Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 166: dark clouds

The soldiers trapped on the national highway looked at Fang An and the others, who were drifting away, with a desperate look. How they wished to leave was them. If they could survive, no one would want to die, but the reality is always that way. cruel……

A second lieutenant trapped in an off-road vehicle stared blankly at the windshield that was about to be smashed by the mutant hyena, with a numb face. He had witnessed the deaths of countless comrades in the past few days, and now it is finally his turn. Okay, I can get rid of it.

But he didn't want to be eaten by these beasts. He wanted to choose another way of death. Looking at the mutant hyena that had broken the windshield and stuck his head in, the ensign sneered and slowly pulled away the last grenade on his body. Detonate the ring.

"Boom!" After five seconds, the off-road vehicle where the ensign was blasted off suddenly, the blazing flame ignited the gasoline on the ground, and a fire snake spread rapidly along the gasoline.

"Boom boom boom..." Earth-shattering continuous explosions sounded, and more than 30 trucks that were bitten into the fuel tank exploded one after another. The shock wave produced by the explosion also shattered all the glass of the surrounding intact vehicles.

A cart of white rice was blown into the sky, and it was sprinkled everywhere. Thousands of mutant hyenas were affected by the explosion. Hundreds of mutant hyenas burned on their bodies and ran around everywhere until they were burned to death. The soldiers who are still in the wagon naturally have no bones...

The surviving more than 2,000 mutant hyenas saw that their "food" had been burned out by the fire, and did not stay much, and immediately returned to chase after Fang An and the others who had left.

The Route Army in the distance naturally heard the explosion from National Road 167. Looking at the black fog in the rearview mirror, the Route Army knew that it was the military personnel who had an accident because of the Goshawk and the Blackstone Consortium. The people are following him.

They drove off-road vehicles on the wasteland just after leaving National Highway 167. Now they have run for several kilometers. It is estimated that they will soon reach the trail that Goshawk said, but the sky is getting darker. Even the small road in the night must be extremely dangerous.

To be on the safe side, the Lu Army distributed the night vision devices used in the grain depot to the people on the off-road vehicle in advance, and also took out a large amount of ammunition and grenades on the off-road vehicle for everyone to use in case of need.

After doing this, the worried Lu Jun glanced at the sky outside again, calculating the time it would take them to return to the gathering place. Even if the Lu Jun had the ability to protect himself, he didn't want to take risks in the night of the apocalypse. After all, there are variables in the night. There are too many, and one may hang if you are not careful.

But this sight made Lu Jun feel something wrong, because at a position 20 meters above the ground, I don’t know when a dozen small dark clouds appeared. The dark clouds still have a little red color. If you look carefully, you can still Saw the subtle lightning energy gleaming in the dark clouds.

"Avoid those dark clouds and drive over quickly." The Lu Army, who is particularly sensitive to danger, immediately raised the walkie-talkie to Akdao. At the same time, he also said to Anan that there is always nothing wrong with being careful.

Ruan Bing also used the walkie-talkie to remind the people of the Blackstone Consortium that she now blindly believes in the Lu Army, not because of anything else, just because after this period of time, she found that the Lu Army can always do something at a critical moment. The right choice is something that many people can't do, so she doesn't need to think too much when she is around the road army, just follow the road army to do it.

Upon receiving the order, the Black Rock Foundation and Anan Akko immediately changed the driving route and chose to avoid the densely cloudy area and drive from the side.

Goshawk also heard the warning from the Lu Army because they were on the same channel, but he was annoyed by the loss of arms at this time, so he didn't pay much attention to it. Isn't it just a few small dark clouds? Maybe it's just to download It's raining.

The unbelieving Goshawk didn't let his convoy change lanes and led his convoy straight under the dark clouds. But when the Goshawks and the others stepped into the densely dark cloud area, the clouds above suddenly thundered and the air It is also full of violent thunder and fire elements.

The hairs on the goshawk's body were erected instantly, and there was a tingling sensation on the skin, and the whole person became a little dull. Seeing this, the goshawk also realized that there was a problem with the cloud, and wanted to rush out with the convoy immediately.

But it’s easy to get in, but it’s hard to get out. When the thunder and fire elements in the air gathered to a certain extent, a dark cloud above suddenly "slapped", and a large fireball with thunder and lightning suddenly smashed down. It hit a tank below, and the speed was so fast that everyone had no time to react.

The smashed tank was directly wrapped by the big fireball, and it turned off instantly. The fireball dissipated after a few seconds, but the tank had been destroyed by the high temperature of thousands of degrees brought by the fireball, and the internal components and fuel were still burning. Fortunately, the tank The shell inside is empty, otherwise it is estimated that there will be an explosion...

As for the people in the tank, they were killed by the high temperature in an instant and turned into a dry corpse. The moisture on the skin was soaked up, the whole body exuded a burnt smell, and the death was extremely miserable.

If this dark cloud is thundering, the tank is not afraid of it, because there is a Faraday cage principle, but what the dark cloud hits is a fireball with thunder and lightning, and it is a fireball with a high temperature of thousands of degrees. This time the tank will be miserable. Car crash and death...

Seeing the black smoky tank, everyone was stunned. The Goshawk's motorcade was also in chaos. There were several collisions. Goshawk quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted, "Get out of here! Run over!"

In fact, even if Goshawk didn't say that his subordinates would do this, no one had seen this battle before, everyone was frightened, and the panicked team stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward desperately.

The dozens of dark clouds above seemed to be controlled by something, constantly smashing large fireballs at the Goshawk's convoy, and the vehicles below were constantly being destroyed. Whether it was a chariot or a tank, it would be difficult to hit by the fireball. Run away...

There were also dark clouds above the Lu Army, but there were only one or two pieces. The large fireballs that fell down were not dense, so it was easy to dodge. Anan and Akko evaded them in three or two.

After avoiding the fireball, the Lu Army watched the chaotic convoy of Goshawk and shook his head helplessly. This Goshawk was really an iron-headed baby. He had reminded that there was a problem with this dark cloud and he rushed in...

However, compared to these dark clouds, the Lu Army is more vigilant about the things that created these dozen dark clouds. He has just seen these dark clouds and there is no information. Since they are not living organisms, they were created. The ability may also be.

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