Moreover, this kind of cruel creature will not kill humans immediately before eating. Some people who have been seriously injured but have not died can only watch their bodies being eaten raw by mutant hyenas while still conscious. To endure the pain, the feeling, beyond words...

While humans were constantly being eaten away, the road army was also fighting vigorously here. He held the Death Tu 8000 and fired seven shots at the surrounding mutant hyenas. The shots hit them, and the mutant hyenas that came forward killed him instantly. Under the gun.

Mu Mu and Ruan Bing also each guarded one side of the national road, resisting the mutant hyenas that kept rushing over. Compared with the Lu Army, they both killed the mutant hyenas faster.

Because Ruan Bing has absorbed a large number of human and mutant hyena souls on the battlefield, these souls continue to help Ruan Bing restore her brain power, so her soul fire can be thrown out one by one.

Except for the mutant hyenas of Tier B that can resist the soul fire a little bit, the mutant hyenas of Tier C and D are dead as long as they encounter the soul fire.

Because Wood has just absorbed the abilities, the melee strength has been strengthened again, and every move is full of explosive power. A mutant hyena is killed with a knife, and it is not an exaggeration to use a mutant hyena harvester to describe wood and Ruan Bing. .

The Lu Army quickly filled the Death Tu 8000 with bullets. He didn't know he repeated this action several times. He took a moment to glance at Mu and Ruan Bing, then glanced at the situation in the convoy, and sighed deeply. There are more than 3,000 mutated hyenas, but humans are getting fewer and fewer. Even if they can kill a few more, they seem to be unable to guard them anymore. The trend is over.

From the beginning of the mutant hyenas to the present, these people, with the two fire guards, killed nearly 700 mutant hyenas, but it was useless. The number of these mutant hyenas is really huge. There is no strength to kill all these mutant beasts.

If you can give him a few more days to incubate all the dinosaurs, he is confident that he can kill the remaining thousands of mutant hyenas. Unfortunately, the reality is cruel, and no one is waiting for the end of the world. He does not have this yet. Kind of ability.

However, because of their bravery, the mutant hyenas in this small area have been almost killed by them. Other mutant hyenas seem to have discovered the strength of the road army and they will no longer attack the road army and them, and all target those " "Soft persimmon".

The surrounding Goshawk's subordinates are also moving closer to the Lu Army. It seems that they feel more secure near the Lu Army. These people seem to have regarded the Lu Army and the others as the backbone.

Lu Jun looked at the guards gathered around him and gave a wry smile. It's useless to get close to him. When the mutant hyenas finish killing the military and the Blackstone consortium, they will definitely attack them. Now it is meaningless to want to defend. Because at that time, even with three heads and six arms, it will not be able to hold.

Although the Lu Jun summoned all the dinosaurs to guard for a while, it didn’t make sense, and he wouldn’t do it, because everything that happened here does not involve his interests. These people are not his, nor are these goods. His, he is totally holding the attitude of hitting and running if he can't.

After making the decision, the Lu Army raised the intercom and said, "Goshawk, you can't hold it here anymore, prepare to retreat."

After talking to the Goshawk, the Lu Jun greeted Mu and Ruan Bing to withdraw. Mu Mu also understood what the Lu Jun meant. He split the iron fence beside the national highway with a few slashes, and then got on Akko's off-road vehicle.

After a few of them were ready, the Lu Army stopped paying attention to the others and asked Anan to drive directly. After receiving the order, Anan stepped on the accelerator and drove several abandoned magnetic vehicles on the side of the road using the bump in front of the off-road vehicle. Leaving the national highway, drove to the small road that Goshawk said, followed by another off-road vehicle driven by Akko.

Seeing someone running away, the mutant hyenas did not chase them, and continued to attack the humans on the national highway, or continued to eat the corpses on the national highway. As long as there was something to eat, they were not interested in anything else.

Ruan Bing also used the walkie-talkie on the off-road vehicle to call the people of the Blackstone Consortium, asking them to abandon all the trucks blocked in the middle of the road. The living people hurriedly drove the trucks or off-road vehicles to leave National Highway 167. Now she can no longer care about the food. The most important thing is to bring back the living.

When the guards of the Blackstone Consortium heard the news that they could retreat, it was like an amnesty, no longer resisting the mutant hyenas, and hurriedly got on the vehicle next to them and exploded an iron fence on the national highway with the explosives they had prepared.

Then he drove away the abandoned vehicles on the side of the road with heavy trucks and left the national highway. A dozen heavy trucks and more than 20 off-road vehicles followed one after another, swiftly driving towards the location Ruan Bing said.

The Black Rock Consortium used to have hundreds of vehicles and hundreds of people, but now there are only 30 vehicles and more than 100 people that can be retreated. Some people must be blocked and there is no time to withdraw, but now who has time to manage Others, running fast may be able to live, but running slow can only stay and be eaten...

It can be said that their food transportation operation has completely failed. The food has not been obtained, and more than half of the car and the population have been lost. It is not certain whether the remaining people can go back alive...

Goshawk saw that the road army and the people of the Blackstone Consortium had retreated, and gritted their teeth so that his people would also retreat with the Blackstone Consortium.

It’s relatively easy for his convoy to retreat. Ten tanks rammed directly against the fence of the national highway, and flew together with the abandoned magnetic vehicles. They drove off the national highway and opened the way in front. The momentum is like a broken bamboo.

The goshawk and his guards followed these tanks, and there were more than a dozen infantry chariots behind them, which was equivalent to a steel army encircling the goshawk densely.

But the trucks carrying munitions on the Goshawk are not so lucky. The trucks do not have such high protection capabilities. The mutant hyenas of Tier B can easily break the glass of the truck or bite the tire of the truck.

Goshawk’s munitions only had time to drive out two vehicles, and the others continued to be blocked on the national highway. As for what will happen to the people in the truck, there is no need to say...

Goshawk looked at his trucks trapped on the national highway and the men who hadn’t escaped. His whole body was shaking with anger. He would hate Fang An in his heart, if it weren’t for Fang An’s greed. Will these things happen if the road is blocked by cheap?

He almost wanted to make the tank fire two shots at the military's position to vent his hatred, but he became angry. If he were to turn around and transport the arms out, or save his men, he would not do that.

After all, his life is the most important thing. If the arms are lost, they can be transported again, and they can be retaken by any means, but if their lives are lost, then there is really nothing...

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