Now he felt more and more that the Night Demon had helped him a lot, just like his right hand.

If the night demon were undead creatures and their time spent with each other was too short, Lu Jun estimated that they would give the night demon a very important position.

As for now, let’s keep it as usual, and observe for a while.

"Then we can't wait, we must take advantage of the day to make adequate preparations, otherwise we will definitely lose tonight." The watchman suddenly said.

Even the Night Demon can analyze the situation, she must also know, knowing that there is a big gap between them and the undead creatures, if there is no special method, it will be undoubtedly defeated.

"You should have some method in your mind? Come arrange it, we listen to you." Hongyue looked at the Lu Army.

The same goes for the Night Demon next to him and the watchman who just finished speaking, because the next decision to defend against the enemy must be based on the road army, and they can't be the master.

"Well, let me sum it up." Lu Jun frowned slightly and said, then fell into a lot of thought.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that the road army slowly raised its head: "We now have about 10,000 troops on the ground and more than 20,000 troops in the air."

"In addition, the air units are all Tier S bone dragons, and their strength can fully contend with the bone dragon army of undead creatures, so we should focus on air combat."

"As for the ground battlefield, we just need to defend. Don't take the initiative to attack. It doesn't make any sense. Just keep the tree of life safe."

"My suggestion is to immediately mobilize all members to build defenses around them, create traps, and strive to have more time for defense."

While talking, the road army took out some redundant fire guards and drawn artillery from the armed module.

These things are left after the West Wind Fortress completes the defense line. If they can be used in the Frost Forest, it is naturally best.

"Well, I will arrange the defense line. The few kilometers around the tree of life are full of traps, and there are three or four lines of defense. It will definitely take several hours for undead creatures to break through."

"I was originally worried that the air defense line would not be able to withstand it, but since you are here, this problem does not exist."

"Anyway, as long as we can guard the tree of life and stabilize the air battlefield, the ground defense line will not collapse, and the tree of life can continue to assist us."

"The only thing I worry about now is how we should deal with the two undead leaders. We are completely inadequate in terms of hard power." The watcher frowned deeply and said.

Originally, an Ice Witch King was very difficult to deal with, but now there is an additional bone demon, which makes it a headache to think about.

Hongyue also thought about this problem. She was not afraid of ordinary undead creatures, but if the enemy was of rank strength, she couldn't stand up.

"I discussed this issue with the Night Demon. Me and you, as well as the Red Moon and the Night Demon, must fight at the same time to deal with the Ice Witch King and the Bone Demon."

"Among them, after turning on Tyrannosaurus, I can fight the Ice Witch King alone. Although I lost to it last time, I am confident that I can deal with it this time."

"Then the three of you will have to deal with the Bone Demon at the same time. Otherwise, according to my calculations, it will be unstoppable."

"As long as one of us can succeed, we can gather all our forces to deal with the remaining undead leader, and in the case of four against one, we can win."

"But the prerequisite is that neither of us can lose early, otherwise the two undead creatures will join together, and we will lose." The Lu Jun said what he thought before.

"Then in case, I mean what if, when we are all dealing with the undead leader, our forces cannot withstand the attack of the undead creatures?"

"After all, there are a lot of them. It is difficult for our creatures to effectively intercept them."

"It's okay in a short time, but after a long time, I guess there will be no way..." The Watcher once again raised her concerns.

"Um...I really don't have any effective solution to this point. Although I can ask the dinosaurs to come out to help, the dinosaurs I carry are limited and I can't reverse the situation."

"Now I only hope that the creatures on our side can be a little firmer, and persist until we defeat the undead leader, otherwise the situation will be very hanging..." The Lu Jun also said helplessly.

It can be seen from Lu Jun's expression that he is also very upset about this, after all, the battle of his own creatures is beyond his control.

Hongyue and the watchman are also very aware of the road army's worries, but they can't help the road army in this matter.

"Then... let's prepare first, what you said, I guess I can finish it before four o'clock in the afternoon." The watchman looked up at the sky and said.

"Okay, this is the best. The rest of the time can give our creatures a rest. The battle at night is estimated to last a very long time." Lu Jun nodded, seemingly satisfied with the time expected by the Watcher.

Just as the watchman nodded and was about to go down to prepare, the red moon next to him suddenly stood up: "Wait, you seem to have forgotten a question, that is, what should we do with the guy who has just been brought back by us?"

While talking about the red moon, the leader of the Ice Devouring Fire Beast pointing to the distance, in order to save this thing, they have worked hard...

"Oh, yes." Lu Jun patted his head. He did forget this big guy just now. "Let's go and have a look first. I will think about how to arrange it."

While saying this, the Lu Jun walked to the side of the Ice and Fire Beast, kicked this guy's belly, and scanned its figure.

Although the Lu Jun was much shorter than it and its size was small, the Ice Devouring Beast didn't even dare to look at the Lu Jun and kept its head drooping.

It's not that it's timid, but it's tied to death at this time, and it's been abused by undead creatures not long ago, and now it's afraid of being abused by the Lu Army and others.

Looking at the lack of momentum, but a bit dumbfounded by the Ice and Fire Beast, Lu Jun looked back at the watcher: "Are you sure you did not catch it wrong? How does this guy look like the leader of the Ice and Fire Beast..."

"It can't be wrong. We have confirmed with the ice-eater and fire beast that we brought over, and it is."

"It's just that it may be abused a bit by undead creatures, and the night monsters and bone dragons are all around. It treats us as undead creatures, and it's just a little scared." The watcher quickly explained to the road army.

After all, if the road army misunderstands them and arrests the wrong person, then the jokes will be too big...

However, they didn't mean to launch a charge, because the road army said that they only defend, not attack.

The same is true for the ground troops, staying within their own defenses, quietly waiting for the undead army to come.

After arriving in the air, with the help of scattered firelight, the Lu Army could clearly see the undead army in the distance.

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