Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3955: Heaven's Way

"Xiao...Xiao Tianwang~"

Qingfeng asked in a flattering low voice, "What's wrong with you?"

"Xiao Tianwang?"

Xiao Hua sneered and said, "What do you mean?"


Qingfeng was supposed to be flattering, but he didn't expect to hit the horse's feet, and he immediately explained, "This is what Gan Yun said, he said that his Royal Thunder Sect is finally a king, more powerful than Tianzun, half a step behind the king! "

Xiao Hua's mouth was bitter, and his heart was very uncomfortable. To be honest, there were nine heavenly kings in his space after Jiuzhongtian. How could he call himself a heavenly king?

However, when Patriarch Ganyun said so, he felt that he should be the Xiao Tianwang.


Xiao Hua nodded and said, "This name is not bad, I will be called Xiao Tianwang."


Qingfeng smiled and said, "In this way, Ganyun's tail can be lifted up, and there is no disciple of the Tianzun clone who can be the king."

"My patriarch has fallen~"

Xiao Hua said lightly, "It was the dragon beast who shot, and the soul is destroyed."


Qing Feng was startled, his figure retreated slightly, and he looked at Xiao Hua with extreme fear, lest Xiao Hua turn his face and say that he was still a dragon beast.

However, after a while, Qingfeng seemed to have thought of something, and said quite a bit of credit: "By the way, Xiao Tianwang, I...I have good news to tell you, but, you...don't punish me!"

"What's the meaning?"

Xiao Hua looked at Qingfeng up and down and said oddly.


Qingfeng was very interested, and hurriedly took out the damaged Karma Immortal Artifact, and whispered, "There is a trace of Ganyun's soul imprint here!"



Xiao Hua hurriedly grabbed the Karma Immortal Artifact, and sure enough, within the Immortal Artifact, there was a ray of divine soul.

Xiao Hua was really overjoyed, because he knew in his heart that Chen's shot must be a sure kill, and he had also seen the corpse of the ancestor of Gan Yun, and he had long been lost, and there was no way to save it.

Even from the tone of Mo Xiantong's eyes and the character of Patriarch Ganyun, Xiao Hua knew that since he was determined to die, he would definitely not leave behind any more avatars or imprints of the soul.

As for the imprint of the soul in the Qingfeng Karma Immortal Artifact, Xiao Hua thought a little and already understood that it must have been left unintentionally by Patriarch Ganyun when the snow mountain was frozen.

Xiao Hua looked up, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, a ray of blood fell, Xiao Hua snorted with a "poof", and carefully protected the soul of the ancestor of Ganyun, and then Xiao Hua waved his hand, and the blood fell into Jiang Ganyun The spirit of the ancestors shrouded.


After doing this, Xiao Huacai heaved a long sigh of relief and looked at Qing Fengdao, "It looks like you have bad intentions!"

"No, no~"

Qingfeng said embarrassedly, "I didn't do it on my own initiative, but after Qianyun used it, it was there. I wanted to destroy it at the time, but... But what if it would be useful in the future?"


Xiao Hua said with a sneer, "You want to take revenge in the future, but it doesn't matter, it can be considered to make up for the merits, and the previous grievances between you and this king can be written off!"

"Thank you Xiao Tianwang, thank you Xiao Tianwang~"

Qingfeng was so happy that he almost ruined Zhong Mei's innocence, and he also molested Liu Yanxuan. If Xiao Hua was angry, he could kill him with a single finger!

Xiao Hua looked at the immortal weapon of cause and effect in his hand again, and said with a smile: "Are you holding something to find me from the lower world?"

"No...I don't know~"

The smile on Qingfeng's face disappeared, and the embarrassment was covered with clouds, and he lowered his head and said.

When Qingfeng was in the lower bounds on the first day, Xiao Hua was just an ordinary immortal, but now he finally faced, Xiao Hua was already Xiao Tianwang, and Qingfeng himself was no more than a golden immortal.

"Try it~"

Xiao Hua said lightly, "You have been ordered to be in the lower realm without beginning and end, right?"

"Yes, King~"

Qingfeng thought about it too, he respectfully saluted, "I'll offend you."


As the breeze stimulated the karma fairy, nine colors first appeared on the fairy, and ninety-eighty-one gossip rushed out. Although these gossips were slightly damaged, they still rushed towards Xiao Hua faithfully.

Seeing the gossip flying, Xiao Hua squinted at the Karma Immortal Artifact and said lightly, "Don't the three masters want to come out?"


Qing Feng was startled, and his body trembled like a sieve.

"Boom boom boom~"

But listening to the roar of regeneration within the karma fairy, the already damaged fairy tool was torn apart, and three inexplicable hexagrams of white, cyan and yellow flew out, directly sealing Xiao Hua.


Xiao Hua looked at the three hexagrams, shook his head slightly and said, "I only found Xiao at this time, and you are afraid that you will no longer be able to seal Xiao."

Xiao Hua raised his fist, "Boom boom~", three punches in a row, the first punch was blue water light, the second punch was blue sharp light, the third punch was golden light, and the three fists directly hit the three hexagrams. Broken, looking at the disappearance of the three-color glow, Xiao Hua said lightly: "If the fairyland is in trouble, Xiao does not mind helping, but if this is used forcefully, Xiao will not accompany him."

Qingfeng looked at Xiao Hua's majesty and did not dare to say a word.

Heavenly King, second only to Immortal King?

Shit, the Heavenly King above the Immortal King is right!

Looking at Qingfeng's appearance, Xiao Hua secretly smiled, he knew that his strength was not comparable to the three masters of Sanqingtian, but this place was special, one was not the fairyland, and the other was the "source" of "Ji". , of course he can bully the imprint of Sanqingtian.


Xiao Hua looked at Qingfeng and said, "Your mission in the lower realm has been completed, and when you look for an opportunity, Xiaomou asks his disciple to send you to the immortal realm."


Qingfeng was a little anxious, and called out, "It's still... and Chen Fei!"


Xiao Hua asked knowingly, "Who is he?"

"He's a disciple of Immortal King Huanggong~"

Qingfeng accompanied the smiling face to tell the story of the future dragon, and finally said, "...he was swallowed by that dragon beast..."


Xiao Hua laughed and said, "Xiao understands, at this time Xiao can't perceive everything that the dragon beast has received in his body. After getting out of this place, I will..."

Just when he said this, Zhang Qingxiao's anxious voice came from Xiao Hua's heart: "Little Junior Brother, hurry up, I can't handle them anymore."

Xiao Hua's face changed, and he waved his sleeves to cover the breeze and said, "I'll talk about it later."

"Second Senior Brother~"

Xiao Hua took the breeze and hurriedly said in his heart, "Don't worry, I'm here!"

I have to say that Chen and Ziluo are really amazing. The soul origins of the two dragon beasts are working together at this time, and they have torn apart Zhang Qingxiao's phaseless heaven and demon fantasy.


After Xiao Hua glanced at it, he snorted coldly, "When you arrive at Xiao, do you still want to leave? Do you know what it means to "enter Xiao's house as deep as the sea, and become a passer-by in this world"?"

As he said that, Xiao Hua immediately urged the seventh-level cultivation technique of stepping on the divine tower, which he had just learned, and within his divine soul, a gust of wind blew up and directly covered Chen and Ziluo.

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