slowly dissipated.

The tentacles penetrated into the void like spiritual snakes and disappeared before Chu Qiguang's eyes.

Seeing this scene, Chu Qiguang's heart moved: "Does Taoist Xuanyuan's power transcend time and space? Then...could it be that this invitation was also sent by Taoist Xuanyuan?"

At the same time, Taoist Xuanyuan's divine power crossed thousands of mountains and rivers and reached countless corners of the Central Plains.

Many talented humans have received invitations to the Zhoutian Festival, including the famous Taoist Martial Gods, leaders of certain sects, and even court officials who are famous all over the world.

Suddenly, as invitations were sent out everywhere, the name of the Zhoutian Festival spread throughout the world.

No one knows what the criteria are, or how many people received the invitations.

But the rewards listed in the Zhoutian Grand Ceremony have attracted the attention of countless people. The various top-notch elixirs and talismans alone make people extremely jealous.

Countless people are gearing up and seem to be looking forward to performing well at the Zhoutian Festival.

Yong'an 19th year, early October.

With the full support of Chu Qiguang, Night City is developing faster and faster.

More and more blood machines and living corpses flowed out from here and were scattered throughout Shuzhou, spreading the name of Night City.

This not only made the locals in Shuzhou and the masters of the demon clan aware of the existence of Night City, but also let some people who came to investigate the situation in Shuzhou get wind of it.

Duo Chiwen, the wolf warrior god from the grassland, is also one of them.

Half a year ago, King Ninghai of Daqian went south to contact the Snow Mountain Demon Kingdom, but he never returned and no news came from him.

As a senior martial god on the grassland, King Ninghai has great influence within Daqian in terms of reputation and power. Naturally, many people are unwilling to let go of his disappearance.

After that, due to a sudden change in luck, a hole in the Gang Qi layer was caused, causing turmoil in the world.

After the news about the celestial phenomena in Shuzhou spread, it attracted the attention of many forces, who all sent people to investigate the news.

Duo Chiwen, the wolf warrior god, came all the way south to Shuzhou for these two things.

After asking around among Shuzhou monsters, he learned about a place like Night City.

As soon as he entered this city in the Buddhist world, he was a little surprised.

Although the monsters and humans here are still hostile to each other, they seem to have drawn an invisible line between them, and basically they are on the same page.

The living corpses and blood machines he saw on the street, especially when he saw humans or monsters getting into them to operate them, shocked him even more.

‘This puppet is obviously capable of the fourth realm. How can it be operated by a first-level warrior? ’

'It's really putting the cart before the horse... If things continue like this, the martial arts style will inevitably decline. ’

Seeing this situation, Duo Chiwen always felt a little uncomfortable.

Subconsciously, he disliked... this kind of unhealthy trend where weak people have the power to cross borders.

In his opinion, decades of hard training, gaining strength bit by bit through cruel training and battles, is the right path.

Then he saw people lining up in a long queue, and after following him in, he found a place called the Fire Hall.

One by one, the warriors controlling the puppets stood in front of a girl.

Along with the strange incantations, streams of flames surged out of the puppets and poured into the girl's body.

A moment later, flames came out of the girl's body and penetrated into the puppet's driver, but the number of flames seemed to be 80% smaller.

But he saw that the driver whose face was returned to the flames was red, full of energy, and a sense of power came over him.

Seeing a person walking up and passing the flame like this, with excitement on his face, Dochiwen thought it was some kind of sect in Night City.

He curiously asked the cat demon beside him: "What kind of religion is this? Which great god does it worship?"

The cat demon glanced sideways at Duo Chiwen: "You just came from the countryside, right? Let me tell you, worshiping gods is not a thing here."

"They are offering sacrifices to the Buddha's fire."

"As long as you collect Buddha fire in the Buddhist world, you can sacrifice it to Jinnu here."

"The Ember Girl will purify the flames and transmit the pure Buddha fire back."

"Buddha's fire, in its pure state, can improve the body, enhance Qi and blood, and greatly improve the level of martial arts."

"Buddha fires are everywhere in the Buddhist world now, and more and more people come here to collect Buddha fires."

Hearing this, Dochiwen was even more surprised.

Suddenly, there was a loud cheer from the front, and Dochiwen wondered: "What's going on?"

The cat demon said in surprise: "Today is the birthday of the Buddha. The Buddha's power is strong in the Buddhist world. The Buddha's fire purified by Jin Nu is half as much as before!"

As he spoke, the other party turned around and shouted: "Go back and tell big brother! Hurry up and purify the Buddha's fire!"

Seeing the people around him cheering as if they were celebrating a festival, and more and more warriors gathering in the distance, Duo Chiwen left the Fire Hall thoughtfully.

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