Just as the middle-aged man was being dissuaded by his companions, the blonde beauty had already entered the barrier.

As soon as she stood still, she heard an extremely familiar voice coming from not far away.

"It's almost over, it's time to end it - Susanoo!"

The familiar voice made her body tremble violently!

But before she could think about whether it was that bastard, a bloody burly war god about ten meters tall suddenly appeared not far away.

The next moment, the bloody war god swung the giant sword in his hand and chopped down heavily.


With a loud bang, the ground began to shake violently, and she fell to the side uncontrollably with her unstable body.

And the open space was full of thorns!

At this critical moment, a ray of lightning shot out from not far away, preventing a tragedy from happening.

Looking at the handsome face that she would curse in her heart eight hundred times every day, for some reason, the blonde beauty's nose suddenly felt sour.

At this time, the other party 12's mouth corner once again showed that sly smile:"I didn't expect Miss Sawaguchi to take the initiative to find me. I am really moved!"

That's right, the blonde beauty was none other than Chiyoko Sawaguchi who had escaped from the villa before.

But for some reason, the plot has been changed beyond recognition by Bai Ziyu, but the other party still came here as in the original play.

But it just so happens that this time he will not let her escape so easily!

Seeing that familiar smirk, recalling the past, Chiyoko Sawaguchi's body softened immediately, and her voice trembled:"I, I'm not here to find you, I, I..."

But before she could finish, a shadow suddenly covered her.

The beauty was attacked and tried to resist.

But as Bai Ziyu gently..., and all her strength seemed to be drained away in an instant.

However, there are always many people who don't know how to behave in this world.

Just as Bai Ziyu was enjoying the fruits of his victory, a roar suddenly came from not far away:"Damn bastard, let Chiyoko go!"

Looking in the direction of the voice, she saw a burly middle-aged man like a bear, looking at her angrily.

As usual, a probing eye flicked over:

"Name: Fujiki Kojiro

Age: 36

Personality: irritable, bloodthirsty

Skills: Wild Bear Rage, Thunder Blade

Favorability: -50

Overall Strength: Lower Fourth Stage

Recent Thoughts: Damn bastard, you dared to kiss Kayoko, she's mine! Mine! I'm going to kill you bastard..."

Looking at the information fed back by the Eye of Exploration, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly.

He didn't expect Chiyoko Sawaguchi to be so charming. She had Hayama Koichi in front and this guy behind.

It's a pity that the goddess in their hearts who is out of reach is now in his arms, letting him feel the strong disdain in Bai Ziyu's eyes. Fujiki Kojiro, who already has a hot temper, can no longer bear it.

He pushed his companions aside, drew the giant sword behind him and rushed forward.

In order to get the other party into his team before, he spent an unknown price, and even sacrificed two extremely precious favors. He thought that he would be the first to get the moon by being close to the water tower, and turned her into his forbidden girl, but he never thought that someone else would get there first.

""Go to hell!"

With a roar, he swung the huge sword in his hand.

The originally heavy huge sword was swung in his hand with great force and thunder.

Seeing this, Chiyoko Sawaguchi was immediately startled and hurriedly tried to stop him:"Wait!"

But because of what happened just now, her body was weak and she was too late.

Subconsciously, she couldn't help but close her eyes.


A moment later, with the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, Fujiki Kojiro fell heavily to the ground, and a large cloud of dust gradually rose.

Seeing their captain being defeated so easily, everyone rushed forward.

"team leader!"

"Captain, are you okay?!"......

Hearing the noise, Sawaguchi Chiyoko slowly opened her eyes.

Seeing that Bai Ziyu was not injured, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As if she had noticed this, Bai Ziyu suddenly looked at her, with a hint of amusement in her eyes. For some reason, Sawaguchi Chiyoko felt guilty.

At this moment, Fujiki Kojiro, who was supported by his companions, pushed him away and rushed up again waving his giant sword.

Being defeated so easily in front of the team members and the goddess, if he can't get back his place, how can he gain a foothold in the demon hunting organization in the future?!

Seeing that the other party was so ignorant, Bai Ziyu frowned slightly, and a sharp murderous intent appeared in his eyes:"Looking for death!"

There had been several in-depth exchanges before, and Sawaguchi Chiyoko, who understood that he was murderous, saw this and quickly opened his arms to block Bai Ziyu:"Captain Fujiki, wait!"

Seeing that his goddess was standing in front of a strange man, Fujiki Kojiro's reason was completely swallowed by anger.

Since you are protecting him so much, then die with him!

Thinking of this, the giant sword slashed towards Sawaguchi Chiyoko with the force of thunder.

If this sword falls, the beauty of the generation will immediately end up with her head and body separated.

Sawaguchi Chiyoko did not expect that the other party would be so crazy, and her face turned pale when she saw this.

However, at this moment, a big hand suddenly hugged her waist.

Immediately, accompanied by a strong force, she was pulled behind.

Looking at the broad and solid back, she couldn't help but feel a strong sense of security in her heart.

How long has it been? After her father passed away, she didn't know how long she hadn't felt the feeling of being taken care of....

The next moment, a voice full of murderous intent awakened her from her wild thoughts:"You dare to attack my woman, you're looking for death!"

Seeing Bai Ziyu draw out his long sword, Sawaguchi Chiyoko was shocked and hurriedly hugged the strong waist from behind:"No!"

Feeling the warmth coming from behind, Bai Ziyu paused slightly, and then said in a low voice:"He just wanted to kill you, even so, do you still want to plead for him?"

Hearing this, Sawaguchi Chiyoko did not answer directly, but begged slightly:"Don't kill anyone anymore, okay?"

As the voice fell, the atmosphere in the field fell into a dead silence.

Even though Fujiki Kojiro struggled several times and failed to get up, his companions not far away did not dare to step forward to help him.

The opponent used only one move to beat his strongest combat power like a dead dog.

In this case, who dares to help.

If you make the other party unhappy and give yourself a sword, it will be a mess?!.

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