Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1411: News from Star City

And relying on the current situation, the Ice Witch King was caught in a siege, and it was not difficult for them to achieve their goals.

So the next moment, the Lu Army continued to gather flames and explosives, locked the position of the Ice Witch King, intending to continue to increase the pressure on the Ice Witch King.

As for why the Giant Southern Beast Dragon was not summoned to participate in the attack, it was not that the Lu Army didn't want it, but that the ground was full of vengeful souls, and there was no place anymore.

Even if the Giant Southern Beast Dragon is called out at this time, the actual effect is not great, but it will make the following more chaotic.

After all, fighting this kind of thing, not the more the number the better, it still depends on the terrain or something.

The most important thing is that now the road army has enough combat power, even if the southern giant dragon cannot come out, it can handle it.

Rather than superfluous and wasting combat power, it is better to wait until the critical moment to send charcoal in the snow.

The Ice Witch King looked very miserable under the meticulous design and encirclement of the Route Army, because it was full of enemies.

A creature like the Soul of Vengeance, if you hit it, it doesn't hurt, and if you don't hit it, it will hit you.

Although it is unrealistic to harm the Ice Witch King with the attack power of the Vengeful Soul, it can't stand the large number of them. If there are many ants, they can kill the elephant...

However, in order not to waste time and do meaningless things, the Ice Witch King did not choose to deal with the Vengeful Soul.

Because it is also very clear that there is no point in doing so, instead of doing something fruitless, it is better to directly attack the Vengeful God.

After all, the soul of vengeance is summoned by the **** of vengeance. As long as the **** of vengeance is killed, the soul of vengeance will disappear. This is common sense.

But what the Ice Witch King can think of, how could the Watchers and Lu Jun and others not expect it? They protected the Vengeful God at the moment the Ice Witch King planned to start.

The Lu Army blessed the Vengeance God with a particle shield to block the Vengeance God strictly.

The watchman fired several poisonous daggers at the Ice Witch King, which had a blinding effect that would prevent the Ice Witch King from defeating the Vengeful God.

Under these heavy protections, the Vengeful God was naturally not injured, and continued to summon the soul of Vengeance to control the battlefield.

If you look from a high place, you can find that the souls of revenge at this time are no longer just as simple as surrounding the Ice Witch King, they are still attacking the surrounding undead creatures.

For example, those ghouls and plague ghosts, who were originally going to attack the frontal battlefield, are now forced to stay stuck in place...

This is also in line with the original plan of the Lu Army. Attacking the Ice Witch King can also contain the forces of undead creatures, achieving the effect of killing two birds with one stone.

Now he doesn't need to do anything anymore, just maintain the status quo, delay the time, and wait for the Ice Witch King to reveal a fatal flaw.

Anyway, it's the Ice Witch King who can't move, and the undead creatures are uncomfortable. He doesn't care...

While the Lu Army and others contained and suppressed the Ice Witch King, the bone dragons led by Hongyue also contacted the bone dragons of the undead clan.

Both of them are the leaders of this battlefield, and they are also the most powerful combat power. Although they are both undead creatures, they are their masters at this time, and they are facing each other.

At the moment of contact, they spewed out frost and entangled each other.

And they use their mouths and wings to bite each other, and from time to time, a bone dragon falls from above.

Although it looks mighty, in fact, there are not many bone dragons that really die.

In other words, the bone dragons that died as a whole were not too many in the face of a large army of bone dragons.

The most important thing is that bone dragons have strong frost resistance, even if they are hit by frost, they have no effect.

This has caused the bone dragons to fight back and forth without seeing which side will win, and the battle has been extended indefinitely.

And when the bone dragons didn't tell the outcome, the battlefield on the ground was also in entanglement.

Although there are a large number of undead creatures on the bright side, it should appear to be like a broken bamboo.

But in fact, under the arrangement of the Lu Army and others, the defense of the Frost Forest is like an iron barrel, and it is not so easy to attack.

Coupled with the desperate defense of the elves, the casualties of the undead clan ground creatures are very large, and their bodies are everywhere.

Judging from the current situation, if the Ice Witch King and Bone Dragon do not provide support, it will be difficult for the undead creatures on the ground to attack for another two hours.

Instead, the elven creatures after a short rest became more and more courageous, showing signs of counterattack.

Of course, there are only signs, they will not rush out to fight the undead creatures.

After all, the road army had issued a death order before, and could only defend around the frost forest, and could not take the initiative to attack. The elves naturally had to obey.

Anyway, they belonged to the dominant side at this time, and there was no need to worry, but wait for the road army to decide the victory or defeat.

The Lu Jun also knew the situation in the distant battlefield, but he was not too excited.

Because there is a very important point that the bone demons have not appeared so far, they have been fighting the Ice Witch King.

Although it is a big advantage, all this is temporary and extremely unstable.

As long as the bone demon does not appear for a second, they have to worry about one more second, and be careful of being attacked by the bone demon at all times.

Originally, the plan of the Lu Army and others was to kill the Ice Witch King first, but the Lu Army found that the Ice Witch King’s defense was not bad, and it could even be said to be very strong.

In case the Ice Witch King was not killed in seconds, they would collapse after exhausting their strength, and they would be unable to stop the undead creatures.

It was also for this reason that the Lu Army had never dared to attack the Ice Witch King with all its strength, let alone launch the Tyrannosaurus real body for a decisive battle.

After all, if all the abilities at the bottom of the press box were used now, when the bone demon came over, they would be in trouble, and the Lu Army could not bear the consequences.

Rather than taking the risk of failing to output the Ice Witch King with all his strength, it's better to look at it again and wait until the Bone Demon arrives.

This is also quite a tactic of besieging the city and fighting for aid. Use it to surround the Ice Witch King to attract the Bone Demon and then attack the Bone Demon.

It seems that Lu Jun and others are dealing with the Ice Witch King, but they have actually targeted the Bone Demon...

But I don't know why, even if they have done all the details to the extreme, the bone demon still does not appear.

It may be that he knows the idea of ​​Lu Jun and others, or it may be that he is not in this area at all and did not see this scene.

Anyway, no matter what, the initiative is now farther and farther away from the road army, because the undead creatures are so powerful, it is always bad to continue to delay.

However, Lu Jun didn't reveal all the methods, he still didn't use the real body of Tyrannosaurus.

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