Bai Ziyu casually crushed the figure into pieces, stood up, and slowly walked towards the door.

When he opened the door, he saw Chunchuan Zhimei looking at him with a heavy face.

Reaching out and rubbing her soft light yellow hair, Bai Ziyu smiled and said,"What's wrong?"

"Master, the lady is waiting for you outside. I'm afraid..."

Hearing this, Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly and nodded lightly, with a bit of inexplicable color in his eyes:"Okay!"

After that, he smiled and said:"You stay in my room and take care of the girl, don't come out!"


Looking inside through the gap between Bai Ziyu's fellow disciples, he saw Yamato Ruri lying on the bed with her eyebrows slightly furrowed. Recalling what Chunchuan Yiping had said, Chunchuan Zhimei asked with a smile:"Master, is she..."

"""Three-nine-three" That's right! But something unexpected happened along the way..."

Upon learning that Bai Ziyu had killed Chunchuan Yiping, Chunchuan Zhimei's beautiful green eyes suddenly showed a deep affection.

If it weren't for the wrong timing, she would have offered herself to him and tried her best to repay this kindness.

After a while, when Bai Ziyu left, the little maid closed the door, looked at Yamato Ruri lying on the bed like a sleeping beauty, and the corners of her mouth slowly rose.

Then, she slowly walked to her side and gently lifted the thin quilt. The next moment, the little maid's delicate face flushed, and she secretly blamed someone for not knowing how to cherish women.

In the courtyard, looking at Kuraki Yuriko standing quietly beside the camellia tree under the dark sky, Bai Ziyu's eyes flashed with a bit of amusement.

After a while, when he came to her side, Bai Ziyu showed a"doubtful" expression.":""Aunt Yuriko, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Hearing this, Kuraki Yuriko slowly turned around, with a hint of red light in her eyes.

Illuminated by this hint of red light, Bai Ziyu's expression suddenly froze.

Gently extending her snow-white hand and stroking the handsome cheek that seemed to have been cut by a knife and an axe, Kuraki Yuriko's face showed a bit of fanaticism:"I've waited for so long, and finally waited for this day, Master, come and enjoy it now...."

As she spoke, she pulled up Bai Ziyu's right hand and slowly placed it on her rich capital. But what happened next did not develop as she imagined.

The other party did not rush up to eat like a bloodthirsty wolf seeing a fat lamb, but looked at her with amusement.

Realizing that something was wrong, Kuraki Yuriko frowned slightly:"Old..."

But at this moment, Bai Ziyu exerted a little force with his right hand, and said jokingly:"Should I call you Aunt Yuriko or Miss Yaoling now?!"

As soon as these words came out,"Kuragi Yuriko"'s face changed drastically.

In an instant, Bai Ziyu's men shot out, standing on the surface of the lake, with a solemn expression on her pretty face:"You are not Yushan Haoyi, who are you?!"

Faced with the question, Bai Ziyu did not answer, but shook his head:"Poor Aunt Yuriko, she only thought her death was an accident, but she didn't know that all this was secretly planned by someone."

"It was with the help of the power of Kuraki in her body that you were able to let your demon spirit leave her body, and use resurrection as bait to drive her to your use. I wonder if what I said is right, Miss Demon Spirit!"

As Bai Ziyu's voice fell,"Kuraki Yuriko"'s expression changed slightly.

She could feel that the guy in her body who had been put to sleep by her was faintly showing signs of revival.

Observing this keenly, Bai Ziyu's face became even more playful:"It seems that your current situation is not good?"

Hearing this, while suppressing the other party to wake up,"Kuraki Yuriko" shouted in a deep voice:"Shut up!"

"That won't work. I haven't told you Miss Yaoling's plan yet. For example, she wants to use the Moon-Serving Ceremony to fully stimulate the Kuraki power in Lingcai's body, and then use the Yamata power in my body as a medium to absorb the power of the Yamata no Orochi for her own use."

"I have to say, Miss Yaoling is really good at calculating."

"It's just a pity for Aunt Yuriko, who was looking forward to being resurrected, but she didn't know that it was just a scam from the beginning...."

"Shut up! Shut up!"

Feeling the signs of recovery in her body becoming more obvious,"Kuragi Yuriko" became furious.

With a roar, countless thick tree roots suddenly emerged from the soil, biting towards Bai Ziyu like poisonous snakes....

At the same time, outside the Kuraki Manor, several young men and women frowned as they looked at the black barrier that looked like an inverted bowl.

At this moment, a tall young man spoke first to break the deadlock:"To be able to create such a powerful barrier, I'm afraid his strength has reached A-level. Our strongest captain is only B-level. Why don't we seek support from above?"

As soon as the voice fell, a blonde beauty with a stunning figure in a black windbreaker frowned slightly:"Recently, the activities of monsters have become more rampant. Now all the A-level demon hunters in Kanna City have been dispatched. If we wait for other cities to come to support, it may be too late."

"So what do you want to do? Let us fight against the stone with an egg,..."

Before he could finish, the burly middle-aged leader interrupted him with a deep voice:"Sato!"

Seeing the captain speak, the young man called Sato stopped talking, but his eyes looking at the beauty were full of sarcasm and disdain.

How can a guy who can't even protect his teammates and survives by stealing and stealing be qualified to be their partner!

Although she has been used to seeing such looks for some time, seeing it again still hurts the beauty's scarred heart.

After saying"I will take care of this matter" in a slightly low voice, the beauty put her hand on the black barrier.

In an instant, a golden light emerged from her right hand.

The barrier that was originally indestructible gradually showed fine cracks.

The next moment, it shattered with a bang, and a passage that could only be passed by one person appeared.

Then, the beauty plunged in.

Seeing this, the burly middle-aged man was immediately shocked:"Chiyoko!"

As he said, he was about to rush into the passage.

But just as he was about to set off, he was stopped by several companions:"Captain, the road ahead is dangerous, we can't go!"

"That's right, we can't deal with an A-level monster, so it's best to ask for help from above as soon as possible."...

Under the obstruction of the crowd, the middle-aged man could only watch the passage slowly shrink until it disappeared completely.

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