There was such a big noise here, the mother sandworm was awakened long ago, and when she saw its two guards were killed instantly, its body was tightly curled together, and the two antennae on top of its head were crazy. Swing, trying to contact other elites who went out hunting to dig the sandworm to come back to rescue it.

Because of its size, it does not have the ability to dig ground. It is usually burrowed by other ground-digging sandworms to make it move to protect its safety, but today it happens that other elite ground-digging sandworms are carrying ordinary ground-digging sand insects Going out hunting, so it can only stay in place and wait helplessly for the judgment of fate.

The Lu Army saw that there were no other land-digging sand worms except the two elite land-digging sand worms killed by it. They were very puzzled. There are just so many guards here? It shouldn't.

But the Lu Army did not think much about where the other sandworms went. It was not a bad thing for him anyway. He raised the Death Tu 8000 and aimed at the mother sandworm who was huddled on the side, "boom boom boom". Fired four consecutive shots to light up the remaining bullets in the Death Tu 8000.

The ground-digging sandworm female emperor’s fat body strength is no different from ordinary ground-digging sandworms. It can be classified as a Tier A monster solely because of its reproductive ability and importance to the ground-digging sandworm family.

So after it was hit by Death Tu 8000, its head and body burst open instantly, and the green mucus flowed all over the ground, and most of the insect eggs were soaked in this green mucus.

"The hunting mission is to complete the A-level Digging Sand Worm Mother King, rewarding dragon coins*100, dragon title value*200, and A-level dragon rider supply box*1."

"Ding, killed the mother emperor of the Digging Sand Worm clan and gained the hatred of the Zerg. All the Zergs regard you as an enemy."

After the sound of the prompt for the completion of the hunting mission, there was another prompt that he had never heard before. This made the Lu Army confused, but he did not care too much. Anyway, all monsters would attack when they saw humans. It took him a long time to realize that things are not that simple, of course, that's all for later...

The real-time task of killing the sandworm female queen was not completed. The road army knew that the worm egg in this place would be destroyed, so he glanced at the nearest worm egg, [Dug the sand worm egg, which can hatch out of the dig Sandworm. 】

There is nothing special about this worm egg. Lu Jun just wanted to take out the MK35 and explode all the worm eggs, but he suddenly thought of a question. He can hatch spider eggs. Can he hatch these worm eggs? If he puts all these worm eggs into the weapon module, does that count as destroying them? Can real-time tasks be completed?

There is no answer by just thinking. You have to try it. It’s really impossible to explode the eggs again. Just do it. The Lu Army directly collects all the eggs close to him into the armed module. These eggs The size of is still quite large. Fortunately, his armed module still has about 30% of space, so it’s no problem to install the eggs in this place.

Just as Lu Jun was busy harvesting the eggs, he discovered a very strange thing. The eggs that had just been soaked in the green mucus were actually absorbing the mucus. In just two minutes, the eggs were The mucus here has absorbed light...

Moreover, the eggs after absorbing the green mucus are obviously different from the eggs that did not absorb the mucus. The road army, who thought it was strange, scanned the eggs after absorbing the mucus. [Elite digging sand worm eggs can hatch elite digging Sandworm. 】

This? Soaked in the green slime, and immediately raised a level? This is too horrible, Lu Jun thought to himself, but the advancement of the eggs is a good thing for him, he is just shocked.

Although these worm eggs are not used by the army, because he can only hatch these worm eggs and cannot control it, Xiaowan can control it. If Xiaowan can control this army of sandworms, it will be a great help for him!

Thinking of these road soldiers, I became excited inexplicably. They worked harder to collect the eggs. They used both hands to collect every insect egg in the cave into the armed module. He collected hundreds of eggs. After putting everything away, the prompt sound of the real-time task completion finally sounded.

"Ding, a real-time task, kill the mother sand worm queen, destroy the eggs to complete, reward dragon coins *200, dragon title value *400, and Tier A dragon rider supply box *3."

It is a pity that this real-time mission does not have S-tier supply boxes, but only three A-tier supply boxes. It is estimated that the difficulty of the task is relatively low, but this is also a good reward. After all, he only used the ability once. The mission was completed with seven dead-slaughter 8000 bullets. The Lu Army smiled bitterly, and he became more and more greedy...

After the real-time mission was completed, Lu Jun was about to leave the cave. He has been down for a long time, and he might be suspected if he doesn't go back. After walking a few steps, Lu Jun always felt that he had forgotten something. He stood there scratching his head and suddenly opened. Big eyes, yes! Where's Shiyaolong?

It seems that after killing the sand worm queen, Shiroyao ran away from him. The Lu Army hurriedly searched for it in the cave, but they didn't find it after looking around. Could this guy ran into another passage?

Just when the Lu Army was puzzled, the body of the Sand Worm Queen suddenly moved. A worm egg covered with green mucus slipped out of the sand worm mother. move?

But after the worm egg slipped out, Shiroyao also crawled out. It shook the mucus on its body and pushed the worm egg to Lu Jun's side. Lu Jun gave a wry smile and went with the little guy to the mother emperor. I went to find the eggs in his corpse...

Lu Jun took a look at the worm egg and found no difference. He thought it was an ordinary worm egg, but after scanning the information about the worm egg, his face changed. [The mother digs the sandworm egg, can Hatch and unearth the mother sand worm queen. 】

This shocked the Lu Jun, who was actually the mother's egg! This is a Tier A female emperor who can breed sandworms indefinitely! Although I don’t know how this egg came from, it’s not a question worthy of further investigation. If it weren’t for Hajitosaurus, he really couldn’t find the egg. After all, normal people would get into the corpse of a bug to find something. ...

Lu Jun really wanted to hug Shiyaolong and kiss him, but seeing that it was covered with disgusting green slime, he dispelled the idea...

But this was not over yet. After seeing the road army put away the mother emperor’s eggs, Shiroyao ran back to the corpse of the sandworm mother emperor, pointing to the ground and jumping and jumping...

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