Finally, when everyone's heart was about to sink to the bottom of the valley, Bai Ziyu said lightly:"I can let you go!"

Hearing this, everyone felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, Bai Ziyu's words made their hearts rise to their throats again.

"But I have a condition!"

After these words came out, everyone looked at each other, and finally a tall and handsome young man came out, his legs trembling slightly:"Please, what are your conditions? As long as we can do it, we will never refuse!"

"My condition is very simple. Chiyoko will withdraw from the demon hunting organization from now on, and she will no longer be a member of your demon hunting organization!"

As soon as the voice fell, the young man hurriedly nodded and agreed:"No problem!"

Although she had expected this result, but being abandoned by her companions so decisively, Chiyoko Sawaguchi still felt her heart twitch, like a needle.

At this time, noticing the slightly strange look of his companions, the young man felt that his answer was too decisive, and hurriedly wanted to make amends:"I mean...".

But unfortunately, Bai Ziyu did not give him this opportunity. He waved his hand in disgust as if to shoo away a fly:"Alright! Now you can take this guy and get out of here!"

Being humiliated like this, these demon hunters who have always been arrogant did not dare to show even the slightest dissatisfaction at this time. They hurriedly helped Fujiki Kojiro, who was like a dead dog, and left in a hurry.

After his figure completely disappeared and he felt the wetness on his back, Bai Ziyu slowly turned around and hugged him in his arms.

After a while, Chiyoko Sawaguchi raised her cheek with faint traces of tears and bit her thin lips lightly:"I was just blinded by the wind just now, so I didn't cry!"

"Well! I know, what are you going to do next?"

Hearing this, the beautiful lady's slightly red and swollen eyes immediately revealed a deep resentment:"You caused me to lose my job, aren't you going to take responsibility?〃. ?"

Bai Ziyu, who also felt that what the other party said made sense, nodded gently:"Is that so?"

After a moment, as if he thought of something, his eyes suddenly flashed with a gleam:"I got it! I just happen to have a job suitable for you, to be my personal bodyguard, responsible for protecting my safety at ordinary times, how about it, are you interested?"

The corners of her eyebrows couldn't help but rise slightly, and Chiyoko Sawaguchi nodded seriously:"In order to prevent you from killing people indiscriminately again, I have to accept this job and supervise you from time to time!"

"So, Miss Chiyoko, are you ready for your pre-job training?"

"Do you need more training?"

"Of course, we are a formal enterprise and only those with a certificate can work here!"

"All right..."

When Bai Ziyu was conducting pre-job training for Chiyoko Sawaguchi, the tall young man in the silent forest frowned slightly, because he found that he could not remember the face of the man just now.

Then, he looked at his companions beside him:"Do you still remember the appearance of that man just now?"

Faced with the question, everyone bowed their heads in thought, and after a moment, they shook their heads gently.

Even the strongest Fujiki Kojiro finally shook his head subconsciously.

At this moment, everyone present felt a chill all over their bodies.

The opponent's strength was so terrifying that he could tamper with the memories of so many of them invisibly!

After they returned to the Demon Hunter Headquarters and reported the matter, a violent earthquake was triggered in the Demon Hunters. Of course, these are all later stories.

Two and a half hours later, after helping Chiyoko Sawaguchi finish the pre-job training, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction when looking at the students who had gained a lot.

As a teacher, I like this kind of sensitive and studious students the most, which makes him very motivated to teach.

After giving them homework and asking them to review what they learned today, Bai Ziyu flicked his sleeves and turned away.

I came to the living room and sat on the sofa. A dark book with many ghost stories suddenly appeared.

It was the golden prop.——《Record of One Hundred Demons".

Opening the Record of One Hundred Demons, the first page shows Kuraki Yuriko, who is dressed in black gauze and standing quietly under a camellia tree.

However, her strength is no longer the lower fourth level as shown before, but a true upper fifth level, the same echelon as Bai Ziyu.

And this is naturally inseparable from Bai Ziyu's previous help.

Otherwise, she would not have been able to wake up from her slumber, and with the help of the only remaining Kuraki power in her body, she would have completed the counterattack and completely devoured the demon spirit.

Originally, Bai Ziyu thought that there would be no system reward for taming it, but he never thought that the system would give him a big surprise.

【Congratulations to the host for successfully subduing the fifth-level monster, Kuraki Yuriko, and the rescue points are +8000. 】

8000 rescue points are equal to the total benefit of Bai Ziyu saving the three goddesses.

At that moment, he really had the urge to go around the world to find monsters to kill.

But after thinking about it, he gave up!

The most important thing in this world is to be happy.

If you waste your happy time just to make money, what is the difference between that and being a slave for those black-hearted capitalists in your previous life! ?

Stroking the painting page with a faint coolness, his mind moved, and"Record of Hundred Monsters" suddenly glowed with golden light.

The next moment, Kuraki Yuriko, who had a slender figure and a coquettish physique, emerged.

The first moment she appeared, she bowed to Bai Ziyu:".¨ Yuriko meets the master!"

Reaching out his hand to help her up, Bai Ziyu smiled faintly and shook his head:"Aunt Yuriko, there's no need to be polite."

Hearing this, Kuraki Yuriko's beautiful eyes revealed a hint of resentment:"Yuriko (good king) dare not be the master's aunt, the master should not be Yushan Haoyi?!"

Although it was an inquiry, the tone was extremely certain!

Yushan Haoyi has the blood of Yagi, if he practices dark magic, it can barely be said, but thunder magic

And now that all goals have been achieved, Bai Ziyu naturally has no need to hide, and immediately nodded lightly:"That's right! The real Yushan Haoyi has been killed by me. I traced this through some clues, and then I pretended to be him and entered the Kuraki family to investigate!"

"The master killed Hao Yi of Yushan and used his identity to have sex with Ling Cai...., Master, you are really not a good person~"

Bai Ziyu gently stroked his chin with his right hand, and a hint of amusement flashed in his eyes:"Oh~, is Aunt Yuriko scolding me?"

"Yuriko didn't dare, she was just telling the truth!"


I said: Hieu Baocot

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