Lu Jun knew that this little guy must have found something else, so he hurried over. After seeing Lu Jun coming, Lu Jun pressed two small claws on the fat corpse of the Sand Worm Mother Emperor and "scratched, scratched". It seems to want to push the corpse away, but how can its small body and this little strength be able to push...

The anxious Shiroyao found that the body of the Sand Worm Queen was still motionless, and gestured with his hands and feet to the Lu Army to come and push it together. The Lu Army looked at the little guy and gave a wry smile. He is not a big bear, and he can't push it... …

Seeing Hajiro was so persistent, Lu Jun thought about it, and directly summoned Gouzi and Utah Raptor. As soon as these two heavyweights appeared, they pushed the body of the Sand Worm Mother a little away.

After pushing away the corpse, Hajirolong used its small claws to dig into the ground. The road army watched its behavior suspiciously, not knowing what it wanted to do. After it dug a few centimeters out of the ground, a golden yellow thing immediately Attracted the Lu Army’s attention, and then the Lu Army also learned from the beginning of the robber squatting on the ground and shoveling the dirt with his hands...

Because Lu Jun just glanced at the golden thing by the way, the information showed that the following was actually a legendary power stone! How can this make the Lu Jun not crazy?

Lu Jun always thought that the power stele fell from the sky when the end of the world came, but now this discovery made him think that the power stele grew out of the ground, otherwise how could it appear here...

But Lu Jun didn't get to the point and went to study how the power stele came from. Anyway, he now needs one more legendary power. If he doesn't need it, he can still use it for Xiaobai or wood.

In the next few minutes, this person Yilong will dig a circle of dirt around the legendary power stele until the stele is dug out...

Lu Jun wiped the dirt on the legendary power stele with his sleeves, looked at the clear pattern on the stele with excitement, and quickly put the stele into the power module.

He was not in a hurry to test the abilities in the stele. It was not time to relax. He wasted a lot of time underneath. He had been out for too long, and he really had to go back.

After recalling all the three dinosaurs, the Lu Army rummaged on the ground to find the crystal nucleus in the mother sand worm's brain, and glanced at it by the way, [Tier A worm crystal, the spar in the sand worm mother's brain, Rich in energy. 】

This is another new type of spar. The Lu Army took the worm crystal in his hand and took it back into the armed module after playing with it. As for the worm crystal of the elite digging sandworm, the dog had just eaten it secretly...

After confirming that the search has been completed and nothing left, the Lu Army returned along the original path of the passage, ending the trip to the underground nest of the sandworm.

But this time the incident did not end as simple as the Lu Army thought, because in the distance there were dozens of digging sandworms rushing back in the direction of the grain depot angrily, they were out to help the mother to find food Yes, I didn't expect their lair to be attacked soon after they came out, and the mother emperor was in danger.

They quickly returned to help when they received the mother emperor’s distress signal, but before they rushed back, they lost contact with the mother emperor. Don’t think too much, the mother emperor must have been killed, which made them regret it. I knew it would be better to keep more guards in the lair to protect the mother emperor...

But now it’s too late to say anything. The death of the mother emperor makes them completely crazy, because without the mother emperor, their race cannot be continued, and they will perish in the long run, so they are now looking for the murderer who killed the mother emperor. Desperately, take revenge to the death!

Lu Jun didn't know that a wave of trouble was approaching. He was slowly climbing on the ground, walking towards the door of the grain storehouse, and sighed that it was a pity for the surrounding grain.

Now that the armed modules are full of worm eggs, there is no way to load any more food. It would be fine if he was upgraded to a level with the dragon title. Then the space of the armed modules would be several times larger, and hundreds of tons of food would be loaded. Get it.

But for now, he can only think about it. He still has a few thousand dragon titles to be promoted, and the distance is still a little far away. No longer think about this, do his best, and just listen to the fate.

After approaching the door of the grain storehouse, the Lu Army found a very strange thing, the smell of carrion, a strong smell of carrion was lost in the air, it was not there just now, and it was smelled as soon as it came over here.

The Lu Army carefully scanned the grain depot from the shadows, and found nothing special. The fork convoy was still operating and had already transported a lot of grain, which made the grain depot look empty.

The only thing that puzzled the Route Army was that there were a few more teams of gunmen on patrol in the grain depot, but why let these soldiers down? Isn't the pressure on defending the infected body high? Could something happen here?

In order to avoid the eyeliner of the gunmen, the Lu Army, who wanted to go back quickly, did not dare to walk around at will. He secretly hid in the dark place for a few moments. Seeing no one noticed, he flashed back behind Ruan Bing from the corner.

As soon as he came back, he saw the leaders of the military and political parties gathered together and seemed to be discussing something. The Nguyen and Mu Mu and others were standing at the end. The atmosphere seemed very solemn, and something must have happened.

Ruan Bing was startled by the person who suddenly appeared behind her, and subconsciously pushed his left elbow behind her, and touched the pistol on her waist with his right hand.

But when she saw that the person behind was the road army, she stopped her movements, and she was relieved. It was too scary that the road army was always fascinating, especially in such places...

Lu Jun gently held Ruan Bing's arm, signaled her not to panic, attached it to her ear, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "What happened?"

Ruan Bing’s ears were itchy by the air of the road army, and the roots of the ears became red and quickly spread to the cheeks, but she still said quietly, “Just now when you were away, there were two soldiers driving forklifts. After being killed, the military did not catch the murderer, and even no one saw how they were killed. Fang An strengthened the defense force in the grain depot. Fortunately, you are back, otherwise we will all look for you."

Mu Mu and Xiao Bai were also relieved when they saw the Lu Army's return. They were worried that something would happen if the Lu Army hadn't come back for so long. Lu Jun also nodded to Mu Mu and the others, and signaled them not to say anything. Then he quietly approached the crowd gathered together and stood on tiptoe to look at the two corpses surrounded by the crowd.

The pupils of the two corpses were opened, their expressions hideous, and there were no obvious scars on their bodies. The most special thing was the two black handprints on their necks. This method of death looks weird and does not feel like being killed by a monster. It's like being strangled and suffocated to death, but who would dare to attack the military blatantly?

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