Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 167: Three-headed Emperor

While the Lu Army was thinking, the Goshawk finally rushed out of the area covered by dark clouds after paying the price of three tanks and five infantry fighting vehicles.

Looking at the destroyed tanks and chariots, Goshawk's intestines were all regretful. If he had been more cautious just now, these could be avoided.

However, apart from regret, Goshawk quickly controlled himself to calm down, reminding himself that he should not be disturbed by negative emotions, otherwise he would continue to make wrong judgments.

But all this seems to be unfinished. Just after everyone rushed through the area covered by dark clouds, a gust of wind swept towards the crowd of people again. The gust of wind carried a lot of dust on the ground, like a sandstorm.

The motorcade, which was blocked by the sand and dust, could not see the road conditions and was afraid of hitting the vehicle in front, so it could only continue to sound its whistle and slow down the speed, but as they slowed down, the dark clouds that were originally in the rear were silent again. Floating over...

Seeing this situation, the Lu Army was even more sure of the idea of ​​something tricky, and asked Anan and Akko to speed up and rush through the sandstorm. Anyway, there was no car in front of them, and this was a wasteland. They were not afraid of being hit.

Anan listened to the Lu Army's order, gritted his teeth, squeezed the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator, and rushed forward at full speed.

In fact, he was a little guilty in his heart. After all, he couldn't see the road in this situation. It was no different from driving with his eyes closed. If there happened to be a big rock on the ground in front of him, they would overturn the car...

And I don’t know why, when the off-road vehicle was driving at high speed, the “cracking” sound was constantly heard, and the front windshield was even more miserable, with many small cracks being knocked out, just like a spider web.

Anan was scared to death by the cracked glass. If the windshield was broken, they would be in danger in this environment. Fortunately, the Blue Shield off-road vehicle is equipped with high-strength bulletproof glass. Cracked and cracked, it will not be broken for a while.

The Lu Jun in the co-pilot looked at the cracks on the bullet-proof glass and was puzzled. If sand and dust alone could not be so powerful, there should be other things in the wind, so he couldn't see what it was.

In this way, everyone rushed all the way through the range of the sandstorm in fear, and nothing was hit on the road. The bulletproof glass also withstood the pressure without breaking.

But the vehicles behind are miserable. Not only do they have to withstand the attack of the sandstorm, but also because they are slowing down, they are soon overtaken by the dark clouds, and the dark clouds are not affected by the sandstorm...

Several large fireballs smashed down in an instant. The vehicles in the sandstorm were continuously destroyed by fireballs and collisions. The people of the Goshawk convoy and the Blackstone consortium suffered losses.

In fact, they also want to rush through the sandstorm quickly, but the speed is not fast at all, because the distance between their vehicles is dense, and random changes in speed are likely to cause collective accidents. When the time comes, they will not be able to get out of the sandstorm. ...

The road army that had already rushed out did not pay attention to the vehicles behind, because he seemed to have discovered the initiator of all this. A creature that looked like a mutant hyena was hiding behind a small mound five hundred meters in front of them. It is the entrance of the path, which is their only way.

It's just that this creature is bigger and has three heads. It looks very deformed, which the Lu Army has never seen before.

Lu Jun looked at the monster’s information with a binoculars, [Three heads of Hyena, whose strength is assessed as A-level, and the three heads jointly control a body, so it has a strong ability to predict danger and think, and each head They all possess a kind of power and are good at using them together, but in order to supply the energy required by the three heads, it sacrifices the energy required by part of the body, resulting in low body strength. 】

It seems that God is fair, giving you powerful abilities will weaken your physical strength. This is true for humans and so are monsters.

The Tier A monster in front of us is equivalent to a human brain with supernatural powers. It has powerful abilities, but its physical strength does not reach Tier A standards, but even if its physical strength is weaker, Tier A possesses three abilities. Monster, it sounds terrible.

The three-headed emperor did not expect that humans could rush out of its abilities so quickly. The three heads grinned at the position of the Lu Army. The head on the far left was lifted first, and then a dark cloud was quickly condensed. The regiment floated towards the road army and their position.

The head on the far right spewed out a violent wind of slightly less power, mixed with a lot of sand and dust. The target was the location of the road army and their two off-road vehicles. The head in the middle did not move. It is estimated that the clouds and the wind It is two of its three abilities.

Seeing the monster attacking, the Lu Army asked Anan and Ak to drive off-road vehicles to disperse, avoiding the dark clouds and strong wind, and then he rolled down the right window, held the MK35 steady, and headed towards the three-headed emperor at a distance of several hundred meters. Keep shooting.

While firing the shot, Lu Jun was thinking about what to do next. If this monster only has the two abilities of Dark Clouds and Gale, Lu Jun and Mu Mu should be able to cope with it, but I don’t know its position. What are the three abilities? This made Lu Jun hesitate.

"Ding, a real-time mission is triggered. Killing three emperors or a thousand mutant hyenas will give you huge rewards and no punishment for failure."

It seems to be to dispel the hesitation in the Lu Army's heart. The real-time task actually rang at this time, which also shows that it is a huge reward. This is clearly tempting the Lu Army...

Of course, Lu Jun couldn’t bear this temptation. He made up his mind and wanted to find the three-headed emperor. After all, he and Wood are probably both at Tier B. He also has two Tier B dinosaurs. A bunch of C-tier dinosaurs.

At this stage, the Lu Army can't beat a Tier A monster in heads-up, but he has so many dinosaurs that he can fight in groups, even if he wears it, he will kill the Tier A monster.

But the Lu Army seems to have forgotten that the three-headed Hyena Emperor’s younger brother has more mutant hyenas, and those mutant hyenas are being taken by the military convoy to run in this direction. It is not certain who will fight in groups...

Seeing that its abilities seem to be incapable of these human beings rushing out, the three-headed hyena hid his body behind a small mound to avoid the bullets of the road army, and then took advantage of the gap of the road army to exchange the bullets and ran into the trail Go, as if to deliberately lead the Lu Army inside.

Lu Jun looked at the three-headed Hyena Emperor who was running away and was also very puzzled. This Tier A monster was obviously different from the two Tier A straw bags he had encountered in the food store before. It definitely had the strength of Tier A.

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