At this moment, Bai Ziyu glimpsed the charred mark on the grass not far away, and his eyebrows slightly raised.

He waved his hand to take out the space door, picked up the girl's warm and delicate body, and returned to his room in a flash. He placed her on the bed, pulled up a thin quilt to cover the bright sunlight, and Bai Ziyu's figure suddenly flashed.

When he appeared again, he had come to a dark and damp basement.

In the basement, bursts of muffled sounds kept floating, mixed with cries of pain.

Looking up, he saw a figure as black as charcoal in a prison not far away, facing him.....

At his feet, there was a shrunken, wrinkled skin.

Judging from her face, it was undoubtedly a woman.

Just then, as if noticing the arrival of an outsider, the dark figure suddenly turned his head.

Looking at the hideous, one-eyed, one-eared face, Bai Ziyu's eyes flashed with a bit of amusement.

I never thought that the other party could recover to such a level in such a short time. This is really something.

Seeing Bai Ziyu, Chunchuan Yiping's voice was hoarse, and his one eye was full of hatred:"It's you?! You are not Yushan Haoyi at all, who are you?!"

After the previous attack, he was sure that the other party was definitely not Yushan Haoyi.

Yushan Haoyi has the blood of Yaqi, and it is absolutely impossible for him to learn the most rigid and yang thunder method in the world!

Originally, he wanted to tell Kuraki Yuriko about this, but he was too seriously injured at the time, so he could only come here to absorb the life energy of these women to recover his injuries.

But he didn't expect that the other party would come so quickly!

In response to the question, Bai Ziyu's mouth slowly curled up:"You should wait to ask the King of Hell about this question!" After the words fell, dozens of thunderbirds reappeared and shot towards him.

Chunchuan Yiping saw this, his face changed slightly, and then he pulled his right hand violently.

In an instant, a woman with a body full of ** and a face value of barely 80 points stood in front of him.

But the thunderbird did not stop at all, and hit the woman directly.

With a shrill scream, the woman turned into a charred corpse.

Chunchuan Yiping took this opportunity to get into a secret passage.

Gently waving his right hand between his nose, dispelling the strong smell of burnt, looking at the Broken Dragon Stone that had already fallen, Bai Ziyu's face was a little playful.

The next moment, he disappeared again.

In the quiet dense forest on the back mountain, the originally smooth and steep stone wall suddenly trembled slightly, and then slowly moved to both sides, revealing a dark corridor that only one person could pass.

Then, a dark figure suddenly emerged from the corridor.

Taking a deep breath and looking at the surrounding environment, the figure murmured in a low voice:"I must tell Miss about this as soon as possible...."

But before he could finish, a teasing voice suddenly echoed in the dense forest:"Really? It's a pity that you don't have this opportunity!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Chunchuan Yiping's face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly turned around to look.

But just as he turned around, he saw a golden sword blade piercing out from behind.

He was stunned at first, and then a wave of severe pain like a tide suddenly hit him.

Looking at the smiling voice behind him, Chunchuan Yiping opened his mouth:"You..."

He couldn't figure out why there were two Bai Ziyu.

But unfortunately, before he could ask, the golden sword cut his heart. He suddenly spit out a large mouthful of blood, and Chunchuan Yiping's head drooped weakly.

At the same time, two pleasant system prompts sounded in Bai Ziyu's ears:

【Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: Kill the devil Chunchuan Yiping. Mission rewards: rescue points +1000, magic tent (blue)】

【It was detected that the host had killed eight minotaurs, and the Minotaur Killer Badge was successfully promoted. 】

The appearance of the latter prompt made Bai Ziyu's eyes light up slightly. Did he kill eight minotaurs without realizing it?

Immediately, he no longer cared about the magic tent and hurriedly checked the brand new badge:

"Name: Minotaur Killer

Type: Medal

Level: Blue

Effect: Damage to Minotaur can be increased by 10%

Description: The system rewards the host for bravely killing Minotaur. You can advance to the next stage (8/16) by killing Minotaur."

· ··Request flowers····· ·······

In general, it is still very good, directly increasing the extra damage by 5%.

After all, it's free, what else do you want!

Looking at the medal that was flashing a faint blue light in the sun, Bai Ziyu nodded with satisfaction and put it away.

Glancing at the corpse on the ground with its eyes open, he was about to give it a humanitarian destruction, when suddenly he felt a figure approaching rapidly. His eyebrows raised slightly, and a layer of dark light suddenly appeared on his body.

The black light turned into a long rope, shooting straight into the corpse, and brought out a struggling illusory spirit.

Then, Bai Ziyu took out the space door and stepped in.


A few seconds after he left, Kuraki Yuriko came slowly.

Looking at the lightning mark on Chunchuan Yiping's body, her eyebrows slightly frowned, and then she lightly pinched the magic formula with her right hand.

The next moment, a flash of red light suddenly shot out from her fingertips onto the body.

But after waiting for a while, there was no response.

Seeing this, Kuraki Yuriko frowned even more.

She waved her hand to smash the body to pieces, and her figure slowly dissipated.

At this time, Bai Ziyu was in the room, torturing the illusory figure in front of him with interest.

Facing the scorching fire, the figure had a hideous face and opened his mouth wide.

It was just strange that although the figure opened his mouth wide, not even the slightest sound came out.

Seeing that the other party seemed to have adapted to this intensity, Bai Ziyu added fuel to the fire.

In an instant, the hideous look on his face became even more severe, and his body kept shaking.

During this time, Bai Ziyu also took the time to look at the rewards he had received for completing the task before:

"Name: Magic Tent

Type: Wonderful Item

Level: Blue

Effect: Contains 200 square meters, with bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom.

Introduction: A magical creation from a certain world. Although it looks small, it has a different world inside. It is the best choice for outings and picnics."

Seeing this introduction, Bai Ziyu was very satisfied.

Just as he was thinking about experimenting, there was a knock on the door....


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