Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3956: successful deeds

"No, not right~"

Ziluo suddenly exclaimed, "This...this is Hao's exercise, are not Xiao Hua, you are Hao!"

"I only know now, don't you think it's too late?"

Xiao Hua sneered, and began to urge the exercises to fully sacrifice the soul origin of the two dragon beasts.

However, after several years, the effect was not very good. The God Tower Cultivation Technique only helped Zhang Qingxiao maintain the illusion of the Heavenless Demon, and he was powerless to refine the soul source of the two dragon beasts.


Chen Ze sneered, "You are not Hao, you are still Xiao Hua."

"That's right~"

Ziluo also smiled and said, "I was shocked before, Chen, now you admit it, you are not Xiao Hua."


Chen whispered, "Xiao Hua's body is really good, he doesn't have a soul in his body, I picked it up, of course it's me..."

"Little Junior Brother~"

Seeing that the two dragon beasts were chatting nonchalantly, Zhang Qingxiao said in a low voice, "Let's find a way. Although the dragon body is fighting in a mess, it cannot be ruled out that the two dragon beasts are reconciling."

"Don't worry~"

Xiao Hua's thoughts turned sharply, and he smiled, "I seem to have a solution."

Xiao Hua naturally thought of the soul casting method of the Dark Spirit World!

The soul was realized by Xiao Hua in the tomb of heaven and earth. At that time, he was only using it to complete the stepping on the divine tower. Now I think about it, can it be used to deal with the origin of the soul of the two dragon beasts?

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Not to mention, there is a dark spirit in "Yuan", and Xiao Hua's activating the soul is just right at his fingertips!


With the activation of the method of burning soul, a mysterious cloud suddenly appeared in Xiao Hua's soul. This mysterious cloud is very similar to the black color of the top of the snow mountain.

"This... what is this??"

Both Chen and Ziluo panicked.

"What do you think-"

Xiao Hua said lightly, "Will Xiao Mou tell you?"

After speaking, Xiao Hua wholeheartedly urged the method of burning soul, and began to fuse the soul origin of Chen and Ziluo.

With the method of casting the soul of the dark spirit world, even the origin of the soul of the exotic dragon beast can be easily refined, but the power of their origin is too vast, and Xiao Hua can't waste time.

About 10,000,000 years later, the soul source of Chen and Ziluo has been refined by 70%. By this time, Xiao Hua can take care of them as well as the method of burning the soul, but the method of burning the soul is extremely wonderful. The essence of the soul of the two dragon beasts is pure, and some memories are also sent into Xiao Hua's mind. Xiao Hua has obtained a lot of dragon domain secrets, so he is still slowly forging, and he is not in a hurry to swallow it.

After the main body was stable, Xiao Hua left the imprint of the soul in his mind and fell into the body of the Taixuan ancient dragon again. Naturally, the imprint of the spirit could not control the body, but it could ensure that Xiao Hua could return at any time if there was a problem with the body.


Perceiving Xiao Hua coming, Zhang Qingxiao scolded in a low voice, "Come on by yourself, I'm exhausted."

When Xiao Hua saw it, he didn't realize it was laughing. As Zhang Qingxiao said, Hao was really persuaded by Ziluo, and the two dragon beasts were working together to destroy the so-called tomb of heaven and earth.


Xiao Hua was not polite, and directly activated the method of burning the soul, not only began to sacrifice the soul of the two dragons and beasts, but also sent the origin extracted by Zhang Qingxiao into his own dragon body and soul.


When they got this time, Ziluo and Hao knew that their doomsday was coming, and they all wailed and wanted to self-destruct, but unfortunately, under Xiao Huazhuo's soul, they didn't even have the chance to self-destruct, so they just disappeared little by little.

This ritual is nearly millions of years long.

On this day, when Xiao Hua finished cultivating the soul source of Hao and Ziluo, he spread his wings and raised his head and roared. Now his dragon power has gone further, and he is not far from the peak of Longzu. Far.

"Let's go, Second Senior Brother~"

Xiao Hua said with a smile, "Saint Dragon Ancestor can rest for a while."

"You are too troublesome~"

Zhang Qingxiao also smiled and followed Xiao Hua's mind back to Xiao Hua's physical body, and said in his heart, "Whether it is a dragon body or a human body, the strength is too strong, and it is not something that the clone can control."

"I don't want to either~"

Xiao Hua looked at his immortal body that was comparable to an immortal king, and said quite proudly, "The problem is that two dragon beasts who are almost at the peak of the dragon domain have to help me practice, so I can only be disrespectful."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Hua raised his hand, took away the Taixuan ancient dragon body, and sent it directly into the bloodline to warm up as before.

Seeing Xiao Hua finish this, Zhang Qingxiao urged: "Let's go~"

"Cough cough~"

Xiao Hua was embarrassed and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, Second Senior Brother, I... I don't know how to get out."

"That's right~"

Zhang Qingxiao couldn't help laughing and crying, and said, "Don't you know Ziluo? You have absorbed the origin and memory of other people's souls."

"There is no way out of its memory~"

Xiao Hua explained, "And the way it knows how to enter is also half-understood, which is very different from the actual one. Ouch, I remembered it!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua thought of the poems Tianding had seen before, and he hurriedly took out the heart shape condensed by the black sand of the Great Zhou Tianzhi.

As expected by Xiao Hua, the heart shape fell into the "source" and immediately shot up to the sky, "swipe~" 360 black sands turned into 360 stars, opposite the sun and the moon.

And the whole world is folded in this sun, moon and stars, Xiao Hua's mouth flew out of the folds with a smile, UU read www. Isn't the top of the snow mountain?

"How do you get out?"

Zhang Qingxiao asked impatiently, "Do you want to go down the snowy mountain?"

Xiao Hua was about to nod his head, but when he looked at the nearly complete Tianding, his heart moved, and he said with a smile, "I don't think so."

Saying that, Xiao Hua reached out and grabbed Tianding.


As expected by Xiao Hua, just like Zhenren Lu got the broken Tianding, the moment Tianding Xiaohua touched the Tianding, a whirlpool was born in the Tianding, and Xiao Hua was dragged into it.

Seeing the distortion of light and shadow all around, Xiao Hua smiled and said, "Look, isn't this going out?"


Before Zhang Qingxiao could answer, Xiao Hua suddenly raised his brows and said, "I can perceive the space."

"Then I'm going back~"

Zhang Qingxiao immediately said, "I left the clone in your dragon body, and I will come back anytime you need it."


Xiao Hua's mind rolled over Zhang Qingxiao and said, "Thank you second brother for this trip."

"Go away~"

Zhang Qingxiao scolded with a smile, and his figure fell into the space and disappeared.

Jade Xiao Hua passed through the space, he thought for a moment, and said softly to Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu, Yuhua Yuanjun Fairy Hongxia, Kun Shengdi Xinxin and Jiuxia: "My husband is out of trouble, However, there are other things at this time, I can't go back for the time being, and I will turn back immediately after a little bit of stability."

All the fairies were overjoyed, looked at the sky and said, "Be careful, husband~"

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