Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3925: Xiao Hua also lay flat

"Specially, judging from the current situation of the snail, it is not as good as me, but if it dares to come to find Xuanzhaoyuan, it must have something to rely on. If I want to **** Xuanzhuangyuan with it, then there must be a way back. Only by smelting the dragon ball into the dragon body of this eagle dragon can it bear my soul and origin..."

"Your sister~"

The phaseless demon Zhang Qingxiao passed on all the thoughts in his heart to Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua almost yelled in anger, "You don't need to smelt the dragon balls, I can be like a dragon..."

It's a pity that Hao ignored Xiao Hua at all, the majestic consciousness fell directly on the Dragon Ball, the entire Dragon Ball made a deafening roar, and then 129,600 dragon shapes were born directly on the Dragon Ball, and these dragon shapes were individually Dancing, turning into 129,600 waves, like nails piercing deeply into the body of the Taixuan ancient dragon!


Xiao Hua wailed in pain, the dragon body swayed wildly in the dragon ball, but no matter how he swayed, he couldn't move an inch. What shocked Xiao Hua the most was that 129,600 waves fell into his body. The dragon's body also gradually collapsed, melting like ice and snow, and even with the infiltration of the waves, the double-spiral fluctuations of the dragon's body began to change.

"No, that won't work~"

Xiao Hua felt that his life and death were on the verge of death, and he turned his head sharply, "This kind of fluctuation can't be used by the nine-day trial, and this fluctuation is obviously higher than my own fluctuation, and I can't simulate this technique at all. details, what to do?"

Just when Xiao Hua didn't know whether he should let go of the ban on the Wanxiang Bead, there were 129,600 fluctuations, and he was extremely keen to discover the 120,000 yuan condensed by Xiao Hua's dragon body. Nine thousand six hundred spiritual apertures, and then without waiting for Xiao Hua to make a decision, these fluctuations directly fall into place regardless of time and space!


Xiao Hua felt that a hurricane was born in the spiritual aperture, and the source of fire in the Dragon Ball was poured into it!

Xiao Hua was taken aback, he was about to urge Sen Luo Wan Xiang Jue to block the fluctuation, but when the wave fell, Sen Luo Wan Xiang Jue suddenly changed, and layers of obscure insights fell into Xiao Hua's mind like a tide.


Xiao Hua was stunned, and then he whispered in his heart, "This is an upgrade of the Nine-Day Trial? No, no, this should be the change of Sen Luo Wanxiang Art!"

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And with Xiao Hua's exclamation, whether it was the Hung Ni Vientiane Bead, or the Deng and Jidan, they all changed. They began to vibrate slightly, and fluctuations with different rhythms appeared, and they began to fall into Xiao Hua's dragon body.

As for the fissioning double helix in Xiao Hualong's body, under the impact of these different fluctuations, the fission actually became slow, but the double helix began to give birth to layers, which made the double helix look like a spiritual aperture, and began to have space in itself. And time, and even some changes that even Xiao Hua couldn't understand appeared one after another...

"Do you want to lie down?"

Looking at these changes in the dragon's body, Xiao Hua didn't feel his heart. After all, these efforts are not what Xiao Hua can do now, and even Xiao Hua feels that he can't do it in the dragon domain of the dragon domain, that is, in the dragon ball. Internally, it can only be done under the full effort of Xun.

"Lie down!"

Phaseless Demon Zhang Qingxiao said lightly, "With this stupid thing taking you to fly, why are you hesitating?"


Silver argued, "This is my own dragon body..."


Zhang Qingxiao smiled and said, "You don't want to be human? Are you going to become a dragon to see Fairy Hongxia?"

Zhang Qingxiao woke up Xiao Hua with one sentence.


Xiao Hua laughed and said, "It seems that Pindao's dream in the Dragon Domain is too deep, and regaining the immortal body is Pindao's goal. This Taixuan ancient dragon body is just a passerby, that's all, that's all..."

Xiao Hua simply let go of some restrictions on the Wanxiang Pearl in his thoughts, and his consciousness was hidden within the innate restrictions.



The moment Xiao Hua lay flat, whether it was Xiao Hua or Xiao Hua himself, they whispered almost at the same time.

"This, within this fluctuation... is there an upgrade to the God Tower??"

Xiao Hua's consciousness sensed the fluctuations of the practice technique, and some inexplicable realizations came out. This realization can actually repair the practice of stepping on the God Tower. This is simply an unexpected joy. Xiao Hua did not hesitate at all, and immediately tried his best to understand. , this kind of understanding is ten thousand times more important than the smelting of the Taixuan ancient dragon's body.

As for Hao, it was also a surprise, because it found that it was much easier to smelt the dragon **** with the dragon body of the eagle dragon than using the dragon balls. The dragon **** are smelted together. As for how this fluctuation came, Hao doesn't care. It didn't even investigate carefully. Now it just wants to speed up the smelting of the dragon balls. Fortunately, when "Ji" appears, it can be ready.

I don't know if this situation counts as a different dream in the same bed, and the time is just passing by little by little.

Chen, Hao and Luo are also waiting.

Snail's mood is more anxious, Hao's mood is more fiery, and Chen's mood is the most stable.

While waiting, Xiao Hua's immortal body and Taixuan Gu Longxiao's dragon body soared under the full efforts of Chen and Hao!

The space where "Ji" is located is strange and does not belong to the Dragon Domain. The surrounding time is naturally different from that of the Dragon Domain. Moreover, whether it is Xun, Chen or Snail, the body has its own source of power, and the time law within the source is different. Xiao Hua was immersed in the repair and improvement of the God-Trading Tower, and this retreat was another hundred thousand years.

"Little Junior Brother?"

On this day, Xiao Hua still realized that Zhang Qingxiao's voice suddenly came from his heart.

Since Xiao Hua began to realize, Zhang Qingxiao has stopped speaking. He clearly knows what Xiao Hua is doing, and he does not dare to disturb him at all. Suddenly speaking at this time, it is naturally very important, so Xiao Hua packed his thoughts and said, I asked in my heart, "What's the matter, Second Senior Brother?"

"'Silence' seems to have appeared~"

Zhang Qingxiao reminded, "The consciousness of that person named Hao has begun to weaken. You can take a breath and see if you have a chance to regain the physical body."


Xiao Hua agreed, ready to investigate the dragon body, Zhang Qingxiao hurriedly shouted again, "Don't worry, your dragon body also has a sense of humility, don't startle the snake."


Xiao Hua hurriedly retracted into the innate prohibition, and scolded in his heart, "This ugly dragon beast must have messed up the poor dragon's body."

"You think too much~"

Zhang Qingxiao said with a smile, "This dragon beast is very diligent, and it helps you cultivate very well."

Saying that some light and shadow fell into Xiao Hua's mind, it is exactly what Xiao Hua is in the dragon's body now.

Add more to "the fattest cow dung"~

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