Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3957: 1 calamity just passed, 1 calamity reborn


Almost at the moment when Xiao Hua left the space, the figure of Yu Qi appeared. He looked at Xiao Hua in surprise and said, "Fellow Daoist is back? Poor Daoist..."

Without waiting for the jade chariot to finish speaking, the jade chariot Xiao Hua's mind rolled in, and sent in the only 20% of Deng and Hudan, and hurriedly said: "Poor Dao is in the forbidden area. It is the income of the poor, and the poor can't use it, give it to you!"

After finishing speaking, Jade Xiao Hua stepped out of the space, because he had already sensed the closure of the space, and he was afraid of repeating the same mistakes and being occupied by alien beasts!

"That's not right~"

When Xiao Hua's mind returned, he was dumbfounded again when he looked at the situation around him, and whispered, "This... Isn't this not leaving at all??"

But seeing Xiao Hua in a familiar world, the sun, moon and stars above the sky are still the same, but the outline of the earth under him is already clear, and there is water everywhere, the water flows into rivers, lakes, and even seas, everything is the same as the snow-capped mountains before. The "source" of the summit is not much different!


Don't say Xiao Hua is stunned, even Yu Yulu exclaimed when he looked at Deng and Jidan, and was speechless. He always thought that cultivation was done with Deng and Jidan, but he never thought about Deng and Jidan. It can be used like this. Looking at the appearance of Deng and Hudan, I don't know how many times they have been ravaged by how many dragons.

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Yu Yu came back to his senses, and what more should he say, Yu Yu Xiao Hua has disappeared.

"That's it~"

Yu Yulu looked at Deng and Jidan, his eyes flashed decisively, and he said to himself, "At this time, the battle between the Dragon Domain is tight, and the dragon power of Pindao is still too shallow. Long Li is close to the Dragon King. Although the hard work and cultivation of the past ten thousand years have made Pindao set foot on the Dragon Lord, but facing the assassination of the other three divisions, Pindao is still unable to catch up, and he will refine it according to Xiao Daoyou's words. Turn it into practice!"

Yu Yulu took the pedal and the dan, just as he was about to fall into the dragon domain space, he suddenly frowned, looked outside in displeasure, and said in a low voice: "When a certain family left, he made it clear, there is no urgency. Don't disturb the military affairs, why is there an urgent matter just after a certain family came in?"

Yu Yulu reluctantly got out of the space, and when the spirit returned to its place, Zhenren Lu rushed outside the tent and instructed: "I know, just wait a moment."

"Yes, Your Majesty~"

A dragon general outside the tent responded and stopped talking.

The real man raised his hand and sacrificed the Dragon Seal of Wanyu, covering the entire military tent.

Then Lu Zhenren sent Deng and Jidan into the dragon body.


Lu Zhenren's dragon body is naturally inferior to the Taixuan ancient dragon's body. As soon as Deng and Hudan fell in, the dragon body immediately skyrocketed. Lu Zhenren's face changed greatly, and he whispered, "Could it be that Fellow Daoist Xiao is hurting me?"


Fortunately, Zhenren Lu was in a hurry, and the golden light flashed above the dragon's horns, and the Dragon Seal of Ten Thousand Domains above his head fell directly into the dragon's body to suppress Deng Hedan.


Lu Zhenzhen let out a long breath and said, "It's very dangerous, a certain family was almost crushed by kicking and dandan."


"A certain family forgot the reminder of the mysterious voice."

At this moment, Zhenren Lu suddenly remembered that when he was practicing in the Shudan, the mysterious voice reminded Zhenren Lu that he could send the seventh-level Shudan into the dragon's body for cultivation, but the dragon of Lu Zhenren The body may not be able to bear it, and it needs to be suppressed with the help of Wanyu Longxi and Tianding fragments.

When the real person who held the sun was looking for the mysterious two, and after he included the cauldron in the cauldron, he ignored it. Later, when he wanted to use the cauldron, he threw Chudan in the dragon domain space, and the mysterious voice reminded him early. just forget.

As for the later, when the real person was cultivating, he occasionally thought of Yudan and Tianding, and when he searched again, there was no trace in the dragon domain. From time to time, I called out a few questions, and the war was chaotic after that, and Zhenren Lu had long forgotten about it.

At this time, Zhenren Lu looked at the incomplete pedal, and the hudan, which was still incomplete but with two layers more than before, a feeling that could not be expressed in Zhenren Lu's heart.


A sense of powerlessness rose from the bottom of Zhenren Lu's heart, and he couldn't help but secretly said, "A certain family is now a three-point Long Yan, and it is considered to be powerful, but after searching for so many years, there is no one. The news that Xiao Daoyou was trapped in a mysterious forbidden area, and he got such a precious thing as soon as he got out of the trap, this... does this still make the dragon live?"

"That's right~"

"Isn't that mysterious voice still called Dragon 'Dragon Son'?"

"And ask~"

Lu Zhenren thought of that mysterious voice again, but it was in the seventh-level dan, so it must know something.

But at this time, no matter how real Renlu called, there was no response in Hudan.

"I'm afraid I'm leaving~"

Lu Zhenren smiled bitterly, "On the day of execution, a certain family took care of etiquette and sent Hudan into the Dragon Domain space without visiting, and I don't know if he left at that time."


Just thinking about it, in the body of the real person, Long Xiang's ecstatic voice sounded, "This... what is this??"


Lu Zhenren smiled and said, "Don't you know yourself?"

"I...of course I know~"

The happy voice of Long Xiang stuttered, and UU Reading said, "The question is, we have smelted it, what about the other dragon races? This...isn't this extinct?"


Lu Zhenren was now in the military tent. He looked at the dragon general who was waiting for a message outside the account, and said in his heart, "Even if we don't need it, this thing is already extinct. It's better to cheap yourself than to cheap other dragons."

"How did Daoist get it?"

Long Xiang smiled bitterly, "I remember that there is a layer of dan, which was intact before!"

"Naturally, it's that fellow Xiao Dao who plucked the wild goose and dug three feet into the ground~"

Lu Zhenren smiled and said, "I don't know why it took that thing, it's just like that when it comes back left and right."

"Hehe, I like this fellow Xiao Dao~"

Long Xiang laughed and said, "Hudan is just right for me to practice, and pedal is just right for you to practice. I'll be the Dragon Ancestor when I finish smelting it."


Hearing this, Zhenren Lu was also hot in his heart, and he whispered, "That's great, fellow Daoist prepare some, let's practice now!"

Zhenren Lu urged the Five Dragons to practice the Judgment Judgment when he was the same as the dragon, and then he raised his head and asked, "What kind of urgent military plane is there?"

"Your Majesty~"

The dragon general outside the account said respectfully, "Our department has to send a message from a general Ao Sheng. General Ao is going to fight to the death with the army of barbarians in 'Jing'. I hope our army will assist him."

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