Lu Jun stopped the movements in his hands and began to listen carefully, "Wu..." "Wu..." This was not an illusion, it seemed to be the breathing of some beast.

But where is the beast here? How many weird things are in this food storehouse? Lu Jun felt a burst of horror, and quickly put out the cold light rod, closed his eyes for three seconds, and allowed his eyes to adjust to the darkness again.

When he is ready, he walks slowly towards the source of the breathing sound. It is not his style to walk in case of trouble. He wants to see what is there. He is ready to call out dinosaurs at any time with full firepower...

After walking for more than 20 meters, Lu Jun felt the breathing sound under his feet more and more. After scanning the surrounding ground, he found a large circular hole with some light blue liquid around the hole.

Lu Jun slowly squatted down and looked at the entrance of the cave carefully. The entrance of the cave was not deep, only more than two meters high, and there was a horizontal passage below. The sound of breathing came from the entrance of the cave. It's not artificial. The strangest thing is that the light blue liquid around the hole and in the passage looks like some kind of slime...

Should we go down? This made the Lu Army hesitate. It was like a hole dug by a monster. A monster meant danger, and danger also meant an opportunity. The Lu Army decided to go and see if the situation was not right.

The Lu Jun summoned Shiroyao, and let it go down the cave first. As soon as Shiroyao, the stunned green head, came out, he ran into the tunnel excitedly. The Lu Army also hurriedly followed up. The tunnel was large enough to allow the Lu Army to enter. Walking at will, the situation in the passage is full of sight, because its walls are covered with that kind of luminous slime, so Lu Jun does not even need to take out the cold light stick.

Shiyaolong led the Lu army for more than 30 meters in the passage, which made people feel very boring in the narrow passage. People with closed phobia would definitely not be able to stand it.

After walking for more than 30 meters, he saw a place similar to the exit of the passage. The Lu Army asked Shiyaolong to slow down and don't go out first. He was a little panicked in his heart. This place is too weird...

Standing in place and listening to the movement outside for a while, apart from hearing the sound of breathing and hearing no other abnormalities, Lu Jun quietly stretched out his head from the exit, looking at the situation outside, Hajiro-dragon did the same. Half of his head stretched out and looked outside.

Outside is a huge cave. On the wall of the cave, there are several passages similar to Lu Jun's. They also emit light blue fluorescence. The light blue fluorescence makes the whole cave look like a starry sky full of stars, but Lu Jun There is no time to appreciate the beauty, he is looking stiffly at the direction of breathing.

A worm-shaped monster about ten meters long and two meters wide was curled up in the cave, as if sleeping. There were many things like worm eggs around it. Lu Jun always felt that this worm-shaped monster was familiar, so he secretly glanced at it. It’s information, [The Mother Queen of Digging Sandworms, its strength is assessed as Tier A. It does not have any offensive power itself. Its special ability is reproduction. Its power evaluation stems from its importance to the Digging Sandworm family. Its existence is The guarantee for the reproduction of the sandworm family. 】

Lu Jun saw that this big bug was actually a Tier A monster, and he was so frightened that he didn’t dare to gasp. He immediately wanted to turn around and run quickly, because his Tier A Abelisaurus hadn’t hatched yet. He was able to contend with the Tier A monster, but when he saw the information behind it that the Tier A bug had no attack power, he stopped and continued to look at the Mother Sand Worm Queen.

"Ding, the real-time mission is triggered! Discover the mother nest of the sandworm family, kill their mother emperor, destroy their eggs, you will get a lot of rewards, if not completed, half of your current dragon title value will be deducted as punishment ."

It turns out that this is the nest of digging sandworms. I accidentally hit and accidentally discovered something amazing. It is estimated that these passages were dug by digging sandworms. Now that even real-time tasks have come, it seems that I can make a fortune again. Lu Jun secretly rejoiced, but he was not dazzled by the joy, carefully inspecting the environment in the brood.

It stands to reason that since the Mother Sand Worm Queen is so important to the Sand Worm family, it must not be left alone here, there should be guards around it.

But after observing it several times, I did not find any other sandworms here, only countless huge eggs and this chubby sandworm mother. The Lu Army no longer hesitated, it should not be too late, he stepped forward. Walked down the cave, ready to come forward to solve the sandworm mother.

He had just walked two steps in the cave, and a slight vibration came from under his feet. The Lu Jun immediately realized the danger, and subconsciously grabbed the tail of the dragon with his left hand. With a thought, he directly used the flash, with Shiyaolong escaped five meters away.

It was also the first time that Lu Jun grasped other creatures and used the flash, and it was actually successful, that is, the mental power was 1% more than the original. This is a new discovery.

As soon as the Lu Army fled, a digging sandworm rushed out of the ground where the Lu Army had just stayed. If the Lu Army hadn't run fast, it would have swallowed its stomach...

The sandworm that had just rushed out saw the Lu Army fled, and opened its mouth again to rush towards the Lu Army. The Lu Army did not look at it directly, but shot it backhand, "Bang!"

After a gunshot, the huge bullet of the Death Tu 8000 directly smashed the head of the digging sandworm, and the green worm blood was scattered all over the ground. The reminder of the task completion sounded in the mind of the road army, "Hunting Kill the mission, kill the B-level elite digging sandworms to complete, reward dragon coins*30, dragon title value 50, and B-level dragon knight's supply box*1.

It seems that the mother sandworm is not without guards, but the guards are hidden under the nest. It is also an elite digging sandworm of Tier B. However, whether it is an ordinary sandworm or an elite sandworm, it is not For the Tu 8000, it's all a shot.

The power of the Death Tu 8000 is so unreasonable at this stage. Just after the road army killed a digging sandworm, there was a sense of vibration from the ground. Don’t think about it, it must be another digging sandworm.

But this time the Lu Jun’s flashing ability was still cooling, and it was too late to run. The Lu Jun had an idea, holding the Death Tu 8000 and aiming directly at his feet, "Boom!"

To be on the safe side, the Lu Army fired two shots directly at his feet, and the two bullets plunged into the soil below the cave together. A reminder that the hunting mission was completed was heard. The elite digging sandworm below was caught before it rushed out. Killed...

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