Their goal is entirely on the bone dragon on the side of the road army, and what they want is to make these "traitors" pay their due price.

The undead creatures on the ground did the same. They didn't dare to get too close to the main battlefield. They all stood and watched from far away.

Anyway, as long as they encircle this area and don't let the route army run away, they will be fine. Other issues are not what they can care about.

So this place at this time formed a very strange scene, that is, the road army and the ice witch king are in the middle, and a large group of undead creatures are surrounded by them.

There are nearly 50,000 bone dragons fighting in the sky, and I can’t tell which side is which side...

Looking at the surroundings and the scene in the sky, Lu Jun's heart did not fluctuate at all, because his attention was on the Ice Witch King.

With his current strength, there is actually a big gap with the Ice Witch King, so he didn't dare to relax at all.

Otherwise, if one is not paying attention, it will be killed by the Ice Witch King. It will not be fun...

As there are no undead creatures nearby, the Lu Army can deal with the Ice Witch King wholeheartedly.

In the next second, he merged with a very large flame explosive bomb Super Ice Witch King and threw it over, ready to test the specific strength of this creature.

This is a must-have action every time the road army fights a strong enemy, knowing oneself and the enemy is the only way to survive.

Facing the blazing bombs from the Lu Army, the Ice Witch King didn't panic at all, or he didn't pay attention to it at all.

It is not that it is too arrogant, but that the attack of the road army is too weak in front of it, and there is no threat.

In the next second, it condensed an ice-cold shield, blocking the oncoming flame explosive bombs while breathing.

In other words, the blazing bomb was swallowed, there was no explosion, no flame, and it just disappeared...

Lu Jun was shocked by this scene in an instant, because he hadn't been blocked like this since he learned how to blast bombs.

Although his personal strength is not particularly strong, he secretly learned the Southern Giant Beast Dragon from the Flame Bomb. It is also an attack above the S rank or even the super rank. It shouldn't be so unbearable...

While the Lu Army was thinking about this, the Ice Witch King slowly raised his right hand again, and in an instant, hundreds of ice cones condensed and quickly attacked the position of the Lu Army.

Each of these ice hammers is forty centimeters in length, which is terrifyingly large. If one is pierced, it is estimated that they will be seriously injured or even killed.

Because the Lu Army replaced the ability of blinking, he does not have good displacement ability now.

If you want to run away from this area with your legs and avoid the Ice Witch King's attack, it is also very unrealistic.

After all, Lu Jun's eyes had just blinked a few times, and the ice cone had already flown in front of him, and it was about to hit him in the body.

In desperation, the Lu Army had no choice but to forcibly prop up a particle shield to block it in front of him, making a defensive posture.

He doesn't know whether the particle shield can block the enemy's attack, but he can only pray that it can block it now.

Otherwise, with his small body, it is estimated that the next second will be cold...

As a burst of "pop-bang" intensive impact sounded, the cone of ice collided with the particle shield, and ripples flashed continuously on the particle shield, looking overwhelmed.

Two seconds later, what the Lu Army was worried about happened, and the particle shield couldn't stop the Ice Witch King’s attack, and it began to shatter from the surface.

This scene frightened the Lu Army's heart to jump out, constantly mobilizing brain power to strengthen the protective power of the particle shield.

It was a pity that the Ice Witch King’s attack was much stronger than his strength, and the Lu Army could not resist it in the end.

Fortunately, the particle shield just consumed a lot of ice cones, resulting in not many ice cones remaining.

Moreover, the Lu Army's reaction force was strong enough, constantly dodgeing from left to right, letting free two ice cones pierce his body.

The most important thing is that these two ice cones are still rubbing his body, leaving him only slightly injured.

However, in spite of this, it can also make Lu Jun tremble.

He was almost dead just now, and now in retrospect he still can't stand it...

However, just before the Lu Army thought about how to deal with the Ice Witch King, another great attack flew over.

This time, the icicles that hit him were ten times larger than the ice cones, and each one was as big as the road army.

If you are touched by these things, it is estimated that it will directly turn into meat sauce, which is more terrifying than just now.

Facing the continuous attacks of the Ice Witch King, the Lu Army was at a loss.

Because he just used the particle shield just now, it consumed a lot of brain power.

Now if you want to use it again, it is very difficult to say, and the defense power is not so sufficient.

Anyway, with the current situation, he must not be able to block so many icicles on his own.

In desperation, the Lu Army could only summon the Giant Southern Beast Dragon out to stand in front of him.

Judging from the current situation, with the exception of the Giant Southern Beast Dragon, the Lu Army could not think of a way to resist the Ice Witch King.

At the moment of appearance, the Giant Southern Beast Dragon first roared, revealing his domineering side.

But it was a lot of icicles that hit it head-on, which made Giganotosaurus hurriedly resist it, making it a little embarrassed.

However, in front of its powerful body, these icicles were finally completely blocked by it, and they had not suffered any injuries.

Seeing the huge and powerful Southern Giant Beast Dragon, the Ice Witch King was obviously taken aback.

It originally thought that the Lu Army was dead, but it didn't expect that this human would still have a back hand.

Immediately afterwards, it looked solemn with gloomy eyes, after all, the strength of the Giant Southern Beast Dragon is very good, and it must be taken seriously anyway.

The same is true for the Giant Southern Beast Dragon. The Ice Witch King should be one of the most powerful enemies it has encountered since its incubation, Meiyu.

The surrounding undead creatures also withdrew further because of the appearance of the southern giant beast dragon.

Because on the central battlefield are several powerful players fighting, they are cannon fodder in the face of this kind of strength confrontation.

Even undead creatures with no brains don’t want to be evaporated on the battlefield for no reason...

The Lu Jun couldn't help but smile as he watched the Giant Southern Beast Dragon and the Ice Witch King confronting each other on the field.

The auras of these two creatures were too strong, and being so close made him a little breathless.

So the next moment, the Lu Army opened its own dragon form, flew up from the ground, and looked down on the battlefield from mid-air.

Although it was not too slow, it was actually quite fast, and in the blink of an eye it was in front of the Giganotosaurus.

Facing a weapon similar to his own size, the Giant Southern Beast Dragon did not dare to mess around and directly dodge.

It was not stupid enough to compete with Ice Blade and Ice Shield, but was going to bypass these two weapons and attack the Ice Witch King directly.

Because just dealing with these two weapons can't hurt the Ice Witch King, it can only do harm to the Ice Witch King's body.

But the Ice Witch King was not stupid, and would never encounter it for the Giant Southern Beast Dragon, and constantly used ice blades and ice shields to resist and attack.

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