At this stage, it is definitely the strong who can have the strength of A-level, and the strong often have their own dignity, monsters are no exception, this monster runs away before it hits, maybe it is to play some insidious trick...

However, the Lu Jun had already made up his mind in his heart. Today, he was going to do it. No tricks were used. So he pointed to the three-headed emperor who had fled into the trail and said to Anan, "Don't run away for him, catch up. "

Suddenly, Anan thought that he had heard it wrong. Isn't it okay for such a powerful monster to run away? They can leave safely.

But seeing Lu Jun's resolute look, he knew that Lu Jun had other ideas, and no longer hesitated, he struck a follow indicator with Akko, and then stepped on the accelerator to chase the three-headed emperor.

Ruan Bing, who was in the back seat of the off-road vehicle, kept looking back at the Blackstone Consortium team still in the sandstorm. She was very anxious, because the walkie-talkie seemed to be disturbed by thunder elements and sandstorms and could not be used, so she did not know her people. What's the situation now.

However, looking at the violent wind that weakened slightly and showed signs of dissipating, Ruan Bing also gradually relaxed. It seems that the three-headed Hyena emperor can no longer control these violent winds and dark clouds after escaping. This is a good thing for her people. .

Because of the member’s ring, Ruan Bing and the others can share information about the monsters that were scanned by the road army, so it’s not surprising that Ruan Bing and the others know the name and information of the three-headed emperor...

And Anan, who was chasing the three-headed emperor all the way in an off-road vehicle, completely lost the trace of the three-headed emperor after chasing the trail for about 400 meters and turning a turn. Just as Anan was about to move on, the army called Stopped him.

Unknown, Anan looked at Lu Jundao with a puzzled look, "Aren't we chasing it?"

Lu Jun shook his head, opened the door, took out the Death Tu 8000, and looked around at the people in the off-road vehicle. "The road inside is relatively narrow, and the vehicle is not easy to turn. You stay here, and I can go in and take a look. ."

After speaking, I summoned a Tier C Ankylosaurus and all Tier D Velociraptors to help everyone who stayed here deal with emergencies. Anyway, Tier D dinosaurs are no threat to the Tier A three-headed Hyena emperor. , It's useless to bring it in, so I might as well stay here.

The wood on the other off-road vehicle also followed in the footsteps of the road army, holding the energy refined titanium horizontal knife in his hand, he knew that the road army kept these people here because these people are now attacking the three-headed hyena. The emperor didn't threaten, but going in together was a hindrance.

Ruan Bing also knew what Lu Jun meant, but she still reluctantly asked tentatively, "Can't I help you now?"

She thought that after the Lu Army let her learn that ability, she would have the strength to stand next to the Lu Army. She did not expect that she would still be unqualified to participate in such a big battle. This is for her who is very keen to win. It is undoubtedly uncomfortable.

Lu Jun looked at Ruan Bing’s eyes, shook his head, and comforted Ruan Bing, “Don’t think too much. It’s just because this monster has a strong soul. It has three heads, three thoughts, and three souls. Your soul fire still cannot deal with enemies stronger than you. I will be more assured if you stay here. After all, you will be the only power here after we leave. Protecting them is the greatest help to me."

In fact, these are the truth. The Lu Army didn't need to lie to Ruan Bing or something. Ruan Bing did not have the strength to deal with the three-headed Hyena Emperor, and after he left with Mu Mu, there must be a supernatural person sitting here.

Hearing what Lu Jun said, Ruan Bing nodded silently without being too discouraged. After all, the days will be long and she will catch up with Lu Jun one day.

Seeing that there was no problem with everyone, the Lu Army and Wood followed the footprints of the three-headed emperor and walked into the trail. Originally, he wanted to summon a velociraptor to lead the way, but found that he could see the three-headed emperor. After the footprints, I dismissed this idea...

After the Lu Army left, the command of the team automatically came to Ruan Bing, because she is the strongest here. Although Lin Xiaobai is the younger sister of the Lu Army, he respects the strong in the last days. ?

Ruan Bing put the two off-road vehicles and Ankylosaurus side by side to form a simple line of defense, and let everyone hold guns to block the trails, and then took out the ammunition and grenades left by the road army on the off-road vehicles. , Placed in the most convenient position for everyone, easy to use.

After doing this, she took out the walkie-talkie and tried to contact the people of the Blackstone Foundation again, wanting to know what happened to them. Although those people are not strong, they are all her subordinates, but the walkie-talkie is still being interfered, and they still can’t contact them. on……

On the other side, the Lu Jun and the wood have gone two or three hundred meters into the trail, and the footprints of the three-headed emperor are still clearly visible, but this trail seems to be a dead end, and it is almost at its end. The Lu Jun has been guarding the three-headed emperor’s Insidious trick, but nothing has been found yet.

Lu Jun handed a night vision device to the wood, let him wear it, and then put it on himself. The sky has slowly turned dark, and there is still a small forest around it. The trees block most of the light and appear darker. There is a night vision device to keep the field of view conducive to action.

Just when Lu Jun and Mu Mu put on the night vision goggles and were about to move on, they suddenly heard a sound of breaking through the air. The Lu Jun subconsciously used a flash, the Mu was a tumble, and the two left almost at the same time. To the original location.

And the moment they dodge, a semi-circular wind blade and a small fireball flashing with thunder slammed into their position, setting off a large area of ​​dust.

Lu Jun and Mu Mu sneered, and they were immediately ready for battle. It seemed that the prey was already overwhelmed and was about to appear on the stage. Finally, there was no need to play peekaboo games.

Just as they finished thinking about it, the three-headed emperor also walked out from behind a big tree, but what Lu Jun did not expect was that it was not a three-headed emperor that came out, but two!

As soon as these two three-headed emperors appeared, the air in the trail was filled with a large number of violent thunder and fire elements. It seemed that only a small flame could detonate the audience.

Lu Jun's pupils shrank when he saw the two three-headed emperors, and the hair roots stood up. There are two A-level monsters here? Could it be that this monster deliberately led them inside because it still has companions here?

Unbelievable Lu Jun also scanned the information of these two monsters again, and found that not only did they look exactly the same, they also showed exactly the same information, and there was no problem at all.

If there are really two Tier A monsters with full strength, Lu Jun and Wood plus all his dinosaurs together will have less than 10% chance of winning. After all, Lu Jun has not hatched Tier A dinosaurs...

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