When the goshawk also left, the entire 167 National Highway was left with the military people still struggling to support them. All the mutant hyenas were focused on them, and the hundreds of them would face thousands of mutant hyenas. Siege.

The soldiers who were still alive watched everyone else leave, and they wanted to leave, because staying would only lead to a dead end, but they couldn't leave before Fang An gave the order to retreat.

After all, they are a regular army, and all actions must be based on orders. Although it is now the end of the world, this concept is still deeply carved into their bones.

Fang An, who was in the command vehicle, was also in distress at this time. He looked at the soldiers with constant casualties, heartbroken.

In fact, he also knows that this battle cannot be won anyway, and he also wants to immediately give the order to retreat, but the problem is that this order means that most of the food here will not be shipped, and it also means that he It's over...

He has never regretted it like he does today. If he let the road machine rush all the way, then maybe he has already returned to the gathering place, but it is because of his greed that he wants to drive back the government’s trucks. , Killed him, and killed the entire food transport team.

But now it’s useless to say anything. This is the end. The only way to stop the loss is the correct choice. He has thought of many remedies, but any opportunistic method is futile in the face of absolute strength. These mutant hyenas are still there, none of these methods work...

"Fang An! What are you waiting for? We are all going to die here if you don't leave! You want to die and stay here, don't pull us!" Wu Tong who was in the command vehicle saw that Fang An was still not leaving, and directly followed Fang An turned his face and shouted.

The other people in the command vehicle also agreed with Wu Tong's expressions. They all thought Fang An was crazy. This situation is still going to go. They are just military technicians and don't want to die like this...

Fang An was already under tremendous pressure in his heart. When Wu Tong yelled at him, he finally couldn't stand it. He sighed and reluctantly picked up the walkie-talkie, "Everyone got in the car, the road machine and the armored forces opened the way, other People keep up, we are ready to retreat, and the trucks that can drive away as far as possible."

After giving this order, Fang An seemed to be a few years old, and he had to admit that his square inch was messed up and his confidence was gone. Only now did he realize the terrible degree of the end times, he just committed a crime. A small mistake, and it was this small mistake that ruined this food transport operation, which he could not feel in the gathering place before.

All in all, Fang An’s actual commanding experience is too little, and he can’t adapt to the cruelty of the apocalypse at once. The simulated command and simulated combat set before the apocalypse are useless for the apocalypse. The enemies of the apocalypse don’t play cards with you at all... …

After Fang An's order was issued, all the soldiers who were still alive leaped in their hearts and acted immediately. Those who can get rid of the mutant hyena immediately get rid of the mutant hyena and return to the nearby car, shooting from the window to the outside to support others.

The warrior who can't get rid of the mutant hyena naturally knows that he is dead, and he doesn't panic, and try his best to use his life to delay the time for his comrades to cover their retreat.

In this way, with the efforts of various parties, more than 200 soldiers got on the car safely, but although the soldiers got on the car, there was a problem with the road machine.

Because a machine like a road opener needs to run a section of road to reach the maximum horsepower, otherwise it will not be able to push the vehicles in front, but now the road ahead is full of government vehicles, how can there be room for the road opener to pre-run... …

So after some attempts, even two road-opening machines were blocked on the road and couldn't move. The most important thing was that the mutant hyenas who were still eating corpses saw that the military wanted to run, so they put down their food and tried their best. People and vehicles that stormed the military.

They didn't care when others ran away because there were still people feeding them, and now only the military people are left here. If these people also ran away, what would they eat? So there is a clear difference between running fast and slow...

Since the road machine couldn't move, National Highway 167 couldn't go. Fang An could only order the tank to break through the iron fence of the National Highway, leave the national road, and retreat from the small road like the Goshawks.

After some adjustments in their positions, the tanks and armored vehicles quickly smashed through five or six openings in the iron fence and smoothly left the national highway. Fang An's command vehicle and his guards' vehicles also followed closely behind.

The off-road vehicles and trucks the soldiers rode are also preparing to retreat from these five or six breaches. Now the mutant hyenas are really anxious. Seeing that so much "food" is about to run away, can you not worry...

But they have nothing to do with tanks and armored vehicles. They also have self-knowledge. Using their small bodies to fight against the "steel monsters" is undoubtedly moths to the fire.

But they can attack off-road vehicles and trucks. Tier B mutant hyenas are stronger. They can hit the windshield or hit the door. Tier C and Tier D mutant hyenas can bite the exposed fuel tank of the truck, or Tires.

In the next few minutes, in addition to the vehicles that the military had left the national highway, other vehicles that wanted to continue to escape were all besieged by dozens of mutant hyenas.

The truck was constantly bitten through the fuel tank and the ground was covered with gasoline. At this time, as long as there is a small spark, it is estimated that it will cause a series of explosions.

Seeing the gasoline on the ground, the soldiers in the car did not even dare to fire their guns. For fear that it would cause an explosion, Fang An could not support the soldiers trapped inside with firepower from the outside. One was afraid of manslaughter, and the other was theirs. The ammunition is running out...

In fact, if you can’t kill all these mutant hyenas at this time, any support is meaningless. The soldiers can no longer get out, the road is blocked, the fuel tank and tires of the car are broken, and they are still in the car. , Just waiting for death.

Fang An also knew this well, and ordered the tanks and armored vehicles in front to move forward without waiting for the trapped people, and then from the command vehicle window to the soldiers trapped on the national highway a military salute, although those soldiers I can’t see it, but it’s a silent farewell...

In this way, Fang An left with only armored troops and a dozen trucks. Fewer than one hundred soldiers were able to leave alive. More soldiers were trapped on National Highway 167, and the food they took was only over one hundred tons. It is estimated that even a day’s supply is not enough for a huge gathering place...

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