Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3924: Chen's insidiousness,? Rose Mulan?/a>

"Easy to say~"

He sneered and said, "There is only one 'Miao', and you are the only one in this world..."

"Didn't you get the Dragon Ball?"

Chen asked back, "You can also smelt it into the body!"

"My body has been soaked by the laws here~"

Hao said lightly, "It's not that you don't know, if I cultivate like you, it will be like drinking poison to quench my thirst, and my body will eventually collapse."

"That's it~"

Chen quite tempted, "You can also get someone from this world."

"I didn't ask Ling Yao how to cultivate in this world~"

Hao said, "Are you willing to give me the exercises?"

"Why not?"

Chen smiled slightly, stretched out his tongue, and spat out a drop of water, and the halo within the drop of water flickered, and said, "This is the exercise I asked for from Ling, you can practice as much as you can."

It's a pity that Hao watched it for a while, then smiled and said, "I'm afraid I can't bear it."

"Haha, haha~"

Chen opened his mouth to collect the water droplets, and laughed loudly, "Look, I give it to you but you don't want it, what do you want me to say?"

"Xuan, you have a clone that can be sacrificed~"

Ziluo was displeased and said, "You're talking nonsense, now only Lao Tzu is empty-handed..."


Hao smiled, his figure flew to the side, the flames all over his body began to burn, and he said, "Don't think I don't know what's in this Xuanyuanyuan, I know exactly what you're thinking."

After speaking, Hao ignored it, his consciousness fell into his own origin, continued to investigate Halong Ball, and continued to sacrifice the Taixuan Ancient Longxiao in Halong Ball with all his strength.


Chen also smiled, with a mysterious look on his face, and continued to sit and practice.

Only the purple snails are still spinning in the dim sky, letting the purple sway one after another.

"Good, good~"

He looked at the dragon ball again, and even consciously checked the dragon body of Taixuan Gu Longxiao carefully. He was extremely satisfied, and secretly said, "Although my avatar is not comparable to Chen's current body that has been reincarnated, it can be Being refined by the Dragon Ball..."

Thinking of this, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind: "Yes, Chen's current body can be fused with 'Miao', why can't I fuse the Dragon Ball into my avatar?"

"Using the dragon ball to sacrifice the avatar, and the avatar to fuse the dragon ball, this is a world of difference!"

"But the question is, can my clone stand up to the sacrifice of Dragon Balls, can I make Dragon Balls?"

For a time, Hao felt hesitant to scratch his head, and the flames around him flickered.

Chen had closed his eyes to cultivate, but he had been observing Hao, and seeing Hao's mind was restless, Chen laughed secretly in his heart: "This fellow has been fooled after all, let's see how it turns that eagle and dragon sacrifice into flying ashes! "

Chen is naturally uneasy and kind. It doesn't know the method of sacrificing and training in this world, and there is no reincarnation method. Everything is a lie, so it can't give Chen any cultivation method. The water droplet is a trap. .

Of course, Chen also knew that Hao would never use his own practice. After all, when he was a master, none of the three of them believed in Ling, and none of them asked Ling about the method of sacrifice in this world.

But Chen didn't want Hao to succeed in the sacrifice of his avatar, so it revealed the domineering of "Miao" in the fusion of his fleshly body, and gave Hao a psychological hint, making Hao feel that the sacrifice of his avatar was inferior.

It has to be said that Chen was successful, and now Hao has been fooled, and began to consider a more radical way to let Taixuan Gu Longxiao directly melt Haolong Balls.

"No... no?"

Even the phaseless demon Zhang Qingxiao was stunned when he got the consciousness of the primordial spirit left in Xiao Hua's soul, "Is this guy crazy? During these tens of thousands of years, only using the dragon **** Sacrifice and refining the clone will exhaust the old man and the younger brother to death, if the dragon ball is melded, the younger brother may really become flying ashes."

Of course, Hao didn't dare to act at will, he just thought about it for a while, probed a little, and then his consciousness left.

Zhang Qingxiao didn't dare to neglect him, he was a phaseless demon, and he knew in his heart that as long as Hao had this idea, Hao would easily start to act.

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"Little Junior Brother~"

Zhang Qingxiao did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly said in his heart, "I have something important..."


Xiao Hua hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Qingxiao told Hao's thoughts, contrary to Zhang Qingxiao's expectations, Xiao Hua was not surprised, but remained silent.

Zhang Qingxiao didn't ask any further, and still quietly invaded the Gorefiend, stealing what he wanted bit by bit.

Xiao Hua is naturally weighing the pros and cons. Although he does not know that he is within the origin of the scorpion, he is aware of the abnormality of the four-week time rule. For nearly 50,000 years, he has been cultivating with all his strength all the time. There are too many double helixes in the body of Taixuan Ancient Dragon. Even if it is divided into 129,600 spiritual orifices using the Senluo Vientiane Art, the entry is still slow, and Xiao Hua is afraid that his progress will not be able to keep up with Hao. His ambitions, and even the conspiracy of hu, chen and snail.

Of course, Xiao Hua has to do everything possible to improve the dragon body of Taixuan Gu Longxiao as much as possible, so that Chen's heart is coveted, and he will have a chance to regain his body!

"Dragon Ball is clearly not something from the Dragon Domain~"

Xiao Hua's thinking is much simpler than that of Hao, UU reading www. "This Taixuan ancient dragon body and the Wanxiang Pearl are also not things of the dragon domain. The fusion of the three may not be successful, not to mention that Laozi's Taixuan ancient dragon body also has a kick and a dan in it. If I want to take risks, I don’t mind accompanying him, but the question is, should I use the nine-day trial, or use the Qigong method?”

If it is a nine-day trial, Xiao Hua will naturally go all out, even more concentrated than the previous tens of thousands of years, but Xiao Hua is still a little worried, his own dragon power is only comparable to the dragon master, not the real dragon master, How can I smelt the Dragon Ball?

But if you use the Qigong technique, how can you simulate it yourself? After all, that is the method of cultivation, and there are specific details step by step.

How to do?

Xiao Hua was at a loss.

It's just that Xiao Hua still underestimated Hao's determination and Chen's insidiousness. Before Xiao Hua could think of one or two, Hao's consciousness came again.

"It's okay, it's okay~"

Hao's consciousness fell to Taixuan Gu Longxiao's dragon body, and he secretly said in his heart, "The snail has been in the 'blue', and I may not know that my broken body is showing signs of collapse. But I fight with Chen from time to time, vying for each other's 'Miao' , it must have been aware of it. Previously, I felt that I had a broken body, and I was constantly changing my body, and I was still proud. Now it seems that this fellow has already made arrangements for the bottom line. , I'm afraid I can't even get out of this 'silence'."

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